Part 15

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A little bit after that u kept crying until someone called u it was kobe but u declined it a few seconds after he called u again and u declined it that happened like 4 more times then u texted him

(He just replied wit "k" after the last text but it got cut off)U threw ur phone on the bed and went downstairs and made sausage eggs and toast then ofc Mike came and hugged u from behind Mike: morning mamas You push him off uY/n: MICHAEL ADONIS C...

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(He just replied wit "k" after the last text but it got cut off)
U threw ur phone on the bed and went downstairs and made sausage eggs and toast then ofc Mike came and hugged u from behind
Mike: morning mamas You push him off u
Mike: we're not dating anymore she left me for some guy named trent
Y/n: trentyn lehman!!?
Mike: um yeah ig u know him
Y/n: he's my cousin we don't talk much tho he pretty much hates me
Mike: oh well srry ig
Y/n: nah it's aii
Mike: sooo can I hug u again
Y/n: fine
he put his hands around ur waist and hugged u from behind again
Y/n: ok now get off so I can cook
Mike: no I missed doing this
Y/n: omg fine
U finish cooking and get the plates
Y/n: mike can u get cups and put oj in them
Mike: only if u call me papi
Y/n: shut up and do it
Mike: nope
Y/n: come on
Mike: I said I'll only do it if u call me papi
Y/n: I'm not calling u papi
Mike: then I'm not letting go of u or putting juice in cups
Y/n: what if I give u a kiss
Mike: I only expect make out sessions
Y/n: fine
Mike turns u around puts u on the counter he puts his hands on ur thighs then u put ur hands around his neck and y'all start making out about 15-20 minutes later y'all stop
Mike: u liked that huh
Y/n: shut up the foods probably cold now
Mike: just put it in the microwave they won't know
Y/n: whatever move so I can get off this counter
Mike moves out the way
Y/n: now go put the juice in the cups
Mike: ok ok
Mike goes and puts the juice in the cups and u microwave the food then put everything on the table
Y/n: ima go wake up everyone upstairs (derek, lai there's usually 4 people upstairs including you, but and u wake up everyone downstairs (anna, vallyk, nia)
Mike: aii
U go upstairs and head to Dereks room first
Y/n: derek wake up
No response
Y/n: bubbassss
No response
Y/n: derek!
No response
U take his blanket off him and sit on him ( he's laying on his back and ur basically sitting on his d but he has clothes on obviously)
Y/n: DEREKKK! u say hitting him with a pillow
Derek: I'm up damn u ain't have to do all that
Y/n: well u weren't waking up so
Derek: why are u sitting on me I mean I don't mind but why
Y/n: because I wanted to
Derek: well u wanna not be able to walk for a week or what
Y/n: shut up and go eat breakfast U say getting off him
Derek: ok I'm going y'all get out the room and u head to lai's
Y/n: laiiii wake uppp
No response
Y/n: omg does anyone wake up in this house
Lai: ok ok I'm up stop yelling
Y/n: srry let's go eat breakfast
Lai: ok I'll be down in a sec
Y/n: ok
U head downstairs and go sit down them lai comes a little bit after u
This is how y'all sat:
You Mike anna
No one Vallyk
Derek nia Lai
Y/n: that's a nice empty chair😕 u say with a sad face mike puts his hand on ur thigh and whispers in ur ear
Mike: stop thinking abt him he didn't deserve u
Y/n: thx mike but I'm gonna go upstairs pls don't follow me I need time to myself
Mike: ok mamas ( y'all were still whispering)
U run upstairs and go to ur old room lock the door and lay on ur bed u go on ur phone and look at all the memories of u and kobe and start to tear up but u wipe them away U get undressed and take a shower put on ur sad playlist and just cry in the shower
Vallyk: where'd she go
Mike: she wasn't feeling good so she went to lay down
Anna: is it abt Kobe
Mike: idk u can ask her that when she comes out her room but she said she wants to be left alone
Anna: ok
After abt an hour u turn off the shower and get a call from angel
The call:
Angel: hey y/n how u doing me and Corey are gonna come later
Y/n: um I'm doing ok and I'll just come over now if that's ok with u bc I really don't wanna be in this house bc it reminds me of him
Angel: oh yeah u can come over now
Y/n: thx be there in a lil
Angel: k bye
Y/n: bye
U hang up then call Kobe bc u said u would call him
The call:
Kobe: hi y/n
Y/n: hi kobe it did mean something to me but I told u that I'm just not ready to be in a relationship
Kobe: I understand and I'm srry for acting like that
Y/n: it's ok anyways Ima get some of my stuff from ur house later tonight
Kobe: aii bye bab- I mean y/n
Y/n: bye
U hang up then put on this:

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