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You swing your sword through the air before setting down on the ground. You plopped down against a large tree and turned to the child who was currently tracing the letters in a book in her hand.

You chuckle at Yuki's concentrated face. She didn't even notice that you had just sat down.

"Yuki?" You say laughing as you finally grab her attention. "You there?"

"Yup" She said as she gave you a toothy grin.

"I brought you something" You say reaching into a small leather bag you brought with you. You pulled out a small book and a quill. "I thought you might want to write some of your own stories." You say smiling.

It had been a couple weeks since you met Yuki and the time seemed to fly by. You had gotten so much better with a sword and Yuki was a quick learner. She already knew how to make basic sentences, and you were immensely proud.

You learned that Yuki was the daughter of a noble lady who was staying at the palace until the spring. Her mother was a very strict woman who had a very traditional way of living. You avoided her at all cost, she reminded you a lot of your step mother.

"Really?!" Yuki squealed with delight as she reached for the book in your hand.

"Yes it's all yours, however you have to keep it away from your mother, okay?" You say strictly.

"Yes Ma'am" She said as she flipped through the blank pages of the small book.

"I told you to call me Y/n" You laughed.

"Sorry" She said before turning back to the book greedily.

"Yuki, I have to go to afternoon training, will you be alright by yourself?" you say, packing up your belongings.

"Yes" She shouted up at you.

"Alright, see you later Yuki" You say walking up to the palace. You navigate your way to the training room and drop your stuff next to Katsuki's. You then walked up to Denki and Kirishima who were standing in the center of the room laughing to themselves.

"Hi guys" You say smiling softly.

"Hey beautiful." Denki said flitasiously. Kirishima elbowed Denki before saying,

"Hey Y/n."

"You guys ready, cause I'm gonna win today, I can feel it." You say with a triumphant grin on your face.

"Yeah, no can do sweetheart." Denki said as he pulled out his sword and got into position.

"Be careful Y/n, he is fragile" Kirishima shouted from the side of the room as you got into position.

"What?! Dude you're supposed to be on my team!" Denki yelled, breaking concentration.

You took your chance and lunged forward. He however caught on quickly and blocked your attack. He then stepped forward and swiped at your neck.

You swooped down, dodging the attack. You then hit the back of his ankles with the blade, causing him to fall on his knees.

Before he could react, you went behind him and put the blade to his neck.

"I did it!" You shout as you release Denki, a grin plastered to your face.

"No fair" He whined.

"Nope, dude she beat you fair and square" Kirishima said, falling over with laughter.

"Nooo she didn't, I want a rematch" Denki said sticking his tongue out at you.

"Bro, that's not very manly." Kirishima said, becoming more stern.


"No" Kirishima cut him off.

"You're not very manly," Denki said mockinly.

"What did you say?!" Kirishima said, glaring at Denki with daggers in his eyes.

"You're not very manly," Denki said, shrugging.

"You little-" Kirishima then tackled Denki, before long they were rolling around on the floor, fighting like a cat and mouse.

The other soldiers in the room stopped and glanced at the duo as you stood there laughing your ass off.

Soon all of the soldiers were laughing with you.

"What is the meaning of this?" Katsuki growled as he walked over to your corner of the large room.

"I won against Denki and he didn't like it so Kirishima was telling him off for it when Denki started mocking him and then Kirishima got angry and now we are here." You say, calming down from your laughing fit.

Katsukis gaze softened at you before saying, "Good Job" He then turned to the two boys who were still wrestling. "Stop it both of you"

They turned to Katsuki who was glaring at them. "Sorry boss" They said in unison as they separated.

"Y/n come with me" Katsuki said as he exited the room.

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