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Warning: Floof

Maybe time stopped when his lips met yours, but the flutter in your stomach only intensified. Your heart pounded in your chest as your knees got weaker.

You could only focus on how soft he felt against your mouth, how addictively he invaded all your senses.

To him your lips were like a Summer rain, pouring over his as if they had the power to take away and give back life.

As you both pulled away from the kiss. Katsuki's eyes sparkled with joy as chuckled at his actions.

Too stunned to say anything, you stood there blushing profusely. That had been your first kiss and it was taken by the person you loved the most.

Katsuki's eyes gazed over your flustered features as he smirked at your expression. It was obvious he was expecting it, cause his cocky grin was larger than ever.

The eyes of the soldiers on board were on the two of you, but in that moment your masks fell away.

As you gazed into Katsuki's volcanic eyes a grin bigger than the sun graced your features. It wasn't a smirk or the smile you had programmed into your brain, It was real.

For the first time since your mothers death you smiled a true smile. Everyone on deck knew your smile was different as you beamed brightly.

The only people who knew what was happening were Kaname and Katsuki. Kaname hasn't seen you smile in eight years, to say he was over the moon was an understatement.

He looked as if he could kiss Katsuki with how happy he was. Katsuki however hid his joy. He didn't want to make your smile a spectacle or it would fade and never come back.

He wanted to savor every second of laughter. He wanted to bottle it up and keep it forever. Your laugh graced the entire ship as you wiped the corners of your eyes.

The awkwardness of your situation made your mood lighten. Though you looked like a mess and tears stained your face you savored the moment of joy.

Once you had calmed down from your laughter you noticed the solem looks of the crew had turned into soft smiles and smirks towards Katsuki.

Oddly enough everyone was looking at Katsuki who was basking in your ray of sunshine. Most were jealous of him, but they wiggled their brows in his direction none the less.

~~~Time skip a day~~~

The journey back to the Bakugou palace only lasted one night but the celebrations never halted for a second.

Kaname allowed you to drink for the first time but he then found out that you can't hold your liquor. Katsuki ended up in a drinking competition with Denki, and won. Music echoed through the halls of the ship all night as everyone danced it away.

The next morning you woke up with a pounding headache as cool salty air blew through the open window.

You don't remember falling asleep, but you were placed upon a large bed. The satin sheets sprawled around you.

Without thinking you wobbly picked yourself up from the bed and walked to the small wood door. Your head hurt too much and your body felt groggy but you didn't want to stay in bed when there was a party going on.

When you finally got to the door you gently pulled on the handle to open it. However standing in your way was a nicely dressed Katsuki Bakugou.

"Y/n." He said sternly.

"Mmm" You hum in recognition

"You need to get back in bed. We will be arriving back soon so you gotta have enough energy." Katsuki rolled his eyes.

"b-but I wanna go back to the party.." You whined. Your head felt like it was gonna explode and you looked a mess.


"Can't I just have one more drink?" You whined at katsuki.

"You're not ever getting another drink, dumbass" He said with annoyance evident in his tone.

"That cruel" You yawn.

"I dont care." He said rolling his eyes again.


Before another word could escape your lips, you fell forward into Katsuki.


So I hope you liked this chapter. Think of it as a extra apology for the last chapter being late so this floofy chapter is to make up for it. <3 Sarah-chan 

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