Part 45

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U wake up and look around
Ur thoughts: 💭wtf happened, OMG I LITERALLY FUCKED ANGEL why tf would I do that I'm so dumb 💭

U got up grabbed ur bathing suit and shorts and left his house and drove home u got there and went up to ur room and sat down looking at the wall just thinking abt what happened with angel over and over then u got a text

U got up grabbed ur bathing suit and shorts and left his house and drove home u got there and went up to ur room and sat down looking at the wall just thinking abt what happened with angel over and over then u got a text

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U lay down and close ur eyes then someone gets in bed behind u, you turn around and dereks there

Y/n: oh hey bubs
Derek: hey, how's angel
Y/n: I think he's good
Derek: k, wyd today
Y/n: idk probably just gonna chill at home, wyd
Derek: I think me, vallyk, mike, jiggy and david are gonna go paint balling
Y/n: oh that sounds like fun
Derek: mhm
Y/n: u wanna make breakfast wit me
Derek: sure
(Skip to when y'all done making breakfast and have the table set)
Derek: I'll wake up lai and vallyk u wake up mike
Y/n: what abt anna
Derek: oh she went to corey's and cats place
Y/n: ohhh ok
U go into mikes room and wake him up
Mike: I'm up damn
He sits up and has something on his neck
Y/n: what's that
Mike: wym
Y/n: ok ur neck
He covers his neck wit one of his hands
Y/n: move ur hand
Mike: what u talkings bout
U try to take his hand off his neck
Y/n: mike take ur hand off
Mike: no why
Y/n: mike do u have a hickey
Mike: um no
Y/n: tell the truth idc if u do
Mike: rlly
Y/n: mhm
Mike: fine
He takes his hand off his neck
Y/n: finally now let's go eat
Mike: ru mad
Y/n: no idc we're not dating or anything so u can do anything u want
Mike: ok thx
Y/n: mhm
Y'all leave his room and sit down with the others
Vallyk: damn why'd y'all take so lon- OMG! ofc
Y/n: what
Vallyk: u gave him a damn hickey
Y/n: I didn't give him that
Vallyk: then who did
Mike: talyeh he mumbled in a low voice
Vallyk: who
Mike: talyeh
Y/n: isn't she dating my cousin trent
Mike: she was
Y/n: did she cheat on him wit u
Mike: no they broke up before it happened
Y/n: oh ok
Lai: so what y'all doing today
Y/n: the boys are going paintballing and I'm staying home watching tiktok all day like a lazy bihh
Lai: ok ig I'll ask nia to hang wit her and diego
Vallyk: we gotta get ready for paint balling
Mike&derek: k
Everyone leaves the table and leaves u to clean up by ur self u wash all the dishes then go in ur room and derek and lai come in
Derek: we going
Y/n: aii bye
Lai&derek: bye
They leave and u go on ur phone
(Hours past and it's 12am the boys are still out they went to a club and lai is spending the night at diegos wit nia)
U scroll through tiktok and see kobe's tiktok and comment

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@y/npena imy come homeeee😩
↪️@kbreezo imy2 I'll be home soon🥺
↪️@y/npena not soon enough ft me
↪️@kbreezo ok
@kobeshoe awww jai's smile so cute😊
↪️@gloryboyjai ty❤️
@kobeandderek_bestduo bae so fineeee😩
@kobeandjaiden always smoking
↪️@kbreezo ion smoke

Kobe ft u
Kobe: hey stink stink
Y/n: heyy morris where jai
Kobe: he getting food
Y/n: oh ok how's meeting fans
Kobe: ok ig I'd rather be there wit u
Y/n: aw I'd rather u be here too
Kobe: where's everyone
Y/n: vallyk, mike, derek jiggy and david went paint balling and to the club, lai is hanging out wit nia and her bf Diego and Anna's at coreys
Kobe: and they left u home by ur self
Y/n: yes but I don't mind
Kobe: are all the doors locked
Y/n: yes kobe
Kobe: do u have safety weapons in ur room
Y/n: omg yes kobe I'll be fine
Kobe: I just want u to be safe
Y/n: Ik thank you for that but I'm ok
Kobe: ok, u wanna play the game wit me
Y/n: sure
Y'all play and u take a pic of kobe and post it

Kobe ft u Kobe: hey stink stinkY/n: heyy morris where jai Kobe: he getting foodY/n: oh ok how's meeting fansKobe: ok ig I'd rather be there wit uY/n: aw I'd rather u be here tooKobe: where's everyoneY/n: vallyk, mike, derek jiggy and david went pa...

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@y/n.tacos playing wit this weirdo

@kobeandy/n4life awww his smile☺️
@y/n_isaqueen ru good at the game
↪️@kbreezo nah she suck
↪️@y/n.tacos stfu
@dereksglizzy where's the others
↪️@y/n.tacos places
↪️@dereksglizzy dats sus👀
@y/nsnikepros I'm new to the fandom love you🥺❤️
↪️@y/n.tacos welcome to the fandom ly2❤️😘

Y/n: kobe I'm getting tired
Kobe: aii
He turns off his game and u turn off urs
Kobe: we falling asleep on the phone together
Y/n: ok
Y'all set ur phones up and ur abt to close ur eyes when ur phone goes off Corey texted u telling u that the boys are staying at his house because they were passed out at his house u say ok then go back to the ft and u and kobe fell asleep on the phone together

This was kinda a stupid part but yeah, vote word count: 896 words

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