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Your eyes slowly opened to see the bright midday light flooding into your room. You looked over at a small clock and realized that you had missed training.

It's fine, you can just get some training in by yourself.

You were about to fall back asleep when you felt as though you had forgotten something.

Shit, you have lessons with Yuki.

You mentaly cursed to yourself as you stumbled out of bed and quickly readyed yourself. You threw on a long f/c dress and pinned the front of your hair back so it was out of your face.

You then ran out of the room and scurried to the library. As soon as you arrived you quickly sat down at the small desk in the corner. However it was only after you had finished pulling all of the materials out of your rucksack did you realize, Yuki was nowhere to be seen.

You looked around for a moment before getting up and looking for her. You wandered through every inch of the library, but she wasn't there. You then left the library and scoured the halls.

Oddly enough, everywhere was silent. There was no noise at all. No sounds of laughter amongst the workers. There were no carts being moved up and down the marble floors. No creaking of doors either.

It was silent.

~30 minutes later~

After looking up and down every hallway, you decided to check her room. You quickly asked a maid for the directions to her room and went on your way.

It was only when you arrived in the hall outside her room did you hear something.

"What have I told you?!" A voice rang out. The voice belonged to a woman. It was deep and unwavering. You could tell by her tone that she was angry, but was equally as stressed.

When you reached Yuki's door the voice got louder. You softly knocked on the door, your hands were shaking as the voice stopped.

You could feel the heavy footsteps walking over to the door. Before you could knock again, the door was pulled open.

Standing in front of you was a tall lean woman with graying hair pulled back in a tight bun. She had deep green eyes that slightly reminded you of a snake.

Yuki's mother

"Who are you ,and what do you want?!" She said calmly, you could feel the annoyance radiating off her body as she spoke.

"I'm princess Y/n Suzuki, Ma'am. I came to see if Yuki is alright." You say, your voice staying steady as you spoke.

"Yes, she is perfectly fine. Now if you excuse me I need to continue what I was doing." she said as she closed the door on your face.

Where is Yuki?

You knocked on the door again, a little harder this time. She door swung open and before she could speak you said,

"May I see Yuki?" Your voice was calm and sweet. You posture was perfect and a smile graced your lips as you spoke.

Just and a princess should be.

You internally cringed at the thought, but maintained your composer.

"Actually, maybe you can help me..." she trailed off before speaking again. "Would you be able to teach my daughter about edicate. She's been doing some of the most disgraceful things. Your a princess so maybe...." She seemed desperate as she spoke. You could tell that she was tired of all the yelling.

"Yes, of course." You say, as you smiled softly. Yuki's mother opened the door for you to walk in as she sighed in relief. You walked in to find a tear stained Yuki sitting on the floor.

She looked up at you and gave you a large grin.

"Could you tell me what she has done wrong?" You ask Yuki's mother politely.

"Found this on her person this morning and It's full of stories about women who use swords and who read. I will not have any more distastefulness in my presence." She said as she held up the small leather bound booklet that you had given to the girl.

You took the book from the woman and read a couple of the stories. One of which was about a girl who could ride dragons and talk to fish.

You laughed lightly at the stories, before handing the book back to Yuki.

"My goodness, where did you come up with these things? '' You said, smiling at her. You then turned to Yuki's mother. The womens face was covered in shock at the exchange.

"Ma'am I was the one who gifted Yuki the book. I wanted her to express her creativity and to learn. I apologize for teaching her behind your back. I understand that you wish for your daughter to be the perfect lady, but I believe that she is already perfect." You say softly.

Yuki's mother looked at you with shock, but you could tell that she wasn't angry. You then turned to see Yuki looking at you with a very similar expression. You chuckled at the two of them before saying,

"Miss, I already believe that Yuki will grow up to be just as lady-like and graceful as you" You laughed heartily as you walked to the door. You then walked out of the room knowing that Yuki will never show up late to your lessons ever again.


Soooooo, I'm sorry this chapter low-key sucked. I am completely out of it lol. Anyways... I got 200 more reads in a span of 20 minutes. Yay! So thank you to all my new readers. I normally post a new chapter everyday, because I'm currently rushing to get this story done so that I can start on the sequel to another story I finished a while ago. I'm currently building up for our climax so stay tuned for some long and angsty chapters. <3 Sarah-chan

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