Part 25

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U wake up and Derek and mike are still on u so u wake them up
Y/n: guys wake up!
Derek: I'm up
Mike: 😴
Y/n: mikeeeeeyyyyyyyy!
Mike: I'm up I'm up
Good now get off me I gotta go live and say somethings
Derek&mike: ok
U go live the live:
Y/n: hey guys I just gotta um say some things and pls don't hate after I say them
Comment: we love u nobodys gonna hate u
Y/n: aww thank you I just gotta send the live to someone one sec u send the live to kobe
Comment: who did u send it to
Y/n: y'all will see in a sec
*kbreezo joins*
Y/n: ok kobe request to join
Comment: omg are y'all dating
Y/n: no no
U added kobe to the live
Kobe: yurrr
Y/n: hello lightskin mf
Comment: where's everyone
Y/n: mike and Derek are right here u point the camera to them
Y/n: and everyone else is downstairs I'm pretty sure
Comment: ok what did u wanna tell us
Y/n: ok um
Y/n: um
Kobe: u good
Y/n: yeah um
Comment: tf is wrong with her
Comment: she's probably dating Kobe
Comment: why she stuttering😭
Y/n: um-um
Derek comes and rubs ur back
Derek: it's ok y/n just calm down
Y/n: thank you bubs u take a deep breath
Y/n: anyways like I was saying what I'm about to tell u pls don't hate I'm confident enough to tell u so don't tell anyone pls
Comment: we won't it's ok babe
Kobe: ur good ma just go
Y/n: thank you anyways like I was saying yes I gave Kobe the hickey
Comment: omg I knew itttt
Comment: I can't deny it y'all together
Y/n: y'all ain't let me finish u grad Dereks head and turn it to show the hickey
Y/n: I gave derek one too then u take mikes head and turn it to show the hickey
Y/n: and mike and I'm srry if I disappointed y'all and Ik I shouldn't have done that it was wrong of me
Comment: ur such a hoe
Comment: ew u slut
Comment: u probably cheated on kobe with both of them
Y/n: um I th-think ima g-g-go
Kobe: y/n it's ok don't listen to them ur amazing ok
Y/n: thank you but um yeah ima end it bye guys bye Kobe
U kiss the phone then end the live
Mike: u did a good job y/n
Derek: yeah u were great don't listen to the haters they're just jealous
Y/n: aww thank you guys I love u
Mike&derek: love u too
Y'all hug then kobe comes bursting through the door
Kobe: ay what we doing today
Y/n: damn bitch bursting through my door for what
Derek: fr
U lay ur head on dereks shoulder
Kobe: hey how come u never lay ur head on my shoulder
Y/n: idk u gremlin(I can't😭 when Derek called mike a gremlin then on live mike said if he calls him a gremlin again he gon shave his eyebrows💀)
Kobe: ur so mean to me
Y/n: suck it up butter cup
Kobe: y'all see how she treat me we obviously know who's the favorite
Y/n: who
Kobe: derek! obviously
U pull mikes head onto ur lap and start playing with his curls (ur head was still on dereks shoulder)
Y/n: I love my mikey too
Kobe: what abt me
Y/n: oh yeah ur a person
Kobe: wow ion ever get any respect I came here to hang wit u and u just acting like I'm nobody
Y/n: aww is mr.morris sad
Kobe: yes I'm going home
Y/n: ur so dramatic I was kidding come u say holding out ur arms wanting him to hug u Kobe walks over to u and hugs u but only for like a sec
Mike: bitch get ya nasty ass away from me
Kobe: y/n's the one who wanted me to hug her
Y/n: don't be blaming me
U look up at derek
Y/n: bubs u good u haven't been talking
He nods his head u take out ur phone and text him

morris sadKobe: yes I'm going homeY/n: ur so dramatic I was kidding come u say holding out ur arms wanting him to hug u Kobe walks over to u and hugs u but only for like a secMike: bitch get ya nasty ass away from meKobe: y/n's the one who wanted ...

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