Part 48

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Skip to the morning kobes abt to come home (everyone knew he was coming except u bc he left a week early and they wanted to surprise u) u wake up and make breakfast and wake up everyone
Lai: y/n do u miss kobe
Y/n: ofc why
Lai: no reason
Y/n: um ok...
Nia: so what are u guys doing today
Y/n: I'm chillin at the house
Mike: yeah me too
Anna: Derek lai vallyk and me are goin over to angels
Nia: I'm going to Diego's house
Y/n: ur always over there
Nia: ik but he's amazing
Y/n: ye ye whateva
U heard a knock on the door
Lai: y/n go get it
Y/n: why me
Lai: just go do it
Y/n: ugh fine
U get up and open the door and see kobe
U hug him
Y/n: I thought u weren't coming back til next week
Kobe: I was but we ended early
Y/n: but ur gonna leave again in like two weeks
Kobe: why ru killin the mood I'm here now be happy
Y/n: I am I was js
Kobe came in and said hello to everyone else and u made him a plate he sat down and u gave him his food
Kobe: thank you
Y/n: yw
Everyone left the table to get ready and u stayed at the table with Kobe until he finished his food
Y/n: ok now that ur done let me help u unpack
Y'all went upstairs and he brung the suitcase up to his room and y'all separated the dirty and clean clothes
Y/n: u put away ur clean clothes while I clean the dirty ones
Kobe: aii thx
Y/n: np
U put the dirty clothes in a laundry basket then put them in the wash and went back to Kobe's room
Y/n: ok they're washing rn let's watch a show
Kobe: aii
U put a show on then abt 10mins later u got up to put the laundry in the dryer
Kobe: what u gettin up for
Y/n: I gotta put the laundry in the dryer
Kobe: oh aii
U put the clothes in the dryer then go back in kobes room and kobe unpaused the show
Y/n: no wait pause it I'm cleaning this dirty ass room u we're gone for a month and it's dirty asl
Kobe: ok u do that and I'll watch this show
Y/n: ok but watch that in my room I'm putting on music in here
Kobe: aii thx
Y/n: mhm
He left and went to ur room while u put on some music and started cleaning up when u were almost done Kobe comes in the room
Y/n: what
Kobe: ru done yet
Y/n: almost
Kobe: k ima stay in here til u done
Y/n: ok
When u were done the song "like I want you" by giveon was playing and kobe got up and grabbed u by the waist
Y/n: what u doin
Kobe: slow dancing with u
Y'all started slow dancing then Kobe pulled u real close to where u could feel his breath right on ur face y'all looked into each others eyes then kissed with the song playing in the background
Ur thoughts 💭idk what I'm doing but I'm rlly missing kobe rn I'm literally kissing him idk why but I kinda wanna get back together with him but I can't that's not fair to derek and mike I gotta stop before he gets me too attached💭
U stopped kissing kobe and turned off the song
Kobe: why'd u stop
Y/n: I'm srry kobe but um I just can't
Kobe: u can't what
Y/n: I can't kiss u we're not together
Kobe: then let's be together
Y/n: no we can't I wanna get back with u kobe-
Kobe: then do it
Y/n: but that's not fair to derek and mike
Kobe: oh aii
He said in a sad low voice putting his head down u lifted up his chin
Y/n: look kobe I love u and I will never stop loving you, u will always have a special place in my heart but you've already had ur chance and I wanna keep my options open to more people
Kobe: by more people u just mean mike and derek
Y/n: no, well yes but I'm not saying they're better than u or anything but if one of them ask me out I wanna see how a relationship with them would go
Kobe: no I understand
Y/n: ur not mad right
Kobe: yeah I'm not mad
Y/n: u promise
Kobe: yes
Y/n: ok don't lie to me
Kobe: I'm not
He lays on his back on the bed with u on top of him hugging u
Y/n: get offfff
Kobe: u sure
Y/n: um yea
Kobe: ok u asked for it
He gets up picking u up and slamming u on the bed tickling u
Y/n: omg stoooopppppp
Kobe: no bc u wanted me to get off u
Y/n: ugh I hate you
Kobe: I love u too
Y/n: actually s-stop I'm gonna pee all over ur bed
Kobe: too bad
Y/n: and I gotta take ur clOthes out the w-wash
Kobe: they can wait
Y/n: ur a-annoyinggg
Kobe: yup
Kobe: no dont call him in
Mike comes rushing upstairs into the room
Mike: what's goin on
Y/n: he w-won't stop tickling m-m-meeee
Mike: bruh u actually got me worried then sayin he's the damn tickle monster omg
Kobe stopped tickling u and mike went back downstairs and u went and took kobes clothes out the laundry and folded them then got next to him on the bed
Kobe: thank you for cleaning my clothes and room
Y/n: np
Kobe: but like actually thank you sm
Y/n: yw...Why don't u and mike play the game
Kobe: aii
Kobe goes downstairs and goes to mikes room
Kobe: yo u wanna play the game wit me
Mike: sure I'll be up there in a min
Kobe: k
Kobe goes upstairs to his room then mike comes in and they play the game and y/n watches for abt an hour until she gets tired and takes a nap on kobes bed

Ok I'm just gonna end it like that so yea<3, vote word count:1088

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