Part 28

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U wake up and call jiggy
Y/n: hey jigs
Jiggy: hey
Y/n: I was just wondering if when we hang u wanted to go swimming
Jiggy: sure
Y/n: ok bye
Jiggy: bye
U hang up then go downstairs and see everyone down there
Y/n: hey who's coming to jiggys with me we're going swimming
Anna: I will
Kobe: hold up we're going swimming u ain't tell me that yesterday
Derek: me either
Y/n: omg whatever if ur coming go to ur room take a shower and go get ready
Anna and Derek get up and go to their rooms
Y/n: I thought u we're coming kobe
Kobe: ion wanna
Y/n: come onnnn
Kobe: fine
U and Kobe go upstairs and he whispers to u
Kobe: I'm only going to see u in a bikini
Y/n: shut up and go to ur room
U and Kobe go into y'all rooms and u lock ur door then get undressed and head in the shower do ur routine blah blah blah then get dressed in this:

U wake up and call jiggy Y/n: hey jigsJiggy: heyY/n: I was just wondering if when we hang u wanted to go swimmingJiggy: sure Y/n: ok byeJiggy: byeU hang up then go downstairs and see everyone down thereY/n: hey who's coming to jiggys with me we're...

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U put a jacket on but keep it unzipped and grab ur wallet, keys, phone, sunglasses etc. then went downstairs
Vallyk: nuh uh uh go change into a one piece so so ur full body is covered
Y/n: no
Vallyk: yes
Y/n: no
Vallyk: YES!
Lai: vallyk just let her wear it
Vallyk: but she's gonna be with a bunch of nasty horny boys she can't wear that
Lai: Ik but she'll be with Anna nothings gonna happen
Vallyk: ugh fine!
Kobe comes downstairs
Kobe: damn ma u look sexy
Vallyk: SEE!
Lai: vallyk shut up he just complimented her
Vallyk: but he ain't gotta say it like that he was basically cat calling her
Lai: vallyk just chill
Anna comes out her room
Anna: oooo u look good y/n
Y/n: thx anna u look good too
Anna: thx
Derek comes downstairs
Derek: u look nice y/n
Y/n: thx bubs
Kobe: wow so u say thank you to them but not me
Vallyk: see look they're all fighting over her
Lai: no they're not let's go watch a movie
Vallyk: but-
Lai: come on!
Vallyk: fine
Lai and vallyk go to his room
Y/n: ok everyone ready to go
Anna,derek&kobe: yup
Y/n: ok let's go
Y'all leave the house and go to ur car
Kobe: I'm sitting in the front with y/n
Derek: no me
Y/n: no Anna is
Kobe: what that's not fair
Y/n: she didn't beg me get in the back losers
Anna: ha
Kobe: whatever
Y'all get in the car and go to jiggys y'all get there and get out and knock on the door
Jiggy: he-
He stops and looks u up and down biting his lip
Y/n: um sir may I help u
Jiggy: uh sorry come in
Y'all go in and he see Cohen on the couch and u hug him
Y/n: hey coco
Cohen: aw that's cute
Y/n: what
Cohen: the nickname u gave me
Y/n: oh yeah😂
Jiggy: um y/n can I talk to u for a sec privately
Y/n: yeah sure u ok
Jiggy: yeah I just needa talk to u
Y/n: ok
Jiggy pulls u (not roughly) into a room
Jiggy: I don't think the boys like me
Y/n: who Derek and Kobe
Jiggy: yeah
Y/n: don't worry abt it I'll talk to them ok
Jiggy: ok thx and u look great btw
Y/n: thx jigs
Jiggy: np
U and jiggy walk out then u go to Derek and Kobe and bring them into the kitchen
Y/n: guys can u pls be nice to jiggy
Kobe: why he ain't my friend
Y/n: idc he's my friend and ur in his house u don't come to someone's house and be a dick
Kobe: I ain't even wanna come
Y/n: Kobe come on he did nothing to u at least just be nice to him for today for me pls u don't even have to talk to him but if he talks to u be nice and don't give him mean looks
Kobe: fine
Y/n: will u be nice to him
U say looking at Derek
Derek: yes for u bubs
Y/n: thank you bubba
U hug Derek
Kobe: where's my hug
Y/n: u don't get a hug for being a complicated dickhead
Kobe: wow
Y/n: now come on and let's go
Y'all walk into the living room where everybody is
Y/n: ok y'all ready to go
Everyone: yup
Y/n: ok who's car we taking
Cohen: mine
Y/n: ok
Anna: wait how we all gonna fit in one car
Y/n: u and Cohen can sit in the front me derek jiggy and dickhead I mean Kobe will sit in the back
Kobe: rude
Y/n: shut up
Anna: how are all four of u gonna sit in the back
Jiggy: she can sit on my lap
Kobe looks at u and jiggy with a mad face
Y/n: Kobe stop being jealous I'm just sitting on his lap let's go people
Y'all walk out the house and get in the car and sit like this:
Cohen anna
Derek Kobe jiggy/you
Kobe was looking at u and jiggy and couldn't take his eyes of y'all
Y/n: Kobe can u stop looking at us with that jealous face
Kobe: I'm not
Y/n: yes u are
Kobe looks the other way
Y/n: I'll sit on ur lap on the way back u big baby
Kobe: ok
Y'all get there and get out and put ur towels down
Y/n: I'm bored who wanna make a tiktok with me
Anna: me
Y/n: k let's go can someone film it for us
Cohen: I will
Y/n: thx coco
Cohen: np
Y'all film the tiktok then u post it

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