Hello world

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So I'm just here because with this story's increase in attention, i've gotten a lot of questions and queries of the story so i'm here to answer them. If I haven't answered a specific question of yours, please leave a comment and I will reply.


First off, Kaname. He is an utter asshole (that's putting it lightly). I did in fact name him after Kaname from Vampire Knight, for I thought it was fitting. Kaname is Y/n's only 'supporter' through her very tough life. He became king when he was 18, and y/n was 14. The Suzuki Kingdom is run as a particle democracy with a monarchy (very similar to the uk)

However, he has a lot of power, unlike the queen of england. Unfortunately, Kaname was brought up by his father, who brainwashed him into doing everything he says. Kanames only goal in life is to impress his father. (Like Aktugawa from bsd)

Also, Kamame had no control over Y/n's marriage, other than who it was. It even states in chapter one that no other kingdom wanted Y/n's hand in marriage, for her quirk was quote 'useless'. You all must remember that Y/n is a princess, her only reason for existing is to be married off for political gain. She was brought up to be married away to be queen of another country.


Sero, sorry all of you Sero simps. I spent forever trying to figure out how to fit him into the story, but when it came down to it, he didn't make it in. I apologize profusely


Y/n is.......... at this point i don't even know. To all of you Y/n haters, I'm sorry. I tried to make her not be typical whiney Y/n, but i think i failed. Thankfully as my writing improves, Y/n becomes a much more relatable and outstanding character. For all of you who will be reading my next story, Y/n actually has a personality. So stay tuned, I guess.


Thank you to all of you who said that my french text was good. It probably was just mediocre, but it makes me happy nonetheless. I'm currently planning on majoring in french when I get to University so hopefully, I will get somewhere with it.


Yalls comments are the funniest things, I swear to frogs. I spend hours scrolling through each and everyone of them. They make my days 30x better. So please keep leaving them. Also I've dropped a couple comments of my own throughout the story so if ya spot them, reply with a frog emoji <3.


The league of villains. I really wish they had more of an outstanding role in this story, but they were kind of rushed. I really just wanted to get this story done, but I wish I had made them a bigger part of the story. Normally in royalty au's the league of villains are bandits or werewolves. Yeah, that was basic so now they are pirates.


PLOT HOLES- There's a lot of them, just ignore them. Honestly if you think too hard, they make Y/n seem like an even worse character.


Yall need to stop complimenting me omg. Seriously, you people go crazy over any story with decent grammer. Thank you all, I love you guys, but jeebus-.


Sugawara x reader comes out in four days! So get your popcorn ready!

Wanna hint at its title?



Leave any other questions u have, here~



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