Part 60

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The boys were back, u were taking a nap and the only people in the house with u were mike and kobe everyone else are at the mall, u wake up and decide to scroll through tiktok bc ur bored

@theyluv_y/n heyy😏
↪️@slimedupmike hey😉
@kaylensroom ur so fineee
@mikeismine hey bby daddy
@chloedawson ur cute
@hehearts.aria the way he only interacted with y/n's comment💀
@fallinlovewit.tati he's fine fineee
@yafav.lightskin hey

Abt an hour later everyone comes back
Vallyk: Y/N
U go downstairs
Y/n: yeah
Vallyk: we got u a pretzel from the mall
He hands u it
Y/n: aww ty
U hug him
Y/n: hey
U say to derek but he just rolls his eyes and goes upstairs
Y/n: wtf is his problem
U say with a confused facial expression
Vallyk: idk he just randomly started acting like that, did u do something
Y/n: no, at least I don't think so
Vallyk: go talk to him
Y/n: ima just give him some space for now
U go upstairs to ur room and eat ur pretzel a few mins after u leave ur room and knock on dereks door he opens it
Derek: yeah?
Y/n: can I talk to u
Derek: mhm
He sighs and let's u in closing the door behind u, you both sit on his bed
Y/n: is there a reason why you're mad at me
Derek: yeah
Y/n: okay and why is that
Derek: u should know, u did it
Y/n: I don't know tho so can u pls tell me
Derek: look
He holds his phone up showing ur comment under mikes post
Y/n: is that really what this is abt
Derek: yeah
Y/n: ur mad bc I commented under mikes post
Derek: yes y/n
Y/n: I don't understand why
Derek: how would u feel if I commented under another females post saying hey wit a fucking smirk emoji
Y/n: I guess I would be mad, but that's my friend and ur friend too, also I didn't mean it like that
Derek: ur in a relationship wit me, and Ik that u don't wanna put that out there and I respect that, but that doesn't mean u can just comment shi under other niggas posts saying shi like that
Y/n: Ik and I'm srry I just wasn't thinking abt how u would feel abt it and I'm really sorry for that
Derek: it's ok just don't do it again or ima beat yo lil ass
Y/n: boy pls u not doing shi
Derek: yeah ok watch
Y'all start play fighting and he ended up tickling you
Y/n: ok ok stopppp pls
He stops and holds u down by ur wrists hovering over u
Derek: who's ur daddy
He smirks
Y/n: mike
His smirk fades and he gets off u sitting on the other side of the bed u laugh going to him
Y/n: babe I was just kidding don't be mad
U hug him and kiss him on the lips multiple times then he lightly pushes u away
Derek: get off me bro
Y/n: I'm not ur bro, and I was just kidding so don't be like that
Derek: it wasn't funny ur just acting stupid and immature
Y/n: who tf are u calling stupid and immature
Derek: YOU who tf else
Y/n: who do u think u are, talking to me like that I was just joking but u wanna be all extra and call me immature and shi, like I don't get why that's necessary but whatever derek
U leave his room slamming his door closed then slam ur own door closed and fall back onto ur bed huffing
Y/n: fucking idiot
U hear a knock on ur door
Y/n: what
Lai: it's lai
U get up and open the door then lay back down she sits next to u
Lai: what happened why'd u slam ur door
Y/n: bc Derek's being an asshole
Lai: why what happened?
Y/n: we got into an argument
Lai: abt what?
Y/n: I don't wanna say
Lai: that's ok u gotta talk to him tho
Y/n: nope not doing it he's gotta come to me
Lai: y/n
Y/n: lai, I'm not talking to him idc
Lai: whatever
She leaves ur room
Vallyk: did u get her to talk to him
Lai: nope is he gonna talk to her
Vallyk: nope
Lai: how abt we wait it out a few hours and then if they're not good by then we'll lock them in a room together
Vallyk: yeah that sounds good

A couple hours later u were chilling in the kitchen eating some fruit and lai came up to u
Lai: y/n go in the new guest room (nia's old room) 
Y/n: why
Lai: I have to show u something it's really cool and I don't want anyone else to see
Y/n: why can't u just show me in ur room or mine
Lai: vallyks in my room rn and everyone loves ur room so I feel like the other room is a better place and it's sound proof so
Y/n: oh yeah, wait what it's sound proof
Lai: yeah...oh was I not supposed to tell u that...

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