Part 24

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U wake up and go downstairs to make breakfast and Mike comes and hugs u from behind
Mike: gm mamas
Y/n: good morning
U finish the food then ask Mike to get the cups and juice
Mike: uk what u gotta do for me to let go
Y/n: ok can u turn me around to face u
Mike: why
Y/n: you'll see
Mike: aii don't try nun
Mike turns u around still holding onto ur waist and u start sucking on his neck giving him a hickey
Mike: damn ma wasn't expecting that
A little later u stop
Y/n: now can u get them
Mike: yup
Mike goes and gets the cups and pours juice in them and u and him set the table
Mike: aii ima go wake everyone up
Y/n: not with that u aren't
Mike: with what
Y/n: that hickey
Mike: rlly y/n that's ur fault
Y/n: well ig were just gonna have to lie
Mike: or we could just say u gave it to me
Y/n: yeah but vallyk would kill us
Mike: true ima just say I fell down the stairs
Y/n: there not gonna believe that
Mike: then what do I say
Y/n: say it was talyeh or sum
Mike: aii
Y/n: u go wake up everyone downstairs and I'll wake up everyone upstairs
Mike: ok
U went to Dereks room first
Y/n: derekkkkk wake upppp
No response
Y/n: bubsssss
Y/n: bubbaaaaa!!!
Derek: I'm up
Y/n; breakfast downstairs
Derek: ok
U go to lai's room
Y/n: laiii wake upppp
Lai: I'm up
U were abt to leave
U go downstairs and see vallyk on top of mike
Y/n: vallyk wth are u doing
Vallyk: did u give him a hickey!
Y/n: no tf
Vallyk: then now this mf get a hickey and u two were the only ones down here
Y/n: I wasn't paying attention to him I didn't even see it
Vallyk: y/n stop lying to me
Mike: it's from talyeh
Vallyk: I thought she was dating Trent
Mike: she is it was an accident just don't tell trent
Vallyk: whatever let's just eat
Y'all go sit like this:
You Mike derek
Anna Nia
No one vallyk Lai
Anna: it's funny how Kobe and mike both have hickeys
U kick Anna under the table
Lai: yeah very weird it's like they got it from the same girl
Y/n: mhm ima go upstairs I'm not hungry anymore
U go upstairs and watch tiktok then like abt and hour later derek comes in
Y/n: hey bubs
Derek: hi can we cuddle🥺
Y/n: ofc
Derek comes and lays on u and u play with his hair and watch tiktok then derek takes ur phone away
Y/n: hey why'd u do that
Derek: bc I want attention
Y/n: ok
U and Derek look into each others eyes and start kissing then making out then u go to his neck and give him a hickey then I hear someone yell
Anna: y/n come get ur bf I mean Kobe!
Y/n: ugh I'm srry derek we can continue later but stay up here they can't see ur hickey
Derek: u gave me a hickey
Y/n: yes now get off me
Derek gets off u and u walk downstairs
Y/n: what u want
Anna: ur bf is here
Y/n: not my bf come here kobe
U bring Kobe into the bathroom
Y/n: I told u not to come back til those things are gone
Kobe: srry ma I missed u
Y/n: u can't be away from me for one day
Kobe: nope
Y/n: omg what now
U and Kobe go out the bathroom and u see derek and mike on the couch
Vallyk: SIT DOWN!
Y/n: ok ok
U and Kobe sit down
Y/n: um-um idk
Y/n: fine I did it
Y/n: whoa whoa I ain't fuck em just gave them hickeys
Vallyk: well stop hoeing around
Y/n: I wasn't hoeing around
Vallyk: well there necks say other wise now u can't stay in a room by ur self with any of them
Y/n: vallyk stop telling me what to fucking do I can stay in a room by myself with them if I want ur not my dad!
Vallyk: whatever
Vallyk goes upstairs
Derek: so u did give all of us hickeys we're just ur options u probably have a lot more too we probably don't mean anything to u anyway
Y/n: bubs yes I do don't talk like that
Derek: no stop calling me bubs!
Derek goes upstairs and slams and locks his door
Mike: he's right we are just ur options u don't even care abt us and the fact I always help u cook in the morning and hug u in the morning doesn't mean anything all u think abt is urself
Mike goes to his room and slams his door and u turn ur head to kobe expecting him to say he's just an option but he just hugs u and u cry on his shoulder
Y/n: I-I'm gonna g-go u-u-upstairs I think you should l-leave
Kobe: but y/n-
Y/n: Kobe pls go it'll just make me feel worse
Kobe: fine
Kobe leaves and u go to ur room lock the door and just start crying

U wake up and go downstairs to make breakfast and Mike comes and hugs u from behind Mike: gm mamasY/n: good morningU finish the food then ask Mike to get the cups and juiceMike: uk what u gotta do for me to let goY/n: ok can u turn me around to fa...

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⚪️⚫️Liked by @not

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Liked by @not.nia and 302.2k others
@y/n.tacos ofc I fucked up again can't do anything right

Everyone kept calling u besides mike and Derek but u just put ur phone on do not disturb and kept crying and everyone(except mike and derek) kept knocking on ur door but u wouldn't open it or even talk to them after about 3 or 4 hours u decided to leave ur room and go to dereks u knock on the door
Derek: go away
Y/n: pls bubs I needa talk to u
Derek: I said stop calling me that and no
Y/n: plsssss
Derek: no
Y/n: plssssss derek
Derek: no go!
Y/n: derek p-plssssss I j-just w-wanna talk u say crying
Derek: ugh fine
Derek unlocks the door then u go inside and close and lock the door
Y/n: bub- derek I didn't mean to hurt u and ur not an option and uk I would never do that and I would never hurt u on purpose and I'm srry that u felt like I don't care abt u bc I do I care abt u a lot and uk that why would I only call u bubs and no one else it's bc ur special to me and I told u that
Derek: Ik and idk what was going through my head Ik u would never do that
Y/n: I love u bubba
Derek: love u too bubs
U and derek hug
Y/n: I gotta go to mike now
Derek: ok
U leave and go downstairs
Anna: y/n-
Y/n: I can't talk right now I gotta fix something
U go to mikes room and knock on the door
Mike: who is it
Y/n: y/n
Mike: go away!
Y/n: pls mikey I just needa talk to u
Mike: I don't wanna talk to u
Y/n: but mikey-
Mike: don't call me that go away
Y/n: I just need to talk to u for a second just hear me out
Mike: fine
Mike unlocks the door and u go in
Y/n: mike I'm srry ur not an option and uk I would never treat u as one and the morning hugs from behind and gm mamas means everything to me u don't even know it makes me smile and u help me keep going ur special and u know that I didn't mean to hurt u
Mike: Ik u didn't mean it and I'm glad I put a smile or ur face I love u y/n
Y/n: love u too mikey
U and mike hug
Y/n: u me and derek should all sleep in my room and watch a movie
Mike: ok
U and mike go upstairs to Dereks room and knock on the door
Y/n: bubsss
Derek opens the door
Derek: yes
Y/n: wanna have a sleepover with me and mike
Derek: sure
U mike and Derek go to ur room lay on ur bed and u put on the movie
Derek: y/n cuddle meee
Mike: no me
Y/n: I'll cuddle both of u lay on my chest
Derek: ok
Derek and mike both lay on u and u put on the movie
Y/n: gn hoes
Mike: gn mamas
Derek: gn bubs

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