"Where are you!?"

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!Mections Rape!


Angel slipped off his glove to reveal multiple cuts bruises burns and scars. Angel's frown was slightly shivering up to reveal a smile. Before he new it tears where streaming down his face. "God who do I think I am?Thinking Alastor actually likes me and wants to be with me! Who wants to be with a slut like me?" Angel yelled squeezing his arm with one of his other free hands. Angel pulled off his other gloves to see the same things that wher on the first arm. Angel's smile was wide but crooked with hidden sadness and pain. "Does he love me? Or is he playing with me?" Angel thought out loud befor hearing a knock on the Landry room door.

No ones P.O.V

As Angel herd someone knocking he quickly threw his gloves back on and wiped his tears away. As he finished composing himself he opened the door to Alastor standing befor him. "What can I do ya for toots?" Alastor looked around in the room befor shaking his head and looking at Angel. "Nothing deary just wanted to see if everything was good." Alastor chuckled with a loveing and caring voice. "Oh...yep I'm doing fine as ever!" Angel said giving off a fake smile to not worry Alastor. "Ok?" Alastor said stepping out of Angel's way who was ready to burst into tears again. "Angel dear are you shur your ok?" Alastor said grabbing Angel's shoulder and turning his body to meet his face. "Like I said Alastor I'm fine!" Angel yelled getting out of Alastors grip and storming off to his room. Alastor was shocked at this Angel has never called him by him real name ever. Alastors smile faded but never really gone. He walked out of the room and to Angel's.

As Angel made it to his room he fell onto his bed and grabbed a pillow to hug it letting his tears fall. But was interrupted by a littel snout moving the pillow away from Angel's grip. "Hey there fatty." The snout moved it's way in so the pillow was gone and it could be in Angel's grip and not the pillow. "What ya jelly of the pillow now nuggets?" The pig let a littel oink with agreement. Angel let out a littel chuckled and sat up so that the pig was in between his legs. "Ya know I thought I did something good. But of course I had to go and fuck it all up again." The pig lifted its head up to Angel who was still slightly crying. "What do you want me to do I know that he doesn't feel the same way so why try enymore?" The pig gave off a look that just spoke 'really?' Angel sighed and bent down to rest his head on Fat nuggets till there was a knock on the door.

Alastor stood in front of Angel's door waiting for a reply. Angel got ride of his tears and yelled to the door knowing it was Alastor."what do ya want Al...Alastor?" Alastor walked in Angel's room and sat down on the end of his bed. "You just stormed off and i was worried." Angel scoffed at Alastors reply. "Well nothing is wrong ok I'm perfectly fine Alastor." Angel said looking away from him. "Angel darling please...I'm worried for you." Angel's mouth dropped slightly at Alastors caring words."I-I... " Angel fell into Alastors arms making them fall ontop of each other. "So mind telling me what happened back ther?" Angel stopped what he was doing and gave a sad look. "I umm...well I was just a bit upset from something." Angel didn't want to tell Alastor want was going on he didn't think that he would get him. "And that would be?" Alastor raised an eyebrow in confusion from Angel's words. "M-my boss just texted me that's all." Angel gripped Alastors coat to try to stop tears from falling. "Why in hell is he texting you!" Alastors eyebrows dropped in anger. "Al he's my boss!" Alastor rolled his eyes in anooyenc. "I new ya wouldn't get it." Angel muffled. "Dear no it's just I dont understand why you still work for that pervert slut pathetic excuse of and over lord." Angel cringed at hear the word 'slut' as he usually found it as a way of someone describing him."Look Al I'm sorry it's just that...its how I live it's how I am. I'm bound to work for him till my 2nd death." Alastors raged face was gone and replaced with a sad and caring one. "A-Angel I'm so sorry i didn't know." Angel shook his head and chuckled a bit. "Al it's fine ya didn't know." Angel's phone went off again. As he looked over it read 'boss' Angel looked back at Alastor who was a bit confused. Angel got up off of Alastors lap and sat up to his littel side table his phone sat on. 'Angel cakes change of plans your doing your deal tonight.' Angel dropped his phone making it fall on his bed. "Umm hey Al I gotta go. Can ya just tell the others I'm out for uhhh...you make that part up I really gotta go." Angel jolted up and ran to his bathroom quickly changing and running out of his room. "Feed the pig please!" Where Angel's last words till he ran out of his room and to the streets.

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