( Angels P.O.V) "A littel remembrance" pt.1

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It was a warm afternoon around 5pm I was sitting down on a brown chair till I heard the sound of someone knocking from outside. Charlie the owner of the hotel and the princess of hell ran to go get the door.

Standing if front of her was a tall over powering looking demon dressed in red with accents of black. His hair was also red with the tips black. It looked so silky and soft I had the over welweing urge to stroke and pet it till he pleaded for me to stop. I shook my head to quickly get the thought out of my head. The demon walked in looking around till his eyes met mine we stared at each other as the room filled with silence. His eyes were a beautiful crimson filled with meny secrets that I hoped to unlock.

I broke free of the demons loveable gaze on me and examined the rest of his face. I stopped at his nose then his smile. Oh~ his smile seemed to be permanently on his face. The smile fitted him I felt like if he wasn't smiling he would be a mess, a disaster. I dont know what it was but the demons presence made me feel...good. Good in ways I haven't felt in what seemed to be years.

Charlie was calming down Vaggie who seemed to be holding a spear looking as she was going to kill someone. I leaned over to see what was going on to have the popsicle that was in my mouth fall out and land on the carpet under me. The mysterious looking demon tilled his head at the sound me sigh as my treat fell onto the ground his smile widening.

I julted up running to the kitchen for something to clean the mess up with. As I bent down to clean up the mess I had made my leggings rip. I stood up straight and looked behind me blushing from the embarismint. To my surprise everyone except the new demon had there heads turned to the way. The demon was looked away as he saw me meet his eyes once more. I gave off a embarrassing smile at the flustered red demon.

As I finished cleaning up the mess I opened up the tiny fridge on the ground. I looked around and sighed mumbling to my self "no beer?" With nothing to really take my mind off the embarismint that happened I shuffled myself back to the couch. As I fell on the couch I heard the sound of talking. I turned my hear to face the 3 demons all seeming to be fighting over something.

I rolled my eyes soon after closing them trying to go to sleep.

The sound of light taping on the floor had awakened me from my so called 'nap'. I opened up one eye and to my surprise it was non other then the mysterious tall red demon. And right in front my face no the less! "Ah good you are still alive!" The demon yelled starteling the other 2. The demon lifted himself away from my face and into a straight and formal way. He pulled out one of his hands from behind his back. "Hello my dear the name is Alistor. Pleasure to meet you! And your name is?~" I got up and took his hand trying to act cool and completely fine on what was happening. But on the inside I was freaking out.

I started to blush as I felt the other demon titian his grip on my hand. "The names Angel Dust. But you can call me baby,baby~"I spoke trying to be my normal and flirtatious self. The other demon looked puzzled at my comment but still ended up blushing staring into my eyes again. He then let go of my hand from the 'hand shake' to a form where he lifted it and kissed it. As Alistor kissed my hand he looked up to me and spoke with a soft and seductively tone. "Of course darling~ how could I not?"

I looked away knowing that I was turning pink from the demons words. As he walked away I melted into the couch with a sigh as my body relaxed. I turned more and more red with evry second that passed by. Thoughts raced in my mind of me and the Alistor character. I gave off a bubbly look from one thought till it felt very...hot. I felt a slight tug on my lower clothes till I moved my lower set of hands that where resting on my lower half.

I gulped and looked down to see...a bonner!? I quickly ran up the stairs to my room and laid down. Sligh plusher urged me to get rid of it but the reason I got it made me turn a bright bright red. The door I had locked started to wiggle as I threw a blanket over me. Before I knew it the door was unlocked. I thought who could have unlocked my door. The thought left my mind as quickly as it appeared and I saw the door being opened. I accidentally grazed my 2 lower hands on my bonner and let out a moan just as the door opened.

I grabbed a book that was on my nightstand and opened it to a random page. To my surprise it was Alistor that was standing at my door way. He stood there moving those beautiful crimson eyes around my room. God his eyes~. His grin widened as he looked at me. His presence was making me horny by the seconds. I squirmed in my bed making my leggings fall of to my knees. I let off another quite moan as my leggings fell down rubbing against my length. "Angel dear is evrything alright? You look quite red." Just the sound of his voice was enough to turn me on. 'Oh please daddy Al~ fuck me' is all I wanted to say but forcing it to stay in. "Y-yeah...I'm f-fine~ I looked down turning red from the littel moans comeing out of me. "Hahaha *sigh* well well Angel my dear did my sudden visit turn you on?~" I lifted my head in shock to see the demon walking over to me.

"I have nooo I-idea wh-what your ta-tal-AHHH~~" I was so cough of gard that I hadn't noticed that Alistor pulled off my sheets and boxers followed by him stroking my length. I tried to hold in my moans by biting my lower lip. It felt amazing. His cold yet warm fingers moving all over my stomach and length. I loved it I didn't want him to stop. No one has ever shown me such joy and love into this. A few grunts and huffs escaped my mouth. Thankfully no real moans. I didn't want the other 2 in the lobby to hear us or see me doing this with a total and utter stranger. God knows what would happen if Vaggie of all people saw us. Suddenly I felt completely cold. I looked down to see Alistor pulling down my leggings followed by my boxers. I was about to moan till I heard footsteps from outside the room. At first I thought the steps where coming towards us that was until I heard Charily yell "Vaggie and I will be back soon we just have to run down to the station and pick up some groceries!" I heard the hotel doors open and close and a sigh of relief escaped me. "oh thank you Lucifer." Alastor looked up to meet my eyes as if he was confused. "Something wrong deary?~" I blushed and looked down to see Alastors covered groin pushing up on my fully reviled one. "Not e-enymore~"
"Good now we can continue~"

Alastor wrapped both of his hands around my groin and started to stroke making me moan a bit. He chuckled and stopped at my tip gently rubbing a finger on it. " "A-Al~" is all that could come out of me (for now~) Alastor looked up at me and gave off a a big smile. He examined my length before quickly sliding it in his mouth and sucking it. "Al!~" I moaned loudly as I buckled my hips and arched my back up witch made my groin go further in Alastors mouth. He seemed like he didn't mind so I stayed like that till he took my length out of his mouth to cach his breath. I layed back flat on my bed. My heart was beating feeling like it was going to burst out of my chest. Before I new it I looked down to see Alistor gently picking me up. I was dangling on the demons hips till he ugusted me to be righ on top oh his groin. My chest fluff was almost right is his face I could tell he wanted to just stroke my fluff and never leave but to my surprise he didn't. I was staring off to the distance blushing. Till I felt the other demon push us to a wall next to my door. Before I new it one of my legs where on top of  Alastors shoulder. My other leg was on the ground.

My bottem hands pushed up on to the wall my top ones wrapped around Alastors neck my length was harder then ever and I felt very tight. One of Alastors hand wher on my hip to hold me up surprisingly he was fairly strong. His other hand gripped tight on my hair making me release some Pre-Cum.

To be continued...
(The next one will have to spicey parts! Also thank you for reading and I'm sorry if it not good this is my first Wattpad I have ever made. I will try to stay to a normal publishing scechual. And I do have the first 6 chapters written out i just need to type them and add details i left out in the written part. Til next time fellow readers love you all!❤🥰)

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