Part 37

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U wake up to a phone call from jiggy
The call:
Y/n: hey jigs
Jiggy: hi srry did I wake u up
Y/n: yeah but it's aii I needed to get up anyways
Jiggy: ok I just wanted to ask if u wanted to hang out later wit me Cohen and David
Y/n: sure u want me to go there or u wanna come here
Jiggy: we'll come there so we can hang wit everyone else
Y/n: kk bye
Jiggy: byeee
U hang up
(Skip to when they get to ur house bc I'm lazy)
U open the door let them in and they sat on the couch Mike comes downstairs from ur room wit shorts and no shirt on and he got bed head
Mike: y/n wha- oh hey jiggy cohen and david
Jiggy,cohen&david: hey
Y/n: have u rlly been sleeping all day u bum
Mike: I need my sleep
Y/n: mhm go change
Mike: no thx
Y/n: come on mikey we got guests
Mike: ion care they ain't that special
Y/n: fine can u at least get everyone out there rooms
Mike: sure
U sit on the couch and lay ur head on cohens lap and ur legs/feet on jiggy and david and mike gets everyone out they rooms
Vallyk: why u need us y/n I actually wanna spend time wit my girl for once
Y/n: david jiggy and cohen are here so I wanted y'all to come hang wit us
Vallyk: u wanted us to come for that I'm out
Y/n: come on vallyk
Lai: stop being a Debby downer bby
Vallyk: fine
Y/n: oh stop pouting I'm bored what should we do
David: make tiktoks
Kobe: nah that's boring let's play spin the bottle
Y/n: there's literally like no one here
Kobe: 10 is enough (Nia was wit ha bf)
Y/n: ig ima get the bottle
U go in the kitchen find a glass bottle
Y/n: get in a circle mfs
Y'all get in a circle

U wake up to a phone call from jiggyThe call:Y/n: hey jigsJiggy: hi srry did I wake u upY/n: yeah but it's aii I needed to get up anywaysJiggy: ok I just wanted to ask if u wanted to hang out later wit me Cohen and David Y/n: sure u want me to go ...

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(Ik it looks dumb, but that's how y'all sat)

Y/n: and remember no matter who u get u gotta kiss them no matter what
Y/n: who going first
Anna: I will she gets up and spins it and it lands on david
Y/n: oooo
Anna: shut up
They kiss
Y/n: ok who's going next
Lai: I will
She spins it and it lands on vallyk
Y/n: damn that was risky
Lai: ong
They kiss them start making out
Y/n: ok ok that's enough
Kobe: fr pg
Lai: stfu
Y/n: anyways who's next
Anna: why don't u go since u keep asking who next
Y/n: ok fine
U get up and spin the bottle and it lands onnnn......

Keep scrolling bby

Keep going

Srry for doing this don't kill me

Ik I'm making this too dramatic😭

Ok scroll one more time

It landed on jiggy u get up and kiss him and his lips were really soft u sat back down and everyone (besides jiggy) was just looking at u wit they eyes wide open
Y/n: what's y'all's deal
Jiggy: fr
Kobe: I'm out
He got up and grabbed his keys off the counter
Anna: me too can I come wit u
Kobe: mhm anyone else
Everyone except (you, jiggy, cohen and david left)
Y/n: wow wth
Jiggy: ion even know
Y/n: lemme text mike
U texted him "wtf did y'all leave" and he just left u on read
Cohen: what he say
Y/n: nun he just left me on open
David: so what we doing
Cohen: make tiktoks
Y/n: aii make one wit me coco
Cohen: ok
U and Cohen get up and make a tiktok together

(Pretend ur Kylie)
Caption: ❤️ @flightnutsincurry

@cohensbutt ship👀
↪️@y/npena nah that's my brother
↪️@flightnutsincurry yeah no that's my sis
@y/n_isaqueen aww my fav duo
↪️@y/npena same☺️
@y/ is jiggy there
↪️@y/npena yup he's upstairs playing the game wit david
@y/npena_fp yay it's coco
↪️@y/npena fasho

U and Cohen go upstairs to david and jiggy
Y/n: hey y'all wanna-
Jiggy: BRO GOOO!
David: I'm trying it's ur fault u ain't helping me kill him!
Jiggy: cmon u almost got him!
David: I'm trying!
Y/n: y'all w-
David: it's not my fault u wasn't helping me dumbass!
Y/n: hellooooooo
Jiggy: srry y/n we ain't hear u what we're u saying
Y/n: nvm let's go coco
Jiggy: wait y/n come on
Y/n: no it's fine continue playing the game
Jiggy: I don't wanna play the game I wanna hang out with you
Y/n: Ik but first I wanna find out where the others are so everyone call someone
Jiggy: I'll call lai
David: I'll call anna
Cohen: I'll call vallyk
Y/n: and I'll call derek
Y'all called them and they all declined u kept calling them and they kept declining
Y/n: ugh what's the matter wit them
Jiggy: ion know but let's call kobe bc we ain't call him yet
Y/n: ok I will
U call kobe and the second time he actually answers
Y/n: omg! Kobe! u answered
Kobe: mhm what u want
Y/n: where are y'all u can't just dip and not tell us where u going
Kobe: we went somewhere
Y/n: well why u the only one who answered my call also we were in a middle of a game and y'all just left
Kobe: Ik but I gtg
Y/n: are y'all coming home soon
Kobe: idk but-
Y/n: pls come home soon
Kobe: may-
Y/n: pls
Kobe: I said may-
Y/n: plsss kobe😩
Kobe: ok ok
Y/n: thank you I better see u soon
Kobe: u will bye
Y/n: bye
David: what happened
Y/n: they coming back soon hopefully
David: u good y/n
Y/n: mhm let's just go watch a movie
Cohen: good idea
Y'all go downstairs sit on the couch and watch a movie u put ur legs on cohens lap and a few minutes into the movie u fall asleep
Jiggy: is y/n asleep already
Cohen: yeah she was probably stressed
David: I feel bad for her these people she live wit are crazy
Jiggy: ong
Cohen: ima bring her up to her room
Jiggy: k
Cohen picks u up and brings you up to your room and lays u on ur bed then goes back downstairs wit the boys
Cohen: ofc y'all playing the game without me and do they got a ps4 in every room damn
Jiggy: basically grab a controller
Cohen: k
They play the game until everyone comes back
Kobe: where's y/n
Cohen: upstairs in her room sleeping
Kobe: aii thx
Kobe goes upstairs to ur room and wakes u up
Y/n: kobe ur back😀
U hug him
Kobe: mhm
Y/n: is everyone else here too are they mad at me😔
Kobe: yeah there here and idk if they mad at u or not
Y/n: are you mad at me
Kobe: no well not anymore
Y/n: why are and were y'all mad at me
Kobe: the boys were jealous of u and jiggy besides vallyk obviously
Y/n: oh well I'm srry but why are vallyk, lai and anna mad
Kobe: they was just surprised u actually kissed jiggy and they wanted to come
Y/n: ok are jiggy cohen and david still here
Kobe: yeah
Y/n: k
U get up and go downstairs
Y/n: hey guys
Cohen: gm sleeping beauty
Y/n: lmao what was y'all doing while I was sleeping
Jiggy: just playing the game, but we gotta get going
Y/n: aw ok
U hug them then they leave
Kobe: are u gonna talk to the others
Y/n: yes stay in here ima go talk to them
Kobe: k
U leave ur room and go to dereks
Y/n: bubba can we talk
Derek: why
Y/n: I just wanted to talk abt what happened wit jiggy and all that
Derek: aii
Y/n: look Ik that u got mad when I kissed jiggy but we were playing spin the bottle and it's apart of the game to kiss the person u land on
Derek: Ik
Y/n: so are u mad at me still
Derek: nope
Y/n: rlly
Derek: yup
U hug him then go downstairs make up wit everyone else blah blah blah (I'm lazy ok😭) then u go back in ur room and lay on kobe
Kobe: how'd it go
Y/n: good
Kobe: that's good now gts u seem tired ash
Y/n: I am
Kobe: gn mamas
Y/n: gn
Y'all fall asleep

Idek what this chapter is😭 Ik my chapters have been trash, but y'all are gonna...idk, but be prepared bc idk how y'all gon react to the next chapter anyways vote word count: 1482 words

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