Got a Secret

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🏳️‍🌈Hello everyone and happy pride month!!!!!🏳️‍🌈

🏳️‍🌈I just wanted to tell everyone a little secret of mine. I am Asexual in case you haven't read my bio. I am a girl and am going to be a freshman this year. As to how I came up with my story? It was originally just a thing I did for fun for my friends in my science class because they liked yaoi. The book was originally only going to be 7 chapter's long because that's what I had written down on paper for my friend's to read. (The littel pervert's) but than my book was actually getting reads and everything. So thank you all who have made this all possible because if it wasn't for you guys I wouldn't have kept this book going for as long as it did so thank you again. Also let me know if you guys actually want a sequel to this book or should I just not do it. I'm also going to be taking a break the rest of month because of personal reasons I'm really sorry but the last 3 chapterser's will be out in July. I hope you all understand and have a good day month or what ever stay safe.🏳️‍🌈

❤Here some innocent gay❤

❤Here some innocent gay❤

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