Part 66

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Derek's pov:

Derek: what's up YouTube I'm back with another video and today I'm gonna be doing a cheating prank on my girlfriend y/n, since she last week she wanted to prank me by putting hickeys on her neck, so how I'm gonna be doing it is ima use my other phone and just text my number off of it and change the contact name to like baby or sum shi,

Derek: so earlier I was also texting myself so when y/n reads the texts she'll see they're from throughout the day, so ima get everything set up and hide the camera then ima call y/n in here

Derek: y/n!

Y/n: yeah?!

Derek: come here!

Y/n: okay

She comes upstairs and I lay on my bed waiting for her, she sits next to me on the bed

Y/n: what's up bby

She plays with one of my curls

Derek: I just wanted to be with you

Y/n: oh okay

I take out my phone and start "watching TikTok" and she does the same so while she's distracted I start texting my phone

Y/n: who keeps texting you

She tries to look at my phone but I move it away so she can't see the screen

Y/n: why won't you let me see who was texting you

Derek: it's just my mom

Y/n: oh answer her if she's spamming that much

Derek: nah she's just being annoying

Y/n: okay

She turns her attention back to her phone and I continue to spam my phone

Y/n: there's no way your mom is spamming you that much

Derek: whatchu mean it's literally my mom

Y/n: ok derek

I move closer to her and kiss her

Derek: you don't believe me?

Y/n: I do, but like why wouldn't you answer her if she's texting you that much

Derek: it doesn't matter

I kiss her forehead

Y/n: okay

Derek: I gotta use the bathroom

Y/n: okay

I purposely leave my phone on the bed and go into my bathroom and I start spamming my phone again

End of Derek's pov

You were chilling on Derek's bed still watching TikTok when you keep hearing his phone go off

Y/n: his shi is still going off?

You say to yourself, then you pick up his phone and see a bunch of texts from the contact name "bae❤️"

Y/n: what the fuck

You open Derek's phone and go to the text messages between them and you start reading them and keep scrolling up a few minutes later Derek comes back in the room

Y/n: what the fuck is this shit derek

Derek: what you mean

Y/n: I thought you said your mom was spamming you

Derek: she was

Y/n: then why the fuck do you have this bitch in your phone with the contact named bae

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