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(Listen to the song you'll like it trust me)
You wake up and Kobe's laying on ur chest holding ur boob dereks laying next to u leaning on ur shoulder with his arms wrapped around u and mike is laying on ur stomach and legs lai and vallyk are on one couch and nia and anna are on the other u try to get up but u can't
Y/n: guys get up
No response
Y/n: kobeeee get up
No response
Y/n: Kobe!
Kobe: what ma
Y/n: can u get up I gotta go to the bathroom
Kobe: fine
Y/n: derekkkk wake upppp!
Derek: what bubs
Y/n: I needa go to the bathroom get up
Derek: okkkk
Y/n: mikeyyyyyyy
Mike: yes mamas
Y/n: can u get up I gotta go to the bathroom
Mike: fine, but come back ur comfy
Y/n: ok
U get up and go to the bathroom then wash ur hands then get back in bed
Y/n: ok y'all can go back on me
Derek: yay
They went back in the positions they were and u weren't tired so u put ur AirPod in and watched tiktoks while playing with dereks hair and a little later anna wakes up and goes to u
Anna: damn u got hoes all up on u
Y/n: shut up u say while laughing
Anna: it's the truth
Y/n: yeah whatever they won't let me get up
Anna: oof well ima go make breakfast
Y/n: ok
U continued watching tiktok until Anna come back and said the food was done so u woke up the boys
Y/n: guys wake uppp!
Kobe, derek&mike: we're up
Y/n: Anna made food come on
Mike: noooo ur comfy
Derek: yeah I'm not getting up
Kobe: yup no way I'm getting off
Y/n: ugh y'all are so childish I'll get u off
Y/n: vallykkkk get uppp!
Vallyk: what
Y/n: can u get the boys off me
Vallyk: mhm
Vallyk gets up and pulls mike away
Mike: ur mean
Y/n: thank you
Then vallyk pulls Derek off
Derek: damn how he get me off
Y/n: bc my brother strong
Kobe: good luck getting me off
Vallyk yanks Kobe off
Y/n: haha
Kobe: damn manz is hulk
Y/n: sure is thank you vally
Vallyk: mhm now let's go eat
Lai&nia: ok damn
Kobe: vallyk finna crush all us and u gonna make us go deaf
Y/n: shut up and go downstairs
U all go downstairs and everyone's in front of u except mike while ur going down he slaps ur butt
Y/n: ow u say hitting his yk😳
Mike: shit! He says folding and covering his😶
Lai: what happened
Y/n: nothing
Mike: yup nothing keep walking
Everyone walked downstairs while mike limped
Kobe: mike u sure u good
Mike: yeah I'm good
U and mike sit down
Y'all sat like this:
Mike. You. Kobe
Derek. Lai
Anna. Nia. Vallyk
You whisper to mike
Y/n: I'm srry I ain't mean to
Mike: it's fine
Derek: hey how come Mike and kobe get to sit next to y/n
Kobe: bc were her favorite
Y/n: no u say hitting Kobe's arm
Lai: yeah u thought I'm the favorite
Anna: no I'm the favorite
Nia: no me
Derek: no obviously me
Kobe: nah definitely me
Mike: y'all trippin it's me
U smile and watch them fight ur thoughts 💭I missed this and it's finally back the crew is back and we're together through thick and thin forever and always💭
U all laugh and u lay ur head on mikes shoulder just smiling and watching everyone talk to eachother and laugh......... a lil later u remembered it was about to be coreys birthday
Y/n: ima go out in a lil so Im gonna take a shower
Vallyk: where u going
Y/n: to the store to get corey a present
Vallyk: oh aii
U went upstairs then locked ur door and got undressed then took a shower did ur shower routine blah blah blah then got dressed in this:

 a lil later u remembered it was about to be coreys birthday Y/n: ima go out in a lil so Im gonna take a showerVallyk: where u goingY/n: to the store to get corey a present Vallyk: oh aiiU went upstairs then locked ur door and got undressed then t...

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