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The demon that was on the other end of the allyway was now standing above Arackniss. "Hello." The demon said pinning the demon down to the ground with there staff. Arackniss frowned at the sight of the demon above him. "Do smile it would be a sham to kill you without you smiling."

No one's P.O.V

Arackniss chuckled and looked around trying to find a way to escape the other demons grip. "Angel a little help!" He yelled reaching out a hand to his brother. "Dam it Anthony! Please!" He hit the ground looking up to the demon over him. "Give me a reason I should not rip you apart right now." He chuckled looking over to the tenticals that grabbed all his wrist and his ankles tugging on them. Angel got up and limped over to his brother desperately. He stood up straight in front of the mysterious demon glaring at him. "Kill my brother. Kill me." He said stomping his foot the slightest bit into the ground. The demon bent down at Angel his smile widening. "Standing up to the radio demon. How bold." Alastor chuckled and fixed his bowtie. He snapped his fingers and the the tenticals where gone leaving Arackniss laying on the ground in pain. "Arackniss!" Angel yelled running up to his brother. "Ya ok?" He said sitting on the floor and looking at his injured brother. Alastor looked down at the two spider demons his smile wide. "Angel is it?" He said looking at him. "Dont trust this guy. He's really powerful and loves to make deals." Arackniss said pulling angel down by his tie before letting him go. "Yeah and you are?" Angel said standing up. "Alastor's the name killings my game!" He said pulling out a hand to Angel who hesitantly shook it. "Killing huh?" He said his voice in a confused tone. "Yep!" Alastor said cheerfully his voice a bit static. "I'm quite surprised that you have never heard of me." He said befor putting his hands behind his back. Angel looked down at his feet he was shaking with fear blood dripping down his face from getting hit by his brother. "Anyways it was nice to meet you Alastor but I should get back home." Angel said giving a fake smile and helping his brother up. "I dont need your help Anthony!" Arackniss yelled picked up the case that still had the drugs and walking off. "Bye then." Angel looked over to his brother and back at Alastor. "No no my dear let me take you back to where I'm staying so I can fix you up." Angel's cheeks blushed the slightest bit and nodded. "So how far is it?" "Oh about 30 minutes."

(So in the last chapter Alastor kissed him and Angel slapped him but Angel doesn't remember what the person who kissed him looked like and he didn't see Charlie and Vaggie. It's for plot ok?)

As said 30 minutes later they reached the hotel and Alastor opened the doors for him letting Angel walk in. "Such a gentleman." Angel whispered under his breath and his cheeks turning a light pink. They walked into the kitchen and Alastor got a small firt aid kit and started to patch up Angel after he sat on the counter. "You and your brother dont get along very well I assume?" He said as he dabbed a damp cloth on one of Angel's wounds. "Not really." Angel looked down at his knee that Alastor was cleaning up and flinched at the pain. "Want to talk about it?" Angel smile and chuckled. "Well we never did get along not even when we where alive. Pa never liked what I did and who I was and that resorted to him hurting me and my brother joined in on it. I never had anyone back then just my sister I would have had my mom but she died when I was only 5 years old." Alastor stoped and looked up as Angel stoped talking. "My dear I get it. I had my father and mother to they both loved me dearly they taught me things that I did not like at first but soon I got more engaged into the thing they taught me. My father was a bit more invisible in my life so my mother taught me things that was till she got ill and soon died. My mother always told me to smile and show power and so I did. Oh I'm terribly sorry for talking so much i have a tendency to ramble when I get in the moment." Angel giggled at Alastor and sighed. "Nah it's fine I actually kinda like listening to other's past life." Alastor's face lit up his cheeks hearing up. "Why is it that I feel like I have seen you before?" Angel said his face also heated with lust as Alastor finished cleaning him up. "Are paths may have crossed a few times." Angel blushed more as Alastor got up there faces almost touching. "May i?" Alastor leaned in closer to Angel lifting his chin up and almost kissing him. "S-shur." Alastor kissed Angel his tail wagging in his clothes and ears twitching. Angel's eyes widened as Alastor pulled away from the kiss. "Al?" Angel said quietly leaning in for another kiss. "Angel." There lips met again and Angel deepened the kiss till he through himself into Alastor's arm's. "Alastor oh my god what happened! T-the last thing I remember was being strapped down by Vox and and I didn't kn-" he was cut off by Alastor kissing him again and looking at his mismatched eyes. "Angel it's been a year." Angel froze as he sat on the counter Alastor's arms wrapped around him. "Wait! Oh my god Val is going to be so pissed when I get back!" Angel shot up and started to pace the kitchen floor rubbing his hair and messing with his fingers. "That is why you are not going back." Alastor said putting his hands on Angel's shoulders to stop him. "No no no Al ya dont understand if I'm not back soon...he's..he's gonna hurt me!" Alastor forced Angel into a tite hug as he began to lightly cry in Alastor's shoulder. "Its ok my dearest. I will be right outside the house in case anything happens." Angel sniffled and looked at Alastor his face a light pink and a small smile on his face. "Ok. Let's go." Angel wiped away his tears and made a strong poster and stood up off the counter he was sitting on.

A few minutes later they made it to Valentino's house and an oddly familiar car was parked outside of it. "Ok. Hear goes nothing I guess. Remember the signal for you to come in?" Angel took a deep breath in and let it out befor walking into the livingroom to see more bodies laying over the floor and Val and Vox sitting on the couch. "Late again Angel." Val said gesturing a finger for him to go to him. Angel hesitantly walked over to where Val and Vox where sitting and sat in between them. "Now Angel how meny times do I have to say it? Dont be late or else." Val crested Angel's inner thigh making him squirm a bit and blush looking away. Alastor peered into the house though the window anfer rushing throughout his body as Val touched him. "Sorry it's just that Arackniss was being a dick and started to beat me up." Val rolled his eyes and looked over to Vox gestured to Angel with his eyes. Vox smiled and nodded pulling up his hand as electric cords wrapped around Angel pinning his arms to his side as he fell to the ground. "Angel. Angel. Angel baby. You have been late so many time and evry time you come back with a new excuse." He bent down and picked up Angel's chin with his finger. "So just this once tell me the truth baby." Angel looked away and pouted. Val raised some of his hands up and slapped Angel making Vox chuckle. "Now I'm going to ask you again. Why where you late?!" Val got ready to slap him again. Angel closed his eyes tightly and made a shape with one of his hands to the window Alastor was at. Alastor smiled and nodded his head befor getting up and walking into the house calmly as ever. "If you know what's best for you I'd let him go." Val and Vox looked over to Alastor smiling wide as ever and glancing over to Angel. "So this is why your late all the time?" Val said looking back over to Angel his face willed with rage. "So tell me Angel how long have you had these memories back!?" Val then kicked Angel to the ground he was still tied up so he couldn't get up. Val kicking Alastor made him about to snap till Val stoped him. "Now now my good sir you wouldn't want his lovely brain's to spill on the floor now will you?" Valentino held up a gun to the bottom of Angel's chin his finger on the trigger. Angel whimpered as tears poured out his eyes and down his face. "No need to be hasty Val. You shoot him we both lose him." Alastor winked at Val and stepped the slightest bit closer to them making Val put more pressure on the trigger. "Dont take another step or its night night for dear old Angel." Alastor backed down his smile dropping the slightest and fear filled the room from all of them. "Good boy. Vox." Val smiled and gestured to Alastor. "VOX!"

(To be continued)

When You First Walked In (NSFW Radiodust)Where stories live. Discover now