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Please read the notice at the end if it is possible, thank you <3

Tears slowly slid down your face as you sat in the corner of the large open room. You stayed quiet so as to not attract too much attention.

As you silently sobbed your kidnappers laughed as they drank and danced in the quarters of the building you were located in. You were forced to sit and wait for the inevitable moment when your loved ones come to your rescue.

No you can't just sit around and watch as they die. You have to escape.

You already tried your hand at combat, and you had won. However that was until you were outnumbered.

What if you make your escape when they're all asleep. Then you can run and find help quickly.

Your face brightened at the thought, but you quickly went back to your blank expression. You didn't want anyone to get suspicious.

I guess you will have to wait it out until they have all left.

As time flew by you felt your eyes getting harder to keep open, and slowly you fell asleep.


"Y/n?" Katsuki called. You look up to see a very tired Katsuki leaning over you to read a page of your book.

"Yes?" You ask softly.

"Would you like to go on a walk with me?" he grumbled.

"Yes, of course." You quickly throw your book onto the sofa and grab your coat.

The two of you walked hand in hand out to the wintery garden dusted with snow. As you walked your gentle footsteps were walking to the rhythm of your beating hearts.

"Y/n I Thought that since you are here during the winter, maybe you would want to go skating." Katsuki said, stopping in front of the large frozen lake.

Katsuki had a soft blush on his face as he looked away from you.

"Yes. I would love to, but I'm afraid I don't know how." You laugh nervously.

Katsuki seemed to notice your nerves and quickly jumped in.

"It will be alright, I will be by your side the whole time. I'm the best at ice skating." He said cockly. He seemed to enjoy the fact that he was better than you.

You giggled at him before grabbing a pair of skates from the side of the bank.

"Thanks a lot Katsuki." You grinned.


Your eyes softly opened onto the dark chamber. Dozens of men unconscious and asleep. The lights were off and the girl from earlier, the captain, and your kidnapper were gone.

Once your eyes had adjusted to the dim lighting, you stood and took in your surroundings. You wanted to stay as quiet as possible so before you even took a step you quickly abandoned your thick winter boots and coat.

You let your eyes wander around the room for a moment before the rope on your wrist seared through your skin. Acting recklessly you hoped over to the large table covered in sleeping men, you grabbed a dagger and cut yourself free.

You then idly stepped forward towards the door avoiding spilt beer and lost floorboards. Thankfully you had practice sneaking around the castle at night, so you had no problem staying silent.

As you finally reached the door you softly opened it to reveal the torch lit hallway. Peering your head out of the door you realized that you have no idea how to get off this wretched boat.

True Emotions (Bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now