"Im sorry"

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Val picked Angel up bridle style and walked him down the small narrow hallway befor kicking the door to there room down and pinning Angel to the bed. His arms above his head his hips moving up and down on the bed for any form of friction. "Now now who's all needy for there punishment?" Val crawled up on top of Angel forcing his hips down with his other set of arms. "This is going to be more than just sex my dear. This is going to be a real punishment."

(This chapter involves rape and Cutting)

No one's P.O.V

Angel closed his eyes and clenched his hands tite into a fist his hole body tightening. "Should you behave yourself this should only last about 30 minutes." Val chuckled out as he pulled out a pair of pink fuzzy handcuffs and put them on Angel's top pair of hands making his hands be held up and on of the head board of the bed. Val took Angel's other hands and did the same thing. "Bring out the other arms your dead." He snapped out at Angel before ripping off Angel's clothes. He looked up at Angel licking all the way down till he made his way to Angel's clothed member. Val pulled it out and stroked it till it was hard and practically standing up. He slid it into his mouth looked up at Angel as he did. Angel let out a small moan he tried to cover his mouth with one of his hands but they wher still being held up. Angel's legs where thrashing around as Val picked up his pace and taking it in deeper and deeper till he took it out. Angel moaned as he let free of some Pre-Cum. Val took the groin in his hands and spread the white liquid around the tip of his member. Angel's legs where shaking his eyes rolled back his tongue just begging to be free as Val went back to sucking him. It was 5 minutes later till he was finally allowed to come. "Who is my good little slut?" Val took his hand and squeezed Angel's cheeks together looking at his face. "M-me" Angel said quietly looking away from Val. "Speak up! You know I hate it when whisper!" Val yelled slapping Angel across his face it immediately turning red from the hard hit. "Me." He said in his normal tone of voice as Val gave a smile of satisfaction. "That's right and as long as you have that-" He pointed to a small burn on Angel's side. "You are mine." Val walked over to the end of the bed as he took off his fur coat, hat, and pants. "Now my real fun begins~" Val picked up a small wip that was on the floor where he was standing as he hit the bed with it making Angel flinch. He also picked up a mouth gag and immediately shoving it into Angel's mouth and hitting his stomach with his wip. "Mph!" Angel tried to free himself but it was no use all he could do now was except his fate.

Val lightly kissed kissed Angel on the cheek he had previously hit. "Hush my dear there is no escaping this." Val said cupping Angel's head in his hands. He flipped Angel over so his ass was in the air. His face buried in a pillow and his hands tied behind his back. Val lined himself up with Angel's hole and at the same time he shoved into him he slapped his ass giving a muffled scream from Angel. "Yes scream for daddy and beg me to stop." Val's bottom hands where digging into Angel's ass his other hand held the wip that would randomly hit him and his other held tightly onto Angel's length. Angel squinted his eyes and tried to stop his tears from falling as Val picked up his pace. "I can tell you are enjoying this. Your ass is very tite~" Val chuckled slapping Angel's ass and digging his claws into them as well. Angel's eyes rolled back as Val slapped him and pulled his hair forcing his head up. Val continued to thrust into him harder than next one till he bent down and bit Angel's shoulder and neck. Muffled screams came from Angel as Val drew blood from Angel and still aggressively thrusted into him. "Mph~" Angel buried his face into the bed as moans escaped him the bed hit the wall with evry thrust Val did. "I see that you have gotten used to the pain. We should fix that shouldn't we?" Val pulled out of Angel and got up and flipped him over to the end of his bed by his hair. "I can tell that you are close but you are going to have to beg for it." Val pulled Angel's head up more making it dangle off the edge of the bed. He took off Angel's gag and through it to the other side of the bed. "Go on now. Beg for daddy!" Val pulled Angel's head down by his hair again and slapped him. "Please Val...I'm so close I need you in me~" Angel shaked his body befor Val thrusted into his mouth forcing his length as far down Angel's throat as he could. "Mph!" Angel closed his eyes the pain in his mouth as Val would shove his length all the way into him and quickly back out. He repeated that till he was finally almost ready to come. "T-tell me Angel...in or out?" Val wiped off some sylvia that was dripping out of Angel's mouth. There was no reply. "Fine than I will decide. You would look beautiful with my come all over you but than again I do want you to swallow it. What about half and half?" Befor Angel could say anything Val realised half over Angel and in Angel's mouth. Angel's eyes widened as some fell out his mouth and down his face. Val pulled out of Angel's mouth and continued to realise making it spread across his face. Angel coughed up the come Val had given him making Val give him a look of disgust. "Well I WAS going to stop now but you had to cough my seed up. So I guess we aren't done yet. Now-" Val snapped his fingers. "Ass in the air for daddy and beg more." He chuckled as Angel started to beg. He did everything his boss demanded. "V-val please! I cant...it hurts...please stop." Angel had tears running down his face as Val started to hit him as he was thrusting into him as well. "See what you must go through to pleasure daddy?~" Val chuckled befor thrusting deep onto Angel and releasing. He chuckled and cleared his throat befor picking up his coat and putting it on. "Clean up and meet me out side." He said his voice slightly angry. Val opened the room door and slammed it closed. Angel wipped away what ever tears he could but they just kept coming as they rolled down his cheeks. He sighed and started to get up his ass hurt like hell from Val screwing him so hard. He finally got up and started to limp over to the bathroom and start up the water for his bath. He took of his gloves and rolled up his sleeves many scars and fresh cuts all over his arm's. "Why?" He said his voice cracking from trying to hold back his tears befor gripping onto his wrist and falling to the floor sobbing. "Fanculo mio vita!" (It means "fuck my life" in Italian) "I just want out of this life." Angel brought up his knees to his chest hugging himself as he cried till he just stopped and stared at his scars. Angel got up on the counter and took out the light foam ceiling panel and grabbed a small box that was it the ceiling. The box was a nice dark brown oak wood outlined with gold, he opened it up and inside was various pieces of broken glass, a lighter, a box of cigarettes, and a piece of paper that was folded along with a large bottle of pills. Angel sighed and picked up a piece of broken glass and lifted it up to wrist befor pressing down. His wrist began to puff out a small dotted line of blood appeared shortly after. He gave himself many more cuts on his others arms befor getting undressed and into his bath. "What would they all think of me?" He whispered to himself putting his head down to the wall behind him.

I a good 20 minutes passed and Angel finally got out of the bath but he didn't leave the bathroom. He just stood in front of the mirror staring at himself holding the bottle of pills that where in the box. "I'm so sorry." Angel filled up a small cup that was in the bathroom and swallowed 10 pills. It wasn't long befor evrything was getting blurry the paper he held fell as he started to pace to room. Evry part of his body was shaking and trembling with evry second his heart beat got faster and faster till it felt like it was going to explode. He walked over the door but than collapsed the sounds of gun shots yelling and running coild be heard from out side the room. Angel looked at the bathroom door till it swung open and a red blurr ran to Angel shaking him and yelling his name.

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