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~Katsuki's Pov~

My eyes trained on the ramp as I stalked off the boat. A carriage at the end of the port street held my parent and the old hag.

I grimised as I saw their stupid worried faces.

What, did they think I wasn't going to make it?

Ejirio and Denki kept at my sides as I walked swiftly down the street turning my nose at all who starred. Y/n's white nightgown blew in the soft wind as I held her in my arms.

She softly slept, her chest rising and falling slowly with every second. She was too hungover and stubborn to have been able to debark on her own, so maybe it was a blessing that she passed out.

I rolled my eyes at the thought as I neared my parents standing outside of their carriage with worry ridden on their faces.

Before I could say anything, they rushed over.

"Is she alright?!"

"Why is she asleep?!"

"Does Y/n need a doctor?!"

I quickly came to the realization that they couldn't care less if I was hurt, they just wanted to know if their future daughter was.

I grunted and rolled my eyes before saying,

"Shut it, she's fine. She just cant hold her liquor."

My mothers lips formed and 'o' before she stepped away, my father following her actions.

"She isn't in any harm, in fact I think she is fine. She seemed more worried about her brother and I, than her own safety." I said casually before entering the carriage.

I layed Y/n softly down on the seat before sitting across from her, my parents following behind.

"Where is Kaname anyway?" The old hag asked.

"He is planning on meeting us at the palace. He is going to deal with the leftover bandits. He's really worried about her." I say, my eyes trained on Y/n's sleeping figure.

My parents nodded, realizing I wasn't in the mood for 'chit chat'.

The carriage slowly started to move down the winding streets up to the palace.

~Time skip~

~Regular POV~

Your eyes slowly fluttered open as the bright sun shined through your large glass window. The bed felt cool to the touch as you slowly sat up, a faint headache playing throughout your forehead.

You slowly wiped your eyes and looked around, you were in your bedroom, back at the Bakugou estate. Scratch that, 'Home'.

Sitting in one of the squishy arm chairs in the corner was a tall figure, a book in his hand.

"Kaname?" You call out, beckoning your brother from his chair.

Kaname looked up to see your tired eyes and disheveled hair, a smile plastered to your face.

"You're awake!" Kaname said chuckling as he set the book down and walked over to your bedside. "I didn't know if you would ever wake up, you drank way too much last night."

"I had fun though, I think I might do it again." You say letting out a soft giggle.

"I think not." He said laughing as he sat on your bedside. "Are you alright?" He asked, his voice growing slightly serious.

"Yes, I'm perfectly fine. I should be asking you that question." You say softly.

"Oh don't worry about me. I'm alright." Kaname said calmly. "I however have to head back home tonight, for there is a small village uprising I must deal with on the border."

"Oh...." You trailed off. "Don't stress yourself too much, brother. I'm fine so don't worry. If you need, you can leave now." You smiled lightly.

"Alright, I shall ready the horses. I suggest visiting Prince Bakugou sometime soon, he is quite eager to see you." Kaname said standing to leave.

"Will do." You give him a salut before laughing to yourself. Kaname saluted you back before leaving the room.

There he goes again... leaving me to fend for myself.

You slowly pulled the sheets from your bed and walked to your closet.

Once you had a soft beige dress draping your body, you walked over to Kastuki's door and knocked twice.

"Come in." A voice could be heard from the otherside of the door.

You slowly turned the handle before entering the room. The comforting scent of cinnamon arose to your nose as you looked over to see Katsuki standing peering out his window.

"How are you?" He spoke without turning to face you.

"I'm alright, you?" You ask.

"I'm fine now that you're here." He said softly, before swiftly rotating to face you.

You felt your face heat up slightly at his comment. Slowly, you walked towards his unmoving figure.

Once you had crossed the room to him, you softly enveloped him in a light hug. Katsuki stiffend before melting into your touch.

You felt him place a gentle kiss on your forehead before he said,

"I missed you."

You knew that, that was his way of saying 'I love you'. Smiling to yourself you hugged him tighter.

"I missed you more."

You could feel the happiness and love radiating off his body as you slowly parted from the hug.

The two of you stayed in that position, analyzing each other's features before Katsuki turned back to the window.

"It's almost spring, isn't it?" He spoke softly. "and there is exactly one month and three days till we wed." He said swiftly.

You blushed before nodding, encouraging him to continue.

"Y/n......" He trailed off before turning to face you again. "I love you."

"I-" You were both a little stunned and confused by his sudden confession of love.

"You make me happy even when the world goes to shit. I feel like I finally have control over myself when I'm around you. I know we were forced into this, but I want you to know that I could never be the same if you left."

Tears filled your eyes as he continued.

"I know we don't really have a choice, but will you marry me? Not out of force, out of love?"

Tears left your eyes as you struggled to find your words.

"Y-Yes!" You exclaim through tears of happiness.

You felt like you were floating on air. It was if you were dancing in a field of flowers under a full moon. You wanted to shout for joy and tell the world that you were so very in love with a man named 'Katsuki Bakugou'.


I regret to inform you all that there is only one more chapter left of this story...... I am planning on writing bonus chapters every now and then, but I can't promise anything. <3 Sarah-chan 

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