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The past month came and went quicker than you even thought possible. Preparations for your marriage and Katsuki's coronation both overwhelmed and excited you. The thought of spending everyday of the rest of your life with Katsuki made your heart flutter.

Katsuki's coronation was delayed due to your disappearance, but it meant he could prolong his responsibilities and spend more of his time wrapping his warm arms around you.

A week ago, Katsuki was crowned King of the noble Kingdom of Bakugou, and you hadn't seen him since. He was so busy, he never even returned to his room. Every night was spent sleeping on a clutter of paperwork and spillet ink bottles.

You pitied him, but you weren't allowed to worry yourself with your lover. There was but a week to your wedding day and you had much to do.

You had to organize the wedding, who was doing what, what music will play, will there be food, etc. This part was easy enough, Mina would be your one and only bridesmaid. Yuki would be your lovely flower girl. Kaname was the first to ask to be the one who walked you down the aisle, and you happily obliged.

The song you would waltz down the aisle to, would be The Carnival of the Animals: XIII, The Swan. The music had always spoken to you in a way that was melancholy yet brought a smile to your face, just the same feeling as when you are to marry someone. The food of course was going to be f/f, despite the pleading of the queen for something elegant.

You had to decorate the master bedroom and suite for when you and Katsuki are to move in after your honeymoon. You didn't change much other than swapping the bright orange for navy so the color pallet didn't contrast. This gave the room a more inviting feel with the soft silvers, tans, and blue.

As the days of the week flew by, the bittersweet air filled with tension and longing. Fear washed over your mind. Being a queen was no easy task. Though you've been taught how to rule since you could lift a finger, the thought of actually putting your teachings into practice riddled you with anxiety.

No one was there to reassure you that you would do fine, or tell you not to be afraid. With the days inching closer your mind cerecame to panic.

With tired eyes and a heavy heart, you crawled out of bed. There was one day till your wedding and all emotion seemed to have left your body, leaving behind a robot like husk.

You slowly walked over to your large suite and ran yourself a cold bath, hoping that it would wake you up enough to get through the grueling day.

Once you set yourself into the cool water, you rung a small silver bell that was placed on the side of the tub. It was the one feature in your room that didn't get used. Mostly because you grew up relying on yourself and not-

"Y/n!" A bright pink haired girl shouted as she ran into the room, by the looks of it she seemed scared. "Are you alright? Do you need a doctor?" Her eyes searched the room in apinc before finally noticing you sitting in your bathtub, eyes dark and tired, no emotion on your face.

"OMG! Y/n! ARE YOU PREGNANT?!" She screamed as she neared the bathtub. You shot her a glare, which shut her up almost instantly.

"No, I'm not pregnant. I would just like a coffee. I need something that will get me through the day" You mumble as you turn your attention onto the water.

"Y/n? Are you feeling alright?" She asked softly before bending down next to the tub to meet your eyes.

"I'm fine, why do you ask?" You say with no hint of emotion in your voice.

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