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"Mama can we go outside?" You whined at your mother as she embroidered flowers on one of your sister's dresses. Your cheeks squished against the side of the table as you peered up at your mother with big e/c eyes.

"Not right now, dear. Let me finish this first." She smiled softly as she continued to sew rose petals onto the soft satin skirt. You sighed as you sat back down on the floor. As you picked up a teddy bear from the floor your 10 year old sister walked into the room.

"Mother, are you done with my dress yet?" She asked sweetly. Her long blond hair flowed beautifully as she smiled with such poise.

"No child, you'll have to wait a little longer." Mama said as she lightly laughed at your sister. Ritsu nodded before walking over to you and sitting on the floor next to you. You grinned at your sister and she only sent you a small smile.

After a couple minutes of tossing your teddy bear back and forth, you saw that mama had finished her embroidery. As she placed the needle and thread onto the table as she lifted the dress for you and your sibling to see.

The bottom of the dress was embroidered with soft thread roses. They perfectly complemented the soft pink of the dress.

"Thank you mother!" Ritsu squealed as she ran and grabbed the dress. She then put it on then and there. It looked lovely on her as she twirled in the delicate fabric. "Kaname look!" She yelled as you father and older brother came into the room.

Your 14 year old brother laughed lightly as she watched her dance.

"You look lovely Ritsu." He said once she had finished twirling.

"Mama can we go outside now?" You begged as she had finished putting her sewing kit away.

"Yes sweetheart." She laughed as she took your small hand. She slowly lead you out of the room, leaving your smiling siblings and father behind.


Your eyes fluttered open as you looked awoke. Tears lightly flowed from your eyes as you looked up at the canopy above you.

Realizing that you had fallen asleep, you shot up from the bed and looked around. Day had fallen away from the sky as an evening dusk appeared outside of your window.

You missed dinner.

You slowly walked to the bathroom and ran a bath. You were a mess, your hair was tangled and sticky with tears. Your face was red and puffy. You quickly got into the warm tub and rid yourself of the evidence of what happened earlier.

You then dried yourself and changed into a simple lace nightgown. You didn't plan on leaving your room, so you decided that you would just be comfortable.

You then lightly combed through your h/l h/c hair. As you were about to place the comb down, you heard a knock at the door.

You slowly walked over to it and opened it gently. A tall blond figure appeared in front of you. Your eyes widened as they met Katsuki's.

You felt your body freeze. You were shocked. His eyes were filled with sympathy and concern as he looked down at your small frame.

"Hey" He said quietly. You stayed quiet as you looked down at the floor. You could feel your face heat up in embarrassment.

You slowly opened the door for him to come in as you avoided his eye contact. He walked in and walked over to one of the squishy arm chairs.

He then sat down casually before motioning to the chair beside him for you to join. You softly walk over and sit on the couch facing opposite of him.

After a while of silence, he finally spoke.

"I'm sorry." He said softly. You could feel his gaze on you as you held back the tears pricking your eyes.

"Why?" you say, your voice barely more than a whisper.

"It's my fault that you're embarrassed and stressed. I made you panic and I'm deeply sorry for that." He said, softly. You could tell he was speaking truthfully because his sympathy levels were higher than normal.

"no" You say meekly as you felt a single tear run down your cheek. "I don't need your pity"


"Stop" You seeth as you feel more tears run down your flushed cheeks. "I should have never gotten attached to you. I'm pathetic. I should have just listened to Kaname" You said sniffling.

"Kaname?" Katsuki said, confused.

"My brother. He told me that the only reason I am here is to control you with my quirk so that you won't be an evil king. He said that I should turn you into the kind of man I've dreamed of marrying. b-but I dont wanna. I don't want to manipulate people, I wanted to get to know you, and I wanted to see if you were as evil as they said you were. y-your not Katsuki, your not evil. I shouldn't have gotten attached to you, cause I just caused more problems than I would have if I listened to Kaname." You choked out as your tears sped up.

Katsuki stayed quiet for a really long time as you sobbed into your hands. After awhile you said,

"Katsuki, I'm so sorr-'' Before you could say anything else you were enveloped into a strong hug. Your eyes fluttered open to reveal Katsuki embracing you. You could see the sadness on his face as he said,

"Thank you"

"What?!" You say as you finally made eye contact with him.

"Thank you for not using your quirk, you're an amazing person." He said as he pressed you into his chest.

"But I was supposed to. If I did, none of this would have happened." You choke out.

"No, I've never had anyone trust me in my life. I thank you for giving me a chance, and I am happy that you became attached to me and not the version you've made for yourself." He said as he embraced you.

You let out a soft sob as you held onto his shirt tightly. As you soaked him with your tears, he whispered sweet nothings into your ear.

"You're not mad?" You sniffle as you finally let go.

"How could I ever be mad at you, dumbass" He scoffed. You giggled lightly at his sudden change. You saw his face go slightly pink at your laughter.

"Je t'aime, n'oublie jamais ça, idiot (I love you, never forget that, dumbass.)" He grumbled softly. You laughed at little more at his flustered expression before saying,

"Il en va de même pour vous, monsieur grincheux (Same goes to you, Mr. Grumpy)

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