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You turned around swiftly to see Shigaraki standing in front of his crew. He looked annoyed and obviously thought that you were being a nuisance.

"Dabi, why didn't you fight back?" He asks annoyed. Anger boiled within you as your loved ones drew near. You wished you could tell them to go back but you didn't have that ability.

"I thought I would give her a taste of power before we strip her of it completely." Dabi said with a smirk on his face as you pressed his sword to his neck.

Your nose crinkled with anger as realization crossed your face.

You had not won. He just let you believe that you had.

Before you could say anything, Dabi pressed a hand to your hand that was holding his sword. You tried to pull it away but he kept you in his grasp.

You felt your hand slowly become warm until it was blistering hot. You gasped in pain before dropping the sword and clutching your hand in pain.

You stepped away from Dabi in fear as he picked up his sword and pointed it to you. He strolled towards you as you backed away from him.

You were inches away from the side of the boat when his sword finally touched your throat. You gulped in fear before taking your final step away from him.

"Come now, and I won't hurt you. I wouldn't even dare to harm someone as cute as you, little princess. However, lover boy over there is a different story." Dabi grinned as he took the tip of the sword from your throat and pointed it to the arriving ships.

A tear cascaded down your cheeks as you watched the rowboats of the other ship being released with your brother and Katsuki at the front.

"If you would like us to atleast give you a final goodbye, you will go back to your cell willingly. I dont think a lovely girl such as yourself should be watching such bloodshed." Dabi said as he placed a hand on your quivering shoulder.

He gently pulled you away from the edge of the ship and over to the door you came from. You followed blindly. Nothing seemed to matter anymore. They had won. You tried to fight, but they didn't fight back.

Dabi walked behind you as you slowly continued down the ship's corridors to your cell. Without another word you walked in to hear the door being softly shut and locked behind you.

You could tell he pitied you. Almost everyone on the boat did. Shigaraki however did not have any sympathy at all. The only emotions you could sense from him was vengefulness and excitement.

You stared up at the window above you and watched as the world was filled with light. Noise filled the hallway and the sounds of swords clashing above you gave the air tension.

You however ignored it. You tuned out the sounds of the people you cared about being killed. Shouts could be heard among the metal hitting together.

Kirishima. Denki. Kaname. Katsuki. All of them are above you currently fighting for you and you are just standing here. You have to do something.

No, it's pointless.

Your mind fought with itself as you stared out the small window in silence. Soon the quiet spread as the sounds of swords slowly came to a halt above you.

It looks like dabi was right.

Tears started to fall from your eyes as all other emotion drained from your face. Tears never stopped for a second.

As they speed up you sink to the floor, you dress spralling around you. You hid your face in your hands and wept.

Why didn't you try to save them? I thought you cared? Why did you give up? You're hopeless, and now you will forever be alone.

You felt guilty that you gave up and that they fought to the end. You didn't know the fate that awaited you but it was probably death or worse.

You were soon interrupted from your thoughts as your cell door was softly slid open. The air filled with a thick silence.

"So, have you come to ridicule me? Now that you've killed them." You ask flatly. You didn't feel like hearing Dabi's snarky remarks. You just wanted to pity yourself in peace.

You took your head out of your hands and wiped your eyes before looking back up to stare at the open window, not bothering to look back at Dabi's wide smirk.

"I would never, dream of ridiculing you." A soft voice spoke from behind you.

You quickly turn around at this unfamiliar voice to see your brother Kaname standing in the doorway of the cell.

True Emotions (Bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now