Part 31

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U woke up next to kobe and looked at ur phone and saw a bunch of text messages from david, jiggy, cohen and ballo u didn't feel like answering but u went live
The live:
Y/n: gm yall
Comment: gm
Comment: answer my texts!😡
Y/n: I will chill jigs
Comment: answer my text too
Y/n: ok wait coco
Comment: aww their nicknames are so cute
Comment: why aren't u answering my texts but going live
Y/n: I'll answer y'all's texts chill I just woke up and haven't gon live in a bit so I wanted to go live
Comment: who's arm is that on u!!?
Y/n: breezo's u say pointing the camera at him
Y/n: ss that and dm it to me
Comment: I will
Y/n: ok
Comment: oooo y'all cuddling
Comment: y'all dating
Y/n: we're not dating
Comment: ok but y'all was cuddling
Y/n: maybe
Comment: that's a yes
Y/n: ok BUT we're not dating and-
Kobe: who's not dating he says in a raspy voice
Y/n: no one go back to sleep
Comment: she not telling him it's them bc they are dating
Comment: ^fax
Y/n: shut up ima get off-
Kobe: get off what
Y/n: I'm live ugly stop interrupting me
Kobe: srry ma
Comment: ooooo he called u ma
Y/n: whatever losers ima get off and text jigs, coco and ballo bye love y'all u kiss the camera then end it
U look at the texts from them and they all asked to hang out (Kobe looked at ur phone)
Kobe: u better say no u promised u would hang out with only me today
Y/n: Ik but-
Kobe: no buts come on
Y/n: can I talk please
Kobe: fine go
Y/n: I feel like I should hang wit ballo bc I brought him to a party and barley even got to hang out wit him because of somebody's selfish ass
Kobe: Ik but I made it up to u when I took care of u and then u just went out with the girls
Y/n: ok fine but tomorrow I'm hanging out with ballo
Kobe: ok but today ur mine
Y/n: ok lemme tell them no
U text David jiggy and Cohen and tell them that u can't hang today or tomorrow then u tell ballo u can hang tomorrow
Y/n: ok so what are we even gonna do today
Kobe: let's go to the beach
Y/n: no I've been in water enough the past few days it never goes well
Kobe: ok how bout we go bowling
Y/n: ok but don't be mad when u loose
Kobe: u definitely gon be the one who's gonna loose but ok
Y/n: we'll see
Kobe: mhm now I'm going back to sleep bc I'm tired
Y/n: ok u bum I'm gonna go cook breakfast
Kobe: no stay wit me
Y/n: no I'm not a bum like u
Kobe: I'm not a bum
Y/n: whatever u get up to leave but Kobe pulls u back down onto him and squeezes u so u can't get out his grip
Y/n: kobeee come on
Kobe: no stay wit daddy
Y/n: ur not daddy
Kobe turns u around and chokes u (not hard)
Kobe: who's not daddy
Y/n: you u said wanting to make mad he chokes a little harder but not too hard
Kobe: lemme ask u again who's not daddy
Y/n: YOU are u deaf or sum! he chokes u harder cutting off ur breathing a lil bit but still doing it in a sexual way
Kobe: don't play wit me ma or u won't be able to walk for months
Y/n: o-ok s-s-sorry
Kobe: sorry what
Y/n: sorry d-daddy
Kobe let's go of u
Kobe: u can go cook now
Y/n: mhm
U roll ur eyes (he can't see ur face) then u leave and go make avocado toast

U woke up next to kobe and looked at ur phone and saw a bunch of text messages from david, jiggy, cohen and ballo u didn't feel like answering but u went liveThe live:Y/n: gm yallComment: gm Comment: answer my texts!😡Y/n: I will chill jigsComment...

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Then got plates and cups put juice in the cups and the food on the plates then set the table and went to nia's room and woke her up then woke up vallyk then mike then Anna then go upstairs and wake up derek then Lai then Kobe again then go downstairs and sit at the table
Y'all sat like this:
You Mike Derek
Kobe Nia
Anna vallyk Lai
Y/n: so what y'all doing today
Lai: me and vallyk going to the movies
Y/n: aww #couple goals
Vallyk: shut up
Y/n: whatever anyways what u doing Anna
Anna: me and nia gonna hang wit David he asked to hang today
Y/n: oh cool what u doing bubs
Derek: me and mike are going to hang wit corey and cat
Y/n: oh cool
Lai: what u doing y/n
Y/n: oh um me and Kobe are going bowling
Vallyk: no bc last time u and Kobe hung out alone he had a bunch of hickeys and a purple lip
Y/n: Ik but it won't happen again and I promised him I would for taking care of me
Vallyk: ok fine BUT if u come back with a hickey or he does it's over
Y/n: we won't
Kobe: no promises
U smack Kobe on the back of his neck
Y/n: he's kidding I promise we won't come back with anything
Vallyk: he better be
Lai: vallyk give her a break
U get up wash ur dishes then go upstairs to ur room and pick the outfit ur gonna wear later
(Skip to later when u have to get ready for bowling)
U get in the shower do ur shower routine blah blah blah then get dressed in this:

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