"Hold me Dear" (Request)

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This is a special chapter requested by ThirstyFangirl2003 "I love this book!❤ but I just want a day that Angel is taller then Alastor, Angel is 8foot tall and Alastor is 7foot tall." So thank you for being the first request. Enjoy this littel special of Angel being taller then Alastor. And rights go to ThirstyFangirl2003 for the title and plot.

No one's P.O.V

Slight NSFW

It was late in the afternoon the sun was setting in the distance. Angel was on his balcony smoking a cigarette as the sounds of sirens and screams filled the streets. Angel was about to go back inside of his room till he felt warm slim fingers around his waist. He jolted up a bit from the sudden touch till he looked back to see Alastor resting on his shoulder. Angel smiled at him as Alastor to looked up noticing Angel staring at him making him blush a bit."Let me guess~" Angel spoke as he let out a puff from his cigarette."Your in heat?" Alastor blushed even more as he shyly nodded. Angel simply chuckled and put out his cigarette throwing it off the edge of the balcony."Ok come on" Angel picked up Alastor in his arms and walked back inside of his room plopping Alastor on his bed. Alastor adjusted himself on Angel's bed as he would usually just let him do what he pleased when he was in this state of his heat. Angel locked his door and closed his balcony doors and curtains befor snuggling next to Alastor. Angel twirled his fingers in the shorter demons hair as he hummed a light toon. "Angel please~ Stop playing around and get to it" Angel sighed and got up off his bed."Fine your no fun." As he spoke he unbuttoned his shirt slowly in front of the other demon who was a flustered mess. Angel stopped as a thought fell into his mind.'only real time we do have sex is when Alastor is in heat. Does that mean that...that's all he wants me for?' Angel thought to himself but quickly snapped out of it. All he really wanted at the time was some good dick and he knows that Alastor has the best tho sadly he only got it once a month from Alastor being in heat. He sighed once more before he quickly finished getting dressed and pulling Alastor into a deep kiss.

Angel almost immediately heated the kiss by sliding his tongue into Alastors mouth. There arms wrapped around one another as pants and small moans escaped both demons. "Ya know shorty ya can use me whenever ya want not just when your in heat." Alastor sighed and looked down as Angel was sitting ontop of him fluffing his boob fluff on Alastors face. "Yes I know my dear but I'm never in the mood until I'm in heat. Maybe we could d-do this when I'm not. But for now pl-please do it." Angel sighed and nodded his head giving a bit of a smile. He bent down and bit down lightly on Alastors neck. He squirmed under Angel as he bit down and suck on his neck making him pant eager for more. Angel moved himself down to be level with Alastors girth befor pulling his black dress pants down followed by his boxers. He looked up and down the long length then looked up at Alastor and winking at him befor licking his tip.

(Sorry I just cant write the sin at the moment.)

When finished they layed under the blankets. Alastor was reading a book looking as if he could pass out at any moment but Angel just sat under his blankets holding Fat Nuggets while smoking another cigarette thinking about why they only did this when Alastor was in heat.

(Ok bye now. Sorry ther was no real sin but you know I cant just add it in evry chapter. But umm let's say yes the next chapter will buuuut. It's not what you would expect.)

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