Part 52

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2 weeks later
Y/n POV:
I woke up and remembered the boys are leaving later tn for playlist ima miss them annoying me every day I go downstairs making breakfast then wake up everyone telling them there's food downstairs when I went into dereks room last waking him up
Y/n: derekkk
Derek: hmm
Y/n: wake up I made food
End of y/n POV
He pulls u down next to him trying to cuddle
Y/n: derek get off let's go eat
Derek: noo let's cuddle
Y/n: no
Derek: plss
Y/n: nooo
Derek: fine then let's do this
He hovers over u kissing u you kiss back y'all start making out then he goes down to ur neck sucking on it
Y/n: Derek stop now is not the time to give me a hickey
Abt a min later he stops
Y/n: can we go eat now
Derek: u gotta cover that up first
Y/n: ugh ur so annoying
U leave his room going to urs covering the hickey with makeup and he goes downstairs eating
Vallyk: wheres y/n
Derek: idk I think she went to the bathroom or sum
He texts u telling u to say u were in the bathroom if anyone asks u come downstairs and sit down eating
Vallyk: what was u doin
Y/n: I went to the bathroom
Vallyk: aii
Kobe: guys I think we should tell them
Mike: no they'll go crazy
Derek: yea I agree with mike
Vallyk: but we can't just not tell them
Y/n: wtf are y'all talking abt
Kobe: we gotta tell them
Vallyk: yes or they'll get mad when we tell them when we're already there
Mike: but-
Y/n: omg just tell us damn
Kobe: we're leaving for 3months
Y/n: what do you mean by ur leaving for 3 months
Vallyk: he means we're leaving for 3 months
Y/n: Ik what he said
Mike: we were just supposed to go to playlist but we're going on tour and having meet and greets and all of that
Y/n: u guys leave tonight why are u just telling me now
Derek: we're srry but we knew you'd freak out and not what us to leave
Y/n: it would've been better if y'all told us before
Lai: baby I don't want u to go for 3 months
Vallyk: Ik but I have to
Y/n: why tf would y'all just tell us now that's not cool not cool at all
Derek: calm down we knew u would act like this that's why we didn't wanna tell u
Y/n: I'm acting like this bc u didn't tell me not bc ur leaving for 3 months that's still bad but it's just that u told me the day ur leaving we didn't even spend that much time with all of us together
Vallyk: it doesn't matter y/n we can all u everyday and hang out after tour
Y/n: Ik that
Vallyk: ok so why are u so mad
Y/n: I said it
Derek: y/n go outside and get some fresh air
Y/n: whatever
U get up going outside just looking up at the sky a few mins later someone comes out
Anna: hey I just wanted to check on u
Y/n: k thx
Anna: let's go back inside now
Y/n: ok
Y'all go inside u grab ur keys off the counter
Y/n: ima go sum where real quick I'll be back
They say bye and u go in ur car calling someone
Y/n: hey
??: yo wsp
Y/n: nun much but u think u could hook me up
??: blunts
Y/n: yeah
??: is u good u wanna talk abt it
Y/n: no I'm fine idk I just feel like smoking
??: aii ima send u the addy
Y/n: ight bye thx
??: np bye
U hang up then he send u the addy and u drive there u knock on the door and he opens it giving u the goods
Y/n: thx nunu
Nunu: np u wanna come in and hang
Y/n: I totally would but I should rlly go back home so everyone dont get all suspicious and check my location or sum
Nunu: oh they don't know u here
Y/n: no I don't want them to know what I'm getting there gonna get mad and throw them away or sum
Nunu: oh aii well bye then we should hang soon
Y/n: totally see ya
Y/n POV:
I leave getting in my car driving to a lake smoking and just looking out into the water I feel free again like I use to when my dad died and I started smoking Ik I shouldn't be doing this but I can't help it I should rlly get going I get up going back home I get a hoodie out the back of my car and put the stuff in the pocket and spray myself with perfume so they cant smell it on me then I went inside upstairs to my room locking it hiding the 🍃 in a box in my dresser drawer then I took off my clothes getting in the shower doing my shower routine then getting out changing into this

2 weeks laterY/n POV:I woke up and remembered the boys are leaving later tn for playlist ima miss them annoying me every day I go downstairs making breakfast then wake up everyone telling them there's food downstairs when I went into dereks room l...

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