Friday the 13th Special

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No ones P.O.V

Note: This is a littel sneak peek as to how they start dating and all. Also...HAPPY FRIDAY THE 13TH!!! This episode has some sexual content, and Language. With that being said hope you enjoy this littel skit I wanted to make for the 13th. And yes I'm almost done with the next chapter I can work more on it now that my school is shut down for 3 weeks due to da Carona. Ok I'll shut up now.

Alastor sat on the couch reading a book he loved dearly humming a song as he read. Angel was in the kitchen staring down at his breakfast with a derpy expression without a doubt making the other suspicious on what he was thinking. To them he was probably thinking about drugs or someone he had fucked. But he wasn't he was thinking about the one and only radio demon. His expression became more visible as he felt the presence of eyes on him that felt as they were Alastors. He turned his head around only to see Alastor quickly turning his head to face his book again. Angel just simply smiled and shook his head playfully.

A few minutes passed by Husk was passed out as usual and Niffty Vaggie and Charlie went out t
o go get some appliances and real food for the hotel. Angel smirked to himself as he stood all 4 of his hands on the kitchen counter. His eyes turned to the direction of Alastor still reading his book. He stood up straight and walked over to Alastor. Angel stuck his face right in front of Alastors threw his arm that wher holding the book."How can I help dear?" Alastor said calmly as Angel sat in between his legs. "Oh nothing~" Alastor payed no mind as he just set is attention to his book. "Now now put that lame book down and fuck me." Alastor put his book down on Angel's back and looked dead into his eyes."My dear why is evrything to you have to be sexual?" Angel looked at Alastor seductive. Alastor raised an eyebrow in confusion and was about to read his book but Angel squirmed his way to be righ on top of his lap making Alastor drops his book. Angel  twerlled his fingers in Alastors hair.

Angel ugusted himself to to be able to push Alastor down so he could sit on his lap. Alastor looked down at Angel who was comfortably sitting on Alastor taking deep breaths to take in the sweet candy scene of Alastor. Sooner or later Angel was completely asleep and still taking beep breaths. Part of Alastor wanted to kick him off but the other part wanted him to never leave. Alastor started to quietly sing a song him smiling widened as he saw Angel smile in his sleep. It made Alastor think out loud "Do I want to be more then just a relationship?"

(This is not a episode this is just a thing I wanted to do but yes this is slightly kinda how they started to date. Till then BYE!)

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