Part 64

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It was the morning after your party and you were hungover, derek came in with eggs, sausage, toast and orange juice, he handed the plate to u and set your drink down on your night stand then kissed your forehead

derek: i knew you'd be hungover so i made you food and i got you some ibuprofen

y/n: thank you baby

derek: you're welcome beautiful

u finish your food then go downstairs to clean your dishes with derek following behind you then mike walks in the house

y/n: hey mike

he js nods his head at you then goes in his room

y/n: ugh he's still mad

derek: yea cause he's a bitch

he kisses ur cheek then wraps his arms around your waist hugging you

y/n: don't call him that

derek: mhm wtv

y/n: i needa go talk to him

derek: why

y/n: derek you know why don't be a dick

derek: i'm not, wtv go talk to mike

he lets go of you then walks upstairs

y/n: so now your mad at me

he doesnt answer and goes into his room

u roll ur eyes and knock on mikes door

y/n: mike can i come in please i really need to talk to you

mike: fine

u open the door and sit next to him on his bed

y/n: mike i'm sorry i didn't tell you about derek, i really should've but i just didn't know when to tell you

mike: im just mad bc i feel like im always waiting for you

y/n: what're you talking abt

mike: y/n ever since i met you i wanted you i just aint know how to tell you then you got wit kobe and i was waiting for you to be done with him so i can tell you how i feel and then you get with derek it makes me feel like shit and you been leading me on too this whole time acting like we could have sum

y/n: mike i'm sorry i didn't mean to-

mike: just leave ion wanna be around you no more y/n

y/n: okay sorry i'll give you space for awhile

u leave his room and close the door then you walk upstairs and knock on derek's door then open it

y/n: derek why ru mad at me

derek: because you always tryna prioritize other people's feelings over our relationship

Y/n: no I don't your over exaggerating obviously I care about everyone's feelings so when something upsets them I do my best to make it better

Derek: ok but you don't gotta do that all the time let them come to you if it's that bad, I just feel like I'm the last person you turn to tbh

Y/n: that's not true you're the first person I turn to for everything I care for you so much

Derek: I care for you too y/n, like a lot

Y/n: don't be mad

Derek: I'm not mad anymore

Y/n: ok good

U kiss and hug

Derek: come here

He pats between his legs

Derek: ima braid your hair

U lay between his legs and u guys watch tv while he braids your hair

Derek: ok I'm done

Y/n: omg you did good, how'd you learn to do this

Derek: my sister and my mom

Y/n: ohh well good job

U turn around and straddle him then kiss him he squeezes your butt

Derek: you got these tight ass shorts on

Y/n: you don't like them?

Derek: hell yeah I do they look mad good on you ma

Y/n: oh really?

U grind on him a little bit

Derek: don't do that

Y/n: do what

Derek: that grinding shi

Y/n: what this...

U grind on him again, he smiles and throws his head back

Derek: yes that

U grind on him again

Derek: fuck y/n stop

He grabs you by your throat at pulls you down toward him and starts making out with you, you moan into the kiss as someone walks in the room

Vallyk: oh fuck no get your hands off my sister nigga, u niggas is disgusting if your gonna do that shi do it with the door locked

Y/n: shut the fuck up vallyk get the fuck out

Vallyk: no fucking in my house

You throw a pillow at him but before it can hit him he closes the door, then you start to make out again and you put your hand on the waistband of his pants but he takes your hand off

Derek: stop ion want these nosey ass niggas opening the door and shi while I'm mid-stroke

You laugh then hit his arm

Y/n: Derek!

Derek: I'm being serious

Y/n: okay then I'll just lock the door

Derek: how about we just watch the show that's on and cuddle

Y/n: I don't wanna watch a show I wanna fuck

He laughs

Derek: chill out y/n

Y/n: I'm being fr

Derek: what did you take that got you acting like this right now

Y/n: nothing I just want you

You kiss him again then slide your hand down his body from his chest down to his dick, he bites his bottom lip

Derek: let's take a shower

He sits up and picks you up and brings you into his bathroom and sets you on the counter then closes and locks the door behind him then he kisses you and you start making out he breaks the kiss by taking your shirt off along with the rest of your clothes and he takes his off then you both get in the shower

After your shower you fall asleep on his bed, a few hours later you wake up and Derek's next to you on his phone playing with your hair

Y/n: hey my handsome boy

Derek: hey beautiful

Y/n: how long was I sleeping for

Derek: idk a few hours

Y/n: oh damn, well I had a good ass sleep

Derek: got that good ass sleep after that good ass dick

Y/n: derek shut the fuck up

Derek: I'm just saying the truth

Y/n: whatever shut up

Derek: get some clothes on girl

Y/n: ok I will

You get up and grab a pair of his boxers and a shirt and put it on

word count: 1072

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