Part 54

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2 and 1/2 months later it was like around 6pm u were on ft wit mike, him vallyk derek and kobe were in the car he was in the back derek hasn't really talked to u for like two weeks he's kinda been ignoring u and u don't know why
Y/n: hey mikey
Mike: hey mama
Y/n: ugh imy I want hugsss
Mike: hug lai and Anna
Y/n: I don't wanna hug them I wanna hug u
Mike: aw ik I'll be there soon only a few more weeks
Y/n: ok but who's in the car wit u
Mike: vallyk kobe and derek
Y/n: ok tell them I said hi oh and can u give derek the phone
(Mike had AirPods in btw)
Mike: he's driving
Y/n: oh damn um take out ur airpod
Mike: ok one sec
He puts his airpods away
Y/n: hey guys
Kobe: hey y/n
Vallyk: hi
Derek: ...
Y/n: hi derek
Derek: yo where y'all wanna get food after this
Mike: bro answer y/n
Vallyk: chipotle
Derek: bet
Mike: derek
Derek: nigga what
Y/n: it's fine mike if he don't wanna talk he don't have to
Mike: alr but he can't just ignore u forever
Y/n: Ik but he'll talk to me when he's ready
Mike: mhm ok anyway did u eat today
Y/n: uhh yeah
Mike: why u lying to me
Y/n: Im not
Mike: y/n
Y/n: ok fine I am but I'm not hungry
Mike: just eat one thing for me plsss
Y/n: fine
U got up off ur bed going downstairs u put on ur shoes then get in ur car putting ur phone down still on ft wit mike
Mike: show me ur face
Y/n: I can't I'm driving to the store rn my phones not gonna stay up
Mike: oh ok
U stop at subway order ur food pick out some chips and a drink then get in ur car setting up ur phone so Mike can see u and u eat ur food Mike takes a picture of u
Y/n: mike stoppp I look so ugly and fat rn
Mike: no u dont, don't say that ever again u look beautiful always even when ur eating
Y/n: say whatever u want no I don't
Mike: yes u do dont play wit me y/n say ur beautiful rn or I'm posting that picture
Y/n: ok fine I'm pretty or whatever
Mike: I'm being serious y/n say ur beautiful
Y/n: I'm beautiful
Mike: yes u are and u know that
Y/n: mhm
Mike: now keep eating beautiful I gotta go tho but ilysm bye
Y/n: ily2 bye
He hangs up and u finish ur food then u go home laying down and going on ur phone a few hours later there's a knock at the door u go downstairs and mike vallyk and kobe are at the door u jump onto mike hugging him
Y/n: mikeyyy
Mike: hey mama
Kobe: wow hi to u too
U get off mike hugging Kobe and vallyk
Y/n: how are y'all here I thought ur supposed to be on tour
Kobe: we were but it got cut short and we drove here bc we weren't that far
Y/n: yay...wait where's derek
Vallyk: he's home wit his family
Y/n: oh ok I understand
Lai comes out her room
Lai: why u making so much noise- BAEEE
She runs over to vallyk hugging and kissing him
Lai: I missed youuu
Vallyk: I missed u too baby
they go into vallyks room kobe goes in his room leaving u and mike
Y/n: I missed u sm
Mike: I missed u too
Y/n: come in my room wit meee
Mike: but I gotta unpack
Y/n: you'd rather unpack then spend time with me aii I see how it is
Mike: ok fine
u and mike go into ur room u get ur laptop looking for Halloween costumes
Y/n: hmm what should I be for Halloween
Mike: u really brought me in here to look at Halloween costumes
Y/n: not just that after I find one we're gonna watch a Halloween movie
Mike: ok I should pick it
he takes ur computer and finds one

wait where's derek Vallyk: he's home wit his family Y/n: oh ok I understand Lai comes out her room Lai: why u making so much noise- BAEEEShe runs over to vallyk hugging and kissing him Lai: I missed youuuVallyk: I missed u too babythey go into val...

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Y/n: mike I am not wearing that do u know what vallyk would say if he saw that
Mike: but u would look so sexy in it and who cares abt what vallyk says
Y/n: Ik but that texture is uncomfortable asf
Mike: ok fine find a different one

Y/n: mike I am not wearing that do u know what vallyk would say if he saw thatMike: but u would look so sexy in it and who cares abt what vallyk says Y/n: Ik but that texture is uncomfortable asfMike: ok fine find a different one

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Y/n: what abt this
Mike: yes u finna arrest me mamas😩
Y/n: u should be a prisoner that would be so cute
Mike: bet
Y/n: ima order angel ones for me and Anna
Mike: ok

(U got the same thing for Anna in white)Y'all order the costumes and stuff then u cuddle up watching Halloween moviesY/n: we should go get some food Mike: it's almost 11 y/nY/n: so Mike: I'm tiredY/n: plsssMike: fine Y/n: yayY'all get up going dow...

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(U got the same thing for Anna in white)
Y'all order the costumes and stuff then u cuddle up watching Halloween movies
Y/n: we should go get some food
Mike: it's almost 11 y/n
Y/n: so
Mike: I'm tired
Y/n: plsss
Mike: fine
Y/n: yay
Y'all get up going downstairs and get in ur car going to the store (mike was driving)
Y/n: let's go to the gas station
Mike: ok
He drives to the gas station y'all go in you get takis, a slim jim, a slushy, and oreos mike gets chocolate milk, hot Cheetos and Tostito cheese

Mike made a tiktok

Caption: 😏❤️

@mikesdildo who dat?🤨
↪️@slimedupmike ur mom😩
@vallyksmood is that y/n
↪️@mikesbooty it can't be he's not home he's on tour
@dereks.gorl yo that's actually fucked up to do that to y/n that's why she should go wit derek instead
↪️@slimedupmike she should get wit derek huh...the nigga that's ghosting her rn oh aii
↪️@kobesboobs damn don't gotta expose them like that
@y/n.pena why y'all gotta bring up my name in his comments

then u go back home into ur room eating u dip ur takis in mikes cheese and drink his chocolate milk
Mike: y/n eat ur own stuff u should gotten this too if u wanted it
Y/n: u got that whole thing of cheese u can't share
Mike: ok but ur drinking my chocolate milk too
Y/n: u want some of my stuff
Mike: no I don't that's the reason I got this not that
Y/n: ok u don't gotta be all mean
Mike: I'm not trying to be mean mama but I'm just saying u shoulda gotten what I got if u we're gonna eat mine
Y/n: ok srry
Mike: u don't gotta be sorry
Y/n: ok
Y'all finish eating and all that stuff then fall asleep

word count: 1140

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