"lit by Moonlight"

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Alastor sighed and fixed his monocle running one of his hands in his hair and chuckling a bit befor he spoke. "So all we have to do is to prove him that we do love him back. How hard can it be?" Alastor went to his desk in his room as other Shadows appeared. He pulled out some ink a feather and a long sheet of parchment paper. "Now how should we go about this my littel voodoos?"

No one's P.O.V

It was still morning around 10 and to no one's surprise Angel was still soundly asleep. Till he woke up with the sound of nocking on his door. He jolted up checked the time and took off Alastors jacket. He walked to the door and opened it just a smug till he noticed who it was standing in front of him. "Hey Al what's up?" He spouted out fixing the shirt he wore from Charrie's party last night. "Nothing my dear just wanted to ask if you have seen my jacket." Angel froze as he looked back to his room. "Umm...No?" Angel was barely able to choke out. "Hmmm. Ok than thank you anyways I'm sorry to bother you!" And with that Alastor walked back to his room across the hall and sat down back at his desk. "I can tell he wanted to tell me that he has it. But why did he not tell me?" Alastor picked up his feather and put the tip in the ink. "Now than. Let's see?" Alastor placed the tip of the feather down on the paper and started to write. The many Shadows that where in his room peared over his shoulders as he wrote with fine details. The shadow looked at him and each other in confusion as Alastor focused on his paper. His Shadows wher done with his odd behavior the last couple of day and wanted to do some killing. They all gathered around and whispered to each other just than one of the Shadows went over to the book case that was in the room and nocked off a couple of books. Alastor shot his head up and glared at his Shadows. "Honestly how do you do such things!?" Alastor got up and walked over to his book shelf and picked up the books that went flying. "Do refrain from making a mess as I do my work." He said and went back to his work.

Angel was finally ready to start his day even tho it was already 11 now. He got into his normal entire brushed his hair and walked down to the mail lobby. To much of Angel's surprise the hotel lobby was filled with new participants. Baxter, Mimzy, Razzle, Dazzle, Crymini, And of course Ace along with the original staff. Angel sighed and walked over to Alastor who was giving someone a room key. "Room 21 dear." He said as the other demon was being escorted by Charlie and Vaggie to there room. "My goodness that took longer than expected." Alastor sighed running his fingers threw his hair. "Hey Al~" Angel said from behind Alastor. "My my well hello my dear." Alastor said before looking around the lobby to see no one than giving Angel a Peck on the cheek. "What was that for Al?" Alastor chuckled and shook his head playfully. "No reason my dear. Anyways I was wondering if you would like to accompany me to the garden tonight." Alastor said looking at Angel who was a tad flustered by his offer. "Oh of course. What time?" Angel said his voice a bit shaky. "How about 7?" Angel nodded and walked off to go check the time. It was 11:52Am. Angel sighed and thought about what he was going to do for the rest of the day. 'I guess I could ask Charlie for the day off and go see Charrie.' He thought to himself before skipping off to Charlie's office. "Hey Charlie!" Charlie looked up to see Alngel sitting down in front of her desk in the chair. "Hey Angel what's up?" She said putting down a paper she was reading and folding her hands together. "I was just wondering if I could have the day off that's all." Charlie picked up another paper on the other side of her desk and looked at it for a moment. "Yes. Yes you can." She said going back to her original stance. "Thanks!" Angel said before leaving the office and up the stairs to his room. He got Alastor's jacket and sneaked his way across the hall to Alastor's room. He opened the door and luckily it was open. He quietly opened the door and set Alastor's neatly folded jacket on his bed before rushing out the room and out the hotel.

He mad it to Charries house not even bothered to knock on the door. "Hey Charrie its me!" He yelled threw the house waiting for a reply. "Charrie?" Just than the lights turned off. "Hello? Charrie what's going on?!" He turned around to see a tall demon sitting down on a chair. "No...no no no no no no." Angel looked around the house till he felt a tap on his shoulder witch mad him yelp. "Angie what's going on?" Angel snapped out of what he saw. "Oh my god it's just you!" Charrie stopped and looked at Angel in confusion. "Yeah it's me. Whats going on?" Angel cached his breath. "I'm sorry I just thought that you where...never mind I'm fine." Charrie looked at Angel with a worried look. "Ok? So what did you come hear for?" She said walking over to her couch and patting the area next to her. Angel shakily walked over and sat next to Charrie. "I wanted to talk to you about my crush." Charrie let out a little laugh before patting Angel's back. "Yeah so what about it?" She questioned Angel. "So umm he asked me to meet him in the hotel's garden tonight...and I dont know if I should confess yet." Charrie stopped smiling and exchanged it with a 'Just do it already' look. "Ok I know its random but i kinda wanna!" He pulled up his hands in surrender. "Do it." Charrie said with a straight face as she shrugged her shoulders. Angel blushed a bit. "I guess..." He said with a shy voice. "That's the Angel I know!" Charrie yelled hitting Angel's back playfully. "now than what sould we do to pass time?" Angel thought for a moment and opend his mouth as if he wanted to speak. "What about some movies?" Angel questioned. Charrie nodded her head and leaned over to get the remote to turn on the TV. It was around 5 till they finally stopped waching there movie's. "Welp I'd better go get ready." Angel stated whail getting up off Charrie's couch. "What if I drive you back to the hotel?" Angel looked over at Charrie who was grabbing her car keys. "Of course ya can." He said walking out the door and into Charrie's car. As soon as both wher in and Charrie started the car music blasted threw car speakers. "You're alright with loud music right?!" She yelled patting Angel's shoulder. "Hell yeah I am!" He yelled back at her and they where on there way to the hotel with blasting music.

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