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About half an hour later you arrived at the bakugou estate. The carriage stopped with a jolt. After readying yourselfs, Mitsuki and Masaru exited the carriage.

"Oi, we are here," Katsuki said as he stepped out of the carriage. You looked up from your book and got up. You followed Katsuki out onto the grounds of the estate.

As you take in the bright afternoon sky, the world fading into color. As you looked around you saw numerous soldiers standing guard up the staircase to the door. The large in the middle of the estate sat the large palace, home to every Bakugou who has lived. You took in the magnificent sight.

Surrounding the palace was the large extensive gardens full of every flower imaginable. Amongst the paths and gardens there was a magnificent lake off to the side of the large building. It seemed so clear and reflective as the fall leaves rested on its waters.

Unlike your home, the gardens were not closed off by a rot iron gate, they were open for every visitor and spectator to see.

"Dumbass, you're staring off into space again." Katsuki said, rolling his eyes.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm coming" You say running to catch up with his family who were already halfway up the staircase. "I was just in love with your beautiful gardens."

"Katsuki! Don't talk to your fiance like that." Mitsuki said yelling at her stubborn son. She then turned and said, "I'm glad you love the gardens, dear. Feel free to wander and explore as you like."

"You're so kind, Mitsuki," You say as a grin spreads across your face.

"Oh sweetie, your family now." She said grateful for the compliment.

"Katsuki can you show Y/n to her room please." Masaru said as you entered the great hall.

"Sure" He grumbled as he took your hand. Before you could say another word you were being dragged off by Katsuki, away from his smiling parents.

After a while of walking you arrived outside a set of two sets of double doors. They both were white, one door had dark silver details and the other had gold.

"This ones yours" Katsuki said as he pointed to the door with gold details. You then took hold of a large wooden door knob and pulled the door open.

Inside was one of the prettiest rooms you had ever seen. The room had cream colored furniture with Peach linens and Lavender details scattered around the room. The space was huge with a queen sized bed and vanity.

there was a smaller room off to the side which had a writing desk. There was another small room on the other side that had a small sitting area. On both ends of the room were a pair of white double doors.

You walked over to the ones on the left and opened them. Inside was a large bathroom with a huge tub and a wall of jars, each containing a different type of spice, flower, petal, or salt. There was also a cart next to the tub with a bunch of different oils and scrubs.

The room smelled heavenly, you took a deep breath and caught a light whiff of hibiscus and vanilla. To the side of the bathroom was another double door made of glass. You opened the doors, shock coming over you. The room was filled with every dress, shoe, and hair accessory a princess could ask for.

As you walked into the main bedroom again you noticed that Katsuki was gone.

I guess I will have to thank him later.

You looked around again to see the other set of double doors on the other side of the room. You strolled over and pulled them open.

When you opened the door you were hit with the scent of sickenly sweet cinnamon. You looked around to see a room identical to yours, however the room was full of scarlet hues and different shades of black.

"You need something?" Katsuki growled. You turned to see Katsuki sitting in a squishy armchair in the corner. He was polishing a long silver sword. You blush.

"I-I'm sorry, I d-didn't know t-this was your room. I will leave." you say before quickly closing the door behind you.

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