Part 47

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U wake up and kobe hung up u got a text from ballo asking to hang out u said yes and y'all are going to the gym first u take a shower then u put on this:

U wake up and kobe hung up u got a text from ballo asking to hang out u said yes and y'all are going to the gym first u take a shower then u put on this:

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Went downstairs ate a energy bar then grabbed ur water bottle left and headed to the gym, u got there went inside and saw ballo lifting weights he put them down Ballo: hey Y/n: hi damn u strong aslBallo: thx Y/n: mhmY'all worked out together and a...

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Went downstairs ate a energy bar then grabbed ur water bottle left and headed to the gym, u got there went inside and saw ballo lifting weights he put them down
Ballo: hey
Y/n: hi damn u strong asl
Ballo: thx
Y/n: mhm
Y'all worked out together and after y'all were done y'all were mad sweaty
Y/n: do u have extra clothes in ur bag
Ballo: yeah
Y/n: u wanna come to my house, we can take showers then chill there
Ballo: sure
Y'all went in ur cars and went to ur house
Y/n: u can go in dereks room and use his shower
Ballo: aii thx
Y/n: np
U took ur showers and changed
Ur outfit:

Went downstairs ate a energy bar then grabbed ur water bottle left and headed to the gym, u got there went inside and saw ballo lifting weights he put them down Ballo: hey Y/n: hi damn u strong aslBallo: thx Y/n: mhmY'all worked out together and a...

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Y'all go downstairs then watch a movie and while y'all are watching the movie ballo puts his hand on ur thigh u look at him and take it offY/n: I'm srry I just- idk theres too much going on and I don't wanna lead u on or anything I'm j-Ballo: it's...

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Y'all go downstairs then watch a movie and while y'all are watching the movie ballo puts his hand on ur thigh u look at him and take it off
Y/n: I'm srry I just- idk theres too much going on and I don't wanna lead u on or anything I'm j-
Ballo: it's ok y/n calm down I shouldn't have done that I'm srry
Y/n: no no ur fine
Y'all finish the movie then everyone comes home
Vallyk: whoa why ru wearing that with him here u barely know him
Y/n: bc I can
Vallyk: well tell him to leave
Y/n: no why
Vallyk: bc ion want him here
Y/n: well I do
Vallyk: Idc he has to leave bc mom said that when ur with me I'm the boss of u
Y/n: ur so fucking annoying he's staying
Ballo: no y/n if ur brother wants me to go I should go
Y/n: omg whatever
He leaves and u go upstairs to ur room
Mike: vallyk bro chill out u don't need to be the boss of her 24/7 it's just a friend and she can wear whatever she wants around whoever she wants
He goes upstairs and knocks on ur door
Y/n: what
Mike: it's mike
Y/n: ok
U open the door and let him in
Mike: u look good in dem shorts
Y/n: oh yeah
Mike: yeah
Y/n: thx ig🙄
Y'all look into each others eyes and then lean in and kiss he pulls u onto him and grips on ur ass without breaking the kiss and y'all start making out then u hear a knock on the door and u pull away
Y/n: who is it
Vallyk: me
U roll ur eyes and get off mike and unlock the door he comes in and mike leaves
Vallyk: look y/n Ik I shouldn't have kicked out ur friend and all that I just didn't want u to get another boy attached to u and then if u date someone else they'll be all heartbroken
Y/n: vallyk I don't like him and I'm pretty sure he doesn't like me he's just my friend
Vallyk: Ik
Y/n: well thx
Vallyk: yw
Y/n: bye
Vallyk: bye
He leaves ur room and u lay down under ur covers and put a show on the tv abt 10mins later u get up and go downstairs and get a snack and mike wraps his arms around u and whispers in ur ear
Mike: we gonna finish what we started
Y/n: no
Mike: aii
He lets go of ur waist and sits on the couch and u go upstairs to ur room unpause ur show and eat ur snack then anna comes in ur room
Anna: hey
Y/n: heyyy
Anna: so I have a question
Y/n: ok
Anna: so ru and mike dating
Y/n: no why
Anna: idk y'all are just always together and all touchy and u know I feel like ur better wit derek so im just making sure
Y/n: what's wrong wit mike
Anna: nothings wrong with him I just ig ship u more with derek u and mike are still cute tho
Y/n: ok well I'm not rlly in a dating type of mood so
Anna: yeah ok I'll leave u alone srry for bothering u
Y/n: no ur good
Anna: ok bye
Y/n: bye

Ima end it like that so yeah ly❤️ vote, word count: 750

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