Part 35

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2 weeks past and ur on the plane almost about to land
(Back at home)
Mike: I'm going to pick up y/n and vallyk who coming
Kobe: me! ian go last time
Mike: fine who not going
Nia: I can't go I got a date she says leavening and getting in her car
Mike: wow ok who else not coming
Derek: ig I'll not go
Mike: ok so kobe, lai and anna let's go
They got in the car and drove to get u
(To u on the plane)
U were sleeping and y'all landed
Y/m: vallyk wake ur sister up
Vallyk: ok
He wakes u up then y'all leave the airplane say goodbye to ur mom and bruce then go outside and u text mike

(Don't mind the time)20 minutes later they come and they all say hi to u and give u hugs then mike puts ur bag in the trunk vallyk puts his own bag in the trunk then u open the passenger seatY/n: kobe go to the back Kobe: but there's barely any ro...

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(Don't mind the time)
20 minutes later they come and they all say hi to u and give u hugs then mike puts ur bag in the trunk vallyk puts his own bag in the trunk then u open the passenger seat
Y/n: kobe go to the back
Kobe: but there's barely any room back there
Y/n: too bad get in the back
Kobe: I don-
Mike: just get in the back kobe
Kobe: ugh fine
Kobe gets out and gets in the back (lai was on vallyks lap) and u get in the front next to mike
Mike: how was ur trip
Y/n: good how was it at home without me
Mike: horrible all we did was complain abt how u weren't there
Vallyk: hey what abt me
Mike: ain't nobody care abt u
Lai: I do don't listen to him bby
Anna: it's gon be hard getting use to lai calling him bby
Y/n: oh u told them
Lai: yup when me and vallyk were on ft u were sleeping
Y/n: lol
Anna: so what we doing today
Y/n: I'm sleeping
Mike: can I sleep with you
Vallyk: woah woah woah woah
Mike: not like that I meant can we cuddle and fall asleep together
Vallyk: aii cause I was abt to say
Y/n: anyways sure mikey
Kobe: hey I wanna sleep with u both ways too😏
Y/n: no shut up kobe
Vallyk: yeah before u get ya ass beat
Kobe: like u can beat my ass try me
Vallyk: ok maybe I will
They get in each others faces
Y/n: get tf back I feel bad for anna she gotta be in between y'all ugly asses
Kobe: whatever but who u think would win
Vallyk: obviously me
Y/n: anna would beat both ya asses
Anna: period
Lai: so I'm just not here
Y/n: srry bby u alr know u would beat both there asses too
Vallyk: nah shes my bby
Y/n: no she's my bby
Anna: oh so we cheating now I see how it is
Y/n: no neva bae
Kobe: omg can y'all just stfu
Y/n: damn so rude for what
Kobe: nothing y'all just annoying!
Y/n: wth is ur problem!
Y'all get to the house and kobe just leaves slams the car door and goes in the house
Everyone gets out the car except from you, u just lean ur head back on the seat and try to calm down mike opens the door on ur side
Mike: are u gonna get out the car
Y/n: yeah just give me a sec pls
Mike: u good
Y/n: yes just go pls
Mike: ok I'll be in ur room
Y/n: k
Mike gives u the keys then closes the door and goes in the house upstairs to ur room before he goes in there derek asks him a question
Derek: where's y/n
Mike: she's still in the car don't bother her she just needs a sec to breathe
Derek: aii
5mins later u leave the car lock it wit the keys and go inside
Derek: hii bubsss he says running up to u hugging u
Y/n: hi
Anna: u good y/n
Y/n: yeah just a lil stressed but it's whatever ima just go lay down
Derek let's go then u go upstairs to ur room
Mike: u good now
Y/n: yeah
Mike: ok come
He says putting his arms out u lay on him and a lil later y'all fall asleep 5mins later u wake up and hear yelling and screaming
Y/n: u hear that
Mike: yup let's go see
Y'all get up and go downstairs and see kobe throwing stuff around and yelling at everyone and arguing with them
Y/n: wth is going on can't even sleep for two damn seconds!
Vallyk: fucking kobe going crazy for no reason just came down here being disrespectful to me and my girl then acts like he ain't do nun
Vallyk: she ain't no bitch ur the bitch! He says balling his fist up
Y/n: ok ok that's enough KOBE GO UP TO UR ROOM NOW IMA BE THERE IN A SEC lai get vallyk to sit down and calm him down while I get him some water
Kobe: whatever
Lai: ok
Kobe goes up to his room and Lai calms vallyk down u go get a water bottle give it to vallyk then just put ur elbows on the counter rubbing ur temples and mike comes behind u wrapping his arms around ur waist
Mike: it's ok y/n
Y/n: thank you mikey it's just I just got off vacation and I just gotta get use to the craziness that goes on here everyday again
Mike: Ik and ur doing good now go see what wrong wit kobe u got this
Y/n: aww thank you u kiss him on the cheek then go upstairs to kobes room and sit on his bed
Y/n: what's the matter wit u kobe
Kobe: nothing
Y/n: it's obviously something if ur going all crazy and calling a girl out her name
Kobe: I don't wanna talk abt it right now
Y/n: ok fine but when ur ready talk to me
Kobe: I will
Y/n: ok
U get up and leave the room nd go to ur room
Mike: what happened
Y/n: he said he wasn't ready to talk abt it yet so I just told him to talk to me when he's ready
Mike: ok u wanna go to the mall then out to eat
Y/n: sure hopefully kobe doesn't kill anyone when we're gone
Mike: he'll be fine get ready I'm going in my room to get ready
Y/n: ok
Mike leaves and u lock ur door get undressed then go in the shower do ur shower routine blah blah blah
Get dressed into this:

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