Part 2

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y/n's pov:
I woke up to someone screaming my name and shaking me it was Derek he said to go get my breakfast downstairs I got up and we walked downstairs I got my plate and went to the table and tried to keep my eyes open while eating
End of POV
y/n: ok ok I'm awake
Lai: why you so tired
y/n: I didn't get any sleep last night because I couldn't gts
Anna: oh
Nia: what we doin' today? (She says coming downstairs)
Mike: we should go to the movies (there's no pandemic)
y/n: yeah that would be fun
Nia: movies it is then
Lai: ok y/n go tell Kobe and vallyk we're going to the movies (he was in his room)
y/n: why me
Lai: just do it
Y/n: ok fine
Y/n POV:
I walked upstairs and go to vallyks room first
Y/n: vallyk we're going to the movies later
Vallyk: ok what time?
Y/n: idk go downstairs and ask Mike
Vallyk: ok
You and vallyk leave his room and he goes downstairs to Mike and you go to Kobe's room
Y/n: Kobe we're going to the movies later
Kobe: just us😏 he said smirking
You: no you horny freaky fuck all of us
Kobe: aii
You go to walk out Kobe's room but he stops you and says
Kobe: wait
Y/n: yes
Kobe: can you cuddle with me🥺 he says with his bottom lip out
Y/n: fine🙄 you say while playfully rolling your eyes
You go and lay next to him with your back facing him and he wraps his arm around you and y'all fall asleep
End of y/n POV
Lai's POV:
Y/n has been in Kobe's room for awhile so I went to go check on them when I walk in I see them asleep cuddling and I thought they looked cute so I took a picture of them and posted it on my spam ig

y/n's pov:I woke up to someone screaming my name and shaking me it was Derek he said to go get my breakfast downstairs I got up and we walked downstairs I got my plate and went to the table and tried to keep my eyes open while eating End of POV An...

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Laila_dabaddie look how cute🥺 @kbreezo @y/n.pena

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@derektrendz 😔
↪️ @laila_dabaddie someone's jelly
↪️ @therealslimedupmike shii I am too
@y/n.pena I fall asleep for two seconds🙄
@kbreezo 😏
@y/n_fp oooo
@vallykpena ima beat there asses
↪️ @y/n.pena u ain't doin shit
@its.nia I ship her with Derek more
↪️ @anna.spam nah mike
@kobesgirl he's mine🙄
↪️ @y/n.pena you can have him
↪️ @kbreezo wow u just gonna give me away
↪️ @y/n.pena yup

Y/n POV:
After I saw laila's post I rolled my eyes playfully and went downstairs I saw derek and mike on the couch so I sat in between them and put my head on derek lap he moved it over and got up
Y/n: Derekkk wuts da matter🥺
no response
I just shook it off
Y/n: mike what's wrong with derek
no response
no response
Y/n: not you too😔
mike got up and walked away
I ran up the stairs to my room and locked the door and started crying
End of y/n POV
Anna's POV:
I saw y/n talking to Mike then he walked off and she ran upstairs covering her face so I ran up the stairs and tried to open the door, but it was locked
Anna: y/n open the door
Y/n: no she said in a shaky voice
Anna: please y/n Ik ur crying I wanna help you
Y/n: I j- just w-w- wanna b- be al-l-one😖
Anna: ok but talk to me later
Y/n: k
End of Anna's POV
Nia sees Anna talking to y/n through the door and then walking off I run to Anna
Nia: is she ok
Anna: no she's crying and won't open the door
Nia: oh no lemme go talk to her
Anna: no don't she said she just wants to be left alone
Nia: oh ok
Y/n POV:
I finally stopped crying after awhile and go on my phone and text Derek then mike

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