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You stared at the canopy above you as you wallowed in your thoughts. Your soft white nightgown sprawled around you as you lay beautifully on your pristine freshly made bed. Although you looked at peace, you couldn't sleep even though it was midnight throughout the palace.

As your mind wandered your body became restless. You sat up and walked over to the large window. The soft waning gibbous looked at rest in the deep midnight sky. The stars shone brightly over the calm waters of the lake.

The reflections made the night appear to be endless as the fitful silver glow of the mellow moon was given a twin. You pressed your hand against the glass, as if to reach out and grab it.

Soon your sense of longing became too much as you left your chambers and walked out onto the gardens.

You took a deep breath of the cool misty air and smiled. You walked through the gardens towards the lake. As you made your way there, you took in the lustrous view of the garden at night.

No birds were chirping, no bugs were causing a racket, the world was silent. There was no breeze to ruffle the trees. There were no people to fill the space with laughter. You loved every second.

You sat down on the banks of the resplendent waters and stared off into the night. Your bare feet were littered with dirt, not that you minded.

If someone caught you out here at this time of night they would surely have your head. Although the fear of being caught played on your mind, you didn't pay any attention to it. You were at peace for once, though there had been peaceful moments, you felt like the storms had finally died down if just for a while.

You pulled your knees up to your chest as your eyes gazed at the white reflection on the water. Your mind floated to earlier that day when you had talked to Mina. You smiled at the fond memory.

Could she be right? Am I in love?

You quickly shook the thought away.

There was no way you could have fallen in love with him. You barely even knew him. Yes, you are engaged, but you've only known him for a month.

Yes, but why do you go all weird when you see him? He must be making you sick somehow.

Why would he do that, dumbass

I don't know. He probably had a reason to.

Sure he did, you rolled your eyes sarcastically.

"I mean, yes he is handsome and kind, but I'm just confusing myself at this point" You say out loud. You shook your head in annoyance, you couldn't make up your mind. "I give up" You mumble under your breath.

"What are you giving up on?" You hear a voice say. Thinking it was just in your head, you respond.

"Falling in love" You mumble.

"Why?" The voice said again.

"Because I can't make up my mind, and now I'm stuck deciding whether I'm in love or not." You say, rolling your eyes.

"With who?" The voice said again, this time it was louder and clearer. You turned around confused by the voice to see Katsuki standing behind you in his night clothes.

"Katsuki?!" You say confused. That's when realization set in. "Oh my, Katsuki!? How much of that did you hear. Wait nevermind, why are you here?" You say, panic was evident in your voice.

"I only heard everything from the "He's handsome and kind" part" Katsuki said, smirking.

You felt your face heat up and your breath quickened. You became jittery and warmer in colour.

"I-I" You say stuttering. Katsuki walked over and sat down next to you and stared off into the lake.

"So tell me, who is this kind and handsome man you speak of?" He said, smirking.

"Oh, It's no one. You d-dont need to concern yourself with them" You say putting your hands up in defence.

You saw Katsuki's smirk fade slightly and you felt a bit bad for lying.

"Oh, I just hope they don't get in the way of things. You and I are to be married, I cant have another man take you away." He growled

"I-Im sorry, I won't say anything to them." You say nervously.

"Who is it?" Katsuki said quietly.

"I-I can't tell you, I'm sorry." You stuttered.

Katsuki stayed quiet as the two of you sat and stared out at the pool of glittering liquid. You looked off for quite a while before you finally spoke.

"Pouvez-vous comprendre cela? (Can you understand this)" You ask.

"What?" Katsuki said, annoyed. You sigh in relief.

"C'est toi Katsuki (Its you Katsuki)" You say quietly. "Vous êtes l'homme gentil et beau. (You're the kind and handsome man)" You say wholeheartedly.

You paused for a moment before continuing. "....et je pense que je suis amoureux de toi. (....and I think I'm in love with you.)" You mumbled the last part under your breath before standing to leave.

You walked back to your chambers, It had felt like a weight had been lifted off your chest.


I'm so sorry if you are french lol. I probably made alot of mistakes. I tried though lol. Despite me being the top in my class in french, I'm still human. Please correct me if I'm wrong and thank you <3 Sarah-chan

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