"Its that time"

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Angel fell back all 4 hands landing on the hot stove. Angel jolted forward and landed in Alastors arms.

Now...No ones P.O.V

Alastor simply just chuckled and lifted Angel in his arms(bridle style) and sat him down on the last step of the stairs. He walked over to the stove and pulled out a plate to witch he put the pancakes he had made onto the plate. He set the plate down and turned around to see Angel sucking on his hands from the pain. Alastor put the plate down on the counter and walked over to Angel who was still holding his hands in pain. Alastor looked down at Angel in disgust but still kept his smile as wide as it always was. He once again picked up Angel and walked up the stairs looking down at him but Angel looked away blushing and with a slight smile appearing.

Alastor and Angel stopped in front of a door that had a dark brown plaque with a golden rim to it reading 'Alastor' Angel looked up at Alastor who was smiling ever more if it where possible. Alastor opened his room door carrying Angel in his arms. He looked into Angel's eyes. He ugusted Angel so his legs so they where dangling off to the sides of his hips. Angel's top arms where wrapped around Alastors neck his bottem arms where desperately trying to get rid of Alastors pants to reveal his tail. Alastor moved his face close to Angel so it was right next to his neck revealing his 2 sharp Vampire like teeth"Impatient are we? I'm in heat and im not even that impatient. So please do hold my dearest." With Alastors second sentence Angel stopped trying to get rid of his pants and started to blush heavily. Alastor chuckled and walked over to the end of his bed and looked at Angel with lust. Alastor and Angel looked into each others eyes befor Alastor pushed them down onto his bed and quickly pining Angel's arm above his head."So tell me Angel cakes?~" Angel cringed at the sound of that name as it did not sit well with him because of his boss. Alastor took note of Angel's face of sadness and uncomfortableness but continued. Alastor licked Angel's neck slowly leading to his chest. Angel let out a light moan when Alastor hit the sensitive spot on his chest. Alastor bit down on Angel's sensitive spot leaving it to bleed and him to moan louder. Alastor chuckled sucking up the blood that was dripping down his chest. "Al~" is all Angel could say with the pleasure comeing from Alastor.

About a minute later of making out and Alastor leaving love Mark's all over Angel's loveing and now completely exposed body they stopped at the sound of foot steps outside the door. The foot steps stopped just a bit after they passed the door till a demon spoke. "Could you be as to so kind and stay quiet? Your sex secret is safe with me just try not to be so loud. Ok?" Then the foot steps echoed in the empty hallway getting further away from Alastors room. They looked at each other for a few seconds before laughing as they both figured out who was at the door
"Oh my God was that...was that Husk!?" Angel bursted out laughing befor he was cut off by Alastor who locked lips with him as soon as Angel finished his sentence. Angel broke free of the sudden affectionate kiss and looked deep into Alastors eyes that seemed that they wher glistening from the natural light of hell."Now why didn't you tell me I could touch these?" As Angel finished his sentence he grabbed onto Alastors horns that wher a bit larger then normal. "I do say you seem to have found my love handles~"(if you wach Lucifer of Netflix you will know what I mean) Alastor spoke as he looked up at his view. It was Angel's boob fluff as Angel was on his knees leaning to him.Angel continued to stroke and tuch Alastors horns or *love handles* befor Alastor could take it no more. Alastor muffled the sound he had made with his powers and when he looked down all he could see was his length bulging out of his pants ready to be released.

With a hesitated sigh Alastor pulled down his pants and sat Angel dust on his pillow. As both started to get undressed Alastors thoughts rode back again. The thoughts he did not what to come back came back the thoughts of what him and Angel where. Where they a thing? Or wher they simply just friends with benefits? Angel looked at Alastor in a worry as he finished getting undressed and ready."Al? Ya ok babe?" Alastor's heart raced at Angel's words "babe" played back in his mind. So where they a thing!? Alastor looked back at Angel and his eyes widened with the sight of Angel on his bed completely naked. The feeling Alastor had bean hiding came back as his ears and tail started to twitch. Alastor could no longer hold onto himself as his once respectable calm gentleman like personality was gone and replaced with the new Alastor the Alastor no one has ever seen. This Alastor was the sexual and rough Alastor the Alastor that was in heat.

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