Part 42

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U wake up and go downstairs and start to make breakfast then u feel arms wrap around ur waist and a head lay on ur shoulder
Mike: gm mamas
Y/n: gm mikey
Mike: it's papi but whateva
Y/n: haven't done this in a long time
Mike: what
Y/n: u hugging me from behind saying "gm mamas" then making me call u papi
Mike: Ian gon make u
Y/n: ok
You finish the food
Y/n: can u get the cups and juice
Mike: you know the drill
Y/n: u said u wasn't gon make me say it
Mike: I lied
Y/n: omg ur annoying
Mike: no I'm papi
Y/n: get the juice
Mike: nope I told u wh-
Y/n: fine can u get the juice papi
As soon as u said that Nia walks through the door
Nia: whoa what'd I miss
Y/n: omg Nia! get off me mike
He gets off u and u go to nia and hug her
Y/n: I missed u
Nia: ok but wth did u just call him
Y/n: oh I- um mike
Mike: so basically in the morning I hug her from behind say gm mamas and when she's done making the food and wants me to get the juice and cups I make her call me papi
Nia: um why
Mike: bc I like it
Nia: um ok do u then but I heard food soooo...
Y/n: ok fatass help us set the table then
Y'all go in the kitchen Nia gets the plates and u put the food on them and she puts them on the table and mike puts juice in the cups then y'all wake everyone up and y'all start eating
Y/n: sooo nia who's ya little bf
Nia: his name is diego
Nia: yes how u know him
Y/n: he's sexy as hell
Derek and mike face:😐
Nia: um you know we talking bout my bf right
Y/n: srry just saying lucky ass
Mike: lemme see a pic of him
Nia pulls out her phone and shows mike a pic he sighs and looks down
Anna: let me see
Nia hands her the phone
Anna: ooo ok I see u
Y/n: lemme see his smexy self
Nia: girl calm down
Y/n: srry
Anna hands u the phone
Y/n: can I meet him
Nia: um maybe I'm scared
Y/n: wtf why
Nia: bc u like him and he probably would like u since ur so gorgeous and he'll leave me
Y/n: bitch are u crazy I ain't gon steal yo manz that's foul
Nia: ok fine u can meet him
Y/n: when
Nia: today
Y/n: yay
Derek gets up and goes to his room and so does mike
Y/n: is they good
Anna: nah they mad
Y/n: why
Anna: bc all the things u was sayin bout diego
Y/n: oh they sensitive ash but I'll talk to them later I gotta get ready
U went upstairs
Nia: do u think she'll take Diego away from me
Vallyk: Ik my sister she would never do that
Nia: ok good
U take a shower do your shower routine blah blah blah then get dressed into this:

Y/n: ok fatass help us set the table thenY'all go in the kitchen Nia gets the plates and u put the food on them and she puts them on the table and mike puts juice in the cups then y'all wake everyone up and y'all start eating Y/n: sooo nia who's y...

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And u go downstairs
Y/n: are we going
Nia: yeah go see who else coming
U go to Anna's room
Y/n: u coming to Diego's
Anna: no I'm good I'm bout to play the game wit someone
Y/n: who
Anna: a friend
Y/n: boy or girl?
Anna: girl stop questioning me and go see Diego
Y/n: ok
U leave and go to mikes room but it's locked
Y/n: mikey it's me open the door
Mike opens the door
Mike: what
Y/n: u wanna come to Diego's
Mike: no
Y/n: ok bye
He closes the door and u just go upstairs and go to dereks room and knocks on the door
Y/n: bubs open the door
Derek: what u want
Y/n: open the door
Derek: fine
He opens the door
Y/n: u wanna come to diegos
Derek: u made me open my door for
Y/n: ok srry
U go to lai's room
Y/n: hey y'all wanna come to Diego's
Vallyk: no! always wanna ruin my time wit my gf
Lai: stop being rude
Y/n: it's fine bye
Lai: byee
U leave the room and go downstairs
Y/n: they ain't wanna come so let's go
Nia: k
Y'all leave and get in nia's car and go to Diego's when y'all get there nia gives him a kiss and hug
Y/n: hi I'm y/n
Diego: hi I'm Diego I like ur outfit
Y/n: thank you I like urs too
Y'all look eachother deeply in the eyes for a few seconds then u look away
Diego: so um y'all wanna go chill on my bed
Y/n: um yeah sure
Nia: y'all good
Diego: yeah let's go
Y'all go to Diego's room and sit on his bed and y'all watch tiktoks and scroll through ig and diego makes a tiktok

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