Part 21

728 21 3

U wake up to derek shaking u and screaming ur name
Y/n: whatttt
Derek: get up u slept in it's already 4pm
Y/n: damn why ain't Kobe wake me up
Derek: idk but u wanna go to the movie theater with me I'm bored
Y/n: sure when
Derek: like now so go take a shower and get ready
Y/n: ok
U grab a towel and head to the bathroom
Y/n: ru gonna leave my room
Derek: nope
Y/n: whatever perv
Derek: hey not a perv just wanna stay in here
Y/n: mhm
U go into the bathroom lock the door then get undressed and go in the shower do ur shower routine blah blah blah then wrap ur towel around you unlock the door and go in the room
Y/n: ur still in here
Derek: yes
Y/n: can u get out so I can change
Derek: ok
Derek goes out and u drop ur towel and go to ur closet and get some clothes then Kobe comes in
Kobe: hey y/n- woah
Y/n: omg get out
Kobe: my bad but u should've locked the door and don't act like I wasn't just sucking on them titties yesterday
Y/n: shut up and leave
Kobe: ok ok
Kobe leaves then u lock the door and change into this:

U wake up to derek shaking u and screaming ur nameY/n: whattttDerek: get up u slept in it's already 4pmY/n: damn why ain't Kobe wake me upDerek: idk but u wanna go to the movie theater with me I'm boredY/n: sure whenDerek: like now so go take a sh...

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Then derek knocks on ur door and you unlock itDerek: oooo u look good mami U blushes a lilY/n: thank you u look good too bubsDerek: u ready to go Y/n: yeah let me just get my phone and wallet U grab ur phone and wallet and go back to derekDerek: w...

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Then derek knocks on ur door and you unlock it
Derek: oooo u look good mami
U blushes a lil
Y/n: thank you u look good too bubs
Derek: u ready to go
Y/n: yeah let me just get my phone and wallet
U grab ur phone and wallet and go back to derek
Derek: wait lemme see ur wallet for a sec
U hand derek ur wallet he throws it on the bed pulls u out the room and closes the door picks you up then carry's u downstairs and u yell
Y/n: derekkkk!put me down u payed last time!
Anna: hey where y'all going and why are u carrying y/n
Derek: to the movies and so she doesn't get her wallet
Anna: oh that's nice have fun
Derek: thx
He carry's u out the house and sets u down once y'all get to the car and opens ur door for u and you get in
Y/n: ur mean
Derek: too bad stop pouting and put on ur seatbelt
U put on ur seatbelt and Derek pulls out the driveway heading to the place
Y/n: next time I'm paying
Derek: mhm
Y/n: I'm serious u always pay
Derek: ok fine u can
Y/n: and if u won't let me than I'm not gonna go
Derek: I said ok
He put his hand on ur thigh but u took it off and turned to the other direction away from him
Y/n: I'm still mad at u for throwing my wallet
Derek: come on y/n I was doing it to be a gentleman like my mom always tells me
Y/n: Ik but I still wanted to pay but fine I'm not mad
Derek: yay now can u move ur leg back
U loved ur leg back and he put his hand on ur thigh again then a lil later u got there derek gets out the car and goes to ur side to open the door for u
Y/n: thank you
Derek: np
U guys walk inside and get popcorn snacks candy blah blah
(skip to when u get in ur chairs)
U sit down and put all ur stuff down then the movie starts a little bit into the movie u lay ur head on Dereks shoulder and he wraps his arm around u and halfway into the movie u fall asleep when the movies over derek wakes you up
Derek: y/n wake up the movies over
Y/n: ok can I go on ur back
Derek nods then u jump on his back wrapping ur arms around his neck then he holds onto ur legs when u guys get outside he puts u down and opens ur door for u then u guys get in then drive back home when u get there y'all get out then go upstairs to ur room
Derek: let's make a tiktok
Y/n: ok

Caption: @y/npena❤️

@y/nandderek the way he looked at her🥺
@dereksgurl why does he actually look hurt tho
↪️@dereksfeet she probably rejected him for Kobe the one who cheated on her🖐🏾😭
@y/nandkobe4life she don't want u she want kobe
@y/npena guys I didn't choose Kobe over derek or anyone over anybody it's just a tiktok and we're all just friends
@kbreezo how y'all bring me into this
↪️@kobeandderek_fp bc y/n picked u over derek
↪️@y/npena how it's just a tiktok damn

Y/n: omg uk I didn't pick anyone over anybody right
Derek: yes bubs there just making assumptions don't let it get to ur head
Y/n: thank you bubba
Derek: yw
U and Derek hug then when u pull away u look into his eyes then lean in and kiss him his lips were so soft and u felt like all ur problems went away then after like 5 minutes he pulled away
Derek: let's go get some pajamas on
Y/n: ok
Derek leaves and goes to his room while you get undressed and go to get ur clothes then Kobe comes in
Y/n: omg! come on kobe again u needa learn how to knock
Kobe: u needa learn how to lock ur door, but anyways how was the movies
Y/n: good now can I change
Kobe: no
Kobe comes to u and starts sucking on ur boob and u moan
Kobe: u like that huh mamas
Y/n: kobe stop u say moaning again
Kobe: ur moaning is telling me to keep going kobe picks u up and puts u on the bed then starts eating u out and u moan
Y/n: k-kobe s-stop
Kobe: that's not my name
Y/n: ugh daddy😩 u say moaning again
Kobe: that's what I like to hear
Kobe starts to take off his pants
Y/n: Kobe stop Dereks gonna be back soon
Kobe: fine
Kobe walks out the room then u close the door and get dressed in a tank top and booty shorts then derek knocks on the door and u go to unlock it
Derek: can u play with my hair🥺
Y/n: sure bubs come on
U go and lay down then derek gets in between ur legs and u start playing with his hair and just watch tiktoks with him then he makes a tiktok

(Pretend the "I promise it gets better boys" isn't there)
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@kobeandy/n4life nooo she belongs with kobe
↪️@derekandy/n_fp no she's better with Derek
@y/ does she have anything on her bottom half😳
↪️@derektrendz yes she has shorts on u just can't see them
@kobeswifey is that y/n😭
↪️@y/npena maybe😶
@kbreezo 😐
@derekandkobe kobe, mike and jai rn:
@dereksfeet I thought she rejected him for Kobe but she want all of them
↪️@derekismybae yeah bc she's a hoe
↪️@derektrendz she's not a hoe and ur a fake fan
@vallykpena just wait til I get up there
↪️@laila_hunt ur not going up there let her live damn
↪️@vallykpena fine🙄
↪️@y/nandvally ooo why he listen to her ship

Y/n: bubs I'm cold can we cuddle
Derek nods his head than gets next to u and puts his arm around u
Y/n: bubs are u mad at me
Derek: no
Y/n: are u sure🥺
Derek: yes bby if I was mad at u then why would I be cuddling u
Y/n: ok just making sure
Derek: gn princess
Y/n: gn bubba

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