28~ Bonus Chapter

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This chapter is about possible future children. If you don't like it, don't read it. That's completely fine by me. If you want to request another bonus chapter, feel free. I will try and do as many as I can depending on what they are. Each bonus chapter will be independent of the others unless specified otherwise.


14 years after the wedding~

"Moooooooooommmmmm" A scream came from down the hall. "Haru took my ribbon!"

You sighed as you set down your book and walked out into the corridor. It's not like you ever got peace and quiet anyways. You chuckled and rolled your eyes as you rounded the corner to find your two children arguing over a small purple ribbon.

"Give it back Haru! Or I'm gonna-" Your daughter yelled at her little brother.

"No! I wanna tie my hair up too!" Your 8 year old son yelled back.

"But it's mine!" She yelled.

"Hey Hey~. It's alright." You said calmly as you walked towards your children. "Tell me what happened."

"Aoi said I'm not allowed to wear ribbons!" Haru cried as he held out the purple ribbon in his hair.

"Aoi, is this true?" You ask your daughter softly.

"Yes, mother." She said guiltily.

"Haru, anyone can wear ribbons but it's not alright to take from someone else, ok?" You ask the boy.

"b-but Aoi said-"

"I'm saying it's alright. However, you can't take things from her. Its mean." You say soothingly as you kneel down to face him.

"Ok, mama." He said sniffling.

"Good, How about we go to my and papa's room and find a ribbon for you to wear?"

"Can we?" Haru's eyes lit up as a grin plastered itself to his face. You smiled at his cute reaction and nodded. You then looked over at your annoyed teenager, and chuckled.

"Aoi, what do you say to your little brother?" You say standing up and walking over to her.

"Sorry Haru." She grumbled stubbornly as she rolled her eyes.

"That's better. I know Haru took your things but you should have stayed calm. It's alright this time but next time keep your anger in check, ok?"

"Yes ma'am." She muttered, eyeing the floor.

"Perfect! Now I do believe that you are currently missing a sword fighting lesson. I suggest you hurry or your father will not be too pleased"

She nodded and scurried off to the grounds.

You then took your son's hand and walked towards your room to find a ribbon suitable for a prince.


Katsuki's eyes roamed over you as he snuggled up next to you in bed. Your mind is not leaving the book in your hand.

"Hello dear." You said softly as you pulled your gaze from the enticing novel in front of you.

"Why was Aoi late today?" Katsuki asked gruffly.

"I hope you weren't too hard on her, Haru wouldn't leave her alone." You sigh looking into his eyes.

"I let her off with a warning. However, next time she's late she's cleaning the grand staircase till it sparkles." He groaned.

"Aww Katsuki, that's so harsh!" You said softly.

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