Part 57

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A few weeks later...

you got back from ur parents house yesterday vallyk went there too but he left like two days ago and flew to LA wit lai, Anna was still in Florida, Kobe and his family went to Kentucky to see more of his family and mike went to Las Vegas wit angel so it was just you and Derek at the house u were chilling on ur bed derek was in his room taking a shower when he was done he came into ur room with his hair dripping wet and a towel loosely wrapped around his waist u were examining his body not noticing how long u we're looking

Derek said snapping u out of ur thoughts
Y/n: uh srry yea
Derek: damn Ik I'm hot but u was starring hard asf
Y/n: no I wasn't shut up
Derek: mhm ok
Y/n: I wasn't
Derek: so ur sure u don't want me to just take this off
He says putting both his hands on his towel u cover ur eyes just in case he'd actually do it
Y/n: ew no derek dont
Derek: I'm just playing I just came in here to ask if I could borrow ur brush bc I accidentally left mine home
Y/n: oh yea sure
U get up off ur bed and go into ur bathroom grabbing ur brush and giving it to him
Y/n: and come back in here fully clothed pls
Derek: why u can't handle looking at me almost naked bc I'm so sexy Ik
Y/n: no u weirdo stop being like that where did my innocent best friend go
Derek: I was never innocent and it's daddy not best friend even tho I'm both
He says smirking
Y/n: get out my room u nasty smut
U say throwing a pillow at him
Derek: ok I'll take myself and my long shlong out of here
Y/n: yes pls do and ew
He left ur room and came back a few mins later with a white shirt and sweats on he came onto the bed in between ur legs hovering over u his chain dangling above ur face
Derek: hey
Y/n: um hello
u said confused why he was hovering over u
Derek: why'd u say it like that
Y/n: bc ur just hovering over me being weird
Derek: u don't like this position
He questioned u
Y/n: nuh uh bring that smut shi somewhere else
Derek: why
He asked looking at u innocently
Y/n: idk what's going on wit u but I think you've been hanging wit Kobe too much
Derek: nah ur just rlly hot
He says licking and biting his lip
Y/n: oh well thank you
Derek: mhm
U were just looking into each others eyes for a lil until he closed his eyes and started leaning in u closed ur eyes as well kissing him back

yall started to make out then he moved his lips to ur neck and started kissing and sucking on it leaving hickeys he found ur sweet spot making u moan he smirked and placed his hand on the bottom of ur shirt he looked at u for consent u nodded he pulled it up off u and unclipped ur bra doing the same thing that he did to ur neck now to ur chest and breasts he started leaving a trail of kisses down towards ur 🐱 he stopped when he got to the starting of ur pants he took them off leaving u only in underwear he looked up at u asking for consent again u nodded and he took them off and started to finger u slowly
Y/n: fuc go faster
U moaned
Derek: faster aii bet
He starts going faster and faster u were moaning
Y/n: ugh fuck
Derek: moan my name ma
Y/n: derek
U moaned he took his fingers out and started using his tongue but u got a ft call

Derek: who is it
Y/n: mike
Derek: ru gonna answer it
Y/n: yes
U get off ur bed putting ur underwear pants and shirt on without ur bra and get back on ur bed calling mike back
Y/n: hey
Mike: hey wyd
Y/n: nothing rlly just chilling wit Derek
U put Derek's face in the camera
Mike: oh hi derek
Derek: hi
Y/n: y tf are y'all being so dry damn
Mike: is anyone else there
Y/n: nope
Mike: oh ok
Y/n: when are u getting back
Mike: shi ion know maybe like a week or two
Y/n: ok are y'all doing anything tn
Mike: yea I think we walking down the strip
Y/n: thts sounds like fun I wish I was there
Mike: I'll bring u here sometime maybe soon ok
Y/n: ok
Angel: yo get ready so we can go
Mike: aii y/n I'm going now bye ly
Y/n: ly2 bye
U hang up derek has his back turned towards u and was on his phone
Y/n: derek
u put ur hand on his arm he didn't respond to u tho
Y/n: are u seriously mad rn
Didn't respond to me again
Y/n: derek
U turn him so he's lying down flat on his back and sit on his lap
Y/n: derek answer me tf
Derek: what
Y/n: why ru mad
Derek: I'm not
He says rolling his eyes and looking to the side
Y/n: yes u are, ru rlly mad that we didn't fuck
Derek: no
Y/n: yes u are thts disgusting derek
Derek: I'm not mad abt that
Y/n: then what are u mad abt
Derek: we were obviously in the middle of something and u instantly stopped to answer mike we didn't have to keep going but u could've at least declined the call
Y/n: what ur mad abt that all we did was talk for like two seconds I can't talk to my friend
Derek: no u can but I just feel like...idk ur gonna go off with mike
Y/n: wym
Derek: ur gonna choose him over me y/n
U sigh

Y/n's thoughts 💭he always thinks he's not good enough for me srry but he jus sounds insecure when he does that typa shi💭

Y/n: ugh I hate my life
U say getting off Derek and laying down face palming
Derek: why
Y/n: bc I have to make so many choices I don't wanna make
Derek: so would u pick him or what abt kobe
Y/n: why do u have to ask me this Derek
Derek: bc I wanna know if I'm waisting my time on someone that I'm not even going to get
Y/n: I like both of u, you can't just make me choose between u guys
Derek: ok but y/n actually who do u choose
Y/n: I'm not choosing between u guys
Derek: well I don't wanna be an option so
Y/n: derek can we pls do this when everyone comes back
Derek: mhm I'm tired asf anyways u should play wit my hair
U laugh
Y/n: yes ofc u bi polar freak
He gives a slight smile then lays on ur stomach falling asleep as ur playing with his hair

idek what this chapter even is😂

word count: 1225

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