Part 29

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(Ima just prepare u for this long ass chapter bc u gon be reading this for a long time so go get some snacks and sit back and enjoy😭❤️)

U wake up to ur phone going off jiggy, Cohen, ballo and jaiden are all calling u you pick up jai's
The call:
Y/n: hey
Jai: hi I'm having a big pool party at my house u wanna come
Y/n: yeah can I bring everyone in the house plus a few more friends
Jai: sure
Y/n: k thx byeeee
Jai: bye
U hang up then call Cohen
Y/n: hi coco
Cohen: finally I've been calling u for forever
Y/n: srry I like my sleep anyways u wanna come to a pool party with me and a few others
Cohen: sure
Y/n: ok meet me at my house at 10pm we'll go to the party all together
Cohen: ok
Y/n: jiggys calling me bye
Cohen: bye
U call jiggy
Y/n: hi jigs
Jiggy: hi wyd today
Y/n: I'm going to a pool part u wanna come
Jiggy: yeah who's gonna be there
Y/n: a lot of people
Jiggy: do Ik any of them
Y/n: cohens coming and I think everyone in the house is coming but idk we'll see
Jiggy: aii
Y/n: meet me at my house at 10pm
Jiggy: aii bye
Y/n: bye
U call ballo
Ballo: wsp shawtyyy
Y/n: hi ballo
Ballo: u wanna hang today
Y/n: well I can't hang with just us bc my friend invited me to a pool party but u can come if u want
Ballo: yeah I'll come that sounds like fun
Y/n: ok I'll send u my address so we can all go to the party together
Ballo: ok bye
Y/n: bye
U hang up and wake up mike
Y/n: mikeyyyyy
No response
Y/n: mike wake up!
Mike: I'm up
Y/n: come in the living room with me
Mike: why
Y/n: you'll see just come
Mike: aii
U and mike go into the living room and Kobe vallyk and Lai are in there
Y/n: where's everyone else
Kobe: sleeping
Y/n: well can y'all help me wake them up and bring them into the living room I gotta ask y'all sum
Lai: ok I'll get nia
Vallyk: I'll get Anna
Y/n: who's getting Derek
No response
Y/n: omg fine I will damn
U go upstairs and get Derek and the others get Anna and nia then y'all go into the living room
Y/n: ok I have a question
Nia: ok what is it
Y/n: do y'all wanna go to jai's pool party wit me
Derek: sure
Mike: yeah I'll go
Lai: I'm down
Vallyk: me too
Anna: ofc I'll go
Nia: yup I'm going
Kobe: fine ig I'll go
Y/n: yay ok be READY TO GO by 10pm
Kobe: why'd u scream ready to go
Y/n: just so y'all know u have to be ready by 10 or ur not going and we're leaving without u
Kobe: damn ok
Y/n: ok now get out of my face
Kobe: rude ass
Y/n: shut up and carry along with ur day
Skip to 9:00pm
Everyone: ok
U go to ur room and lock the door then get undressed and take a shower do ur shower routine blah blah blah then change into this:

Then go downstairs and see everyone's down thereVallyk: G-Y/n: shut up vallyk im not changing deal with itVallyk: whatever U hear a knock on the door u open it and it's Cohen and jiggyY/n: hey guysCohen&jiggy: hey u look nice Y/n: thx come inU go ...

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Then go downstairs and see everyone's down there
Vallyk: G-
Y/n: shut up vallyk im not changing deal with it
Vallyk: whatever
U hear a knock on the door u open it and it's Cohen and jiggy
Y/n: hey guys
Cohen&jiggy: hey u look nice
Y/n: thx come in
U go over to everyone
Y/n: guys be nice to them pls they're very nice people
Kobe: ok ok well be nice
Y/n: u better be
Y/n: ok Cohen jiggy this is vallyk my brother, lai, Nia, mike and u already know anna Derek and Kobe
Jiggy: cool hey y'all
Everyone: hey
U hear another knock at the door u open it and see ballo
Y/n: ok hey ballo
Ballo: hi y/n u look good
Y/n: thx come in and meet all my friends
Ballo: k thx
Kobe: who's that
Jiggy: y/n why is he here wasn't he the dude from mc donalds
Y/n: he apologized jigs and his name is tony but he likes being called ballo so he respectful and nice ok pls and thank you
Y/n: ballo this is vallyk, lai, anna, Nia, Derek, Kobe mike, Cohen and jiggy
Ballo: cool hi
No response
Y/n: guys I said be nice
Everyone: fine hi tony
Y/n: and I said be respectful he likes being called ballo
Everyone: omg hello ballo
Y/n: thank you now let's go
Cohen: wait who's going in who's car
Y/n: the girls plus ballo can go with me um Cohen take the boys
Cohen: but there's 6 boys
Y/n: oh um vallyk come with us lai can sit on ur lap
Vallyk: um ok
Everyone: ugh ok
Y/n: everyone must stay with at least one person in this room no going off by urself no getting too drunk no causing fights no being in fights no having sex girls make sure u all have safety weapons and boys check on the girls once in awhile ok
Everyone: ok
Y/n: and y'all better listen to those rules or we're never doing this again oh and BE NICE IF U DONT IM DRAGGING U OUT THE PARTY BY UR EAR U UNDERSTAND
Everyone: yes we understand
Y/n: good now let's go
U and the girls plus vallyk and ballo all get in ur car and the rest of the boys get in cohens and y'all drive to jai's house y'all get there and get out
Y/n: ok everyone get a partner right now and y'all can switch but make sure ur with someone and no fighting over me like y'all always do
Lai: I'm with vallyk
Anna: I'll be with Nia
Cohen: I'm with y/n
Jiggy: no I'm with y/n
Kobe: no I'm going with y/n
Y/n: omg no jiggy u can go with Cohen mike go with Kobe and Derek go with ballo I'm hanging out with jai
Derek: but-
Y/n: but nothing bubs pls be nice to him y'all can become friends I'll take him in a sec I just need a break
Derek: fine
Y/m: now go
Everyone walks inside and u walk in last and see jai and u go up to him
Y/n: hey jai
Jai: hey y/n u look good
Y/n: thx I just came in here to say hi but I should go to the boys before they rip each others heads off
U go to the boys (jiggy, Cohen, Kobe, mike, Derek and ballo)
Y/n: hi does anyone wanna make a tiktok wit me
All the boys: me
Y/n: I can't make one with all of u damn
Jiggy: make one with me plsss
Cohen: no m-
Y/n: omg I said no fighting physically or with ur words I'll do one with u first jigs then anyone else who wants to do one ok
The boys: ok
U and jiggy go into a room and make a tiktok

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