Part 63

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y/n's pov:

y/n: who's big self is on me get offff

i say waking up to being suffocated

kobe: so you didn't miss me ok then

he gets off of me

y/n: kobeee

i hug him

kobe: nah don't try and love me now

y/n: shut up u jerk i missed you

kobe: you know i had to come for ur birthday

y/n: aw thanks

kobe: happy birthday lil kiddd

y/n: ur not even that much older than me

kobe: but i'm still older so

y/n: wtv

mike comes in my room and lays on me

mike: happy birthdayyy

y/n: thank you but get offff do u guys think im a damn pillow

mike: yes a very comfy one

y/n: get off ur gonna suffocate me

he gets off me

end of y/n pov

kobe: don't be so dramatic

vallyk and lai come in your room and sit on ur bed and hug you

vallyk: happy birthday lil sis

lai: happy mf birthday bitch

y/n: aw thank you guys, where's anna and derek

vallyk: uh they should be up here in a min

a few mins later anna and derek come in with breakfast for you

anna: happy birthday bitch i luv ya

she kisses ur cheek

derek: happy birthday y/n

they hand you ur food

y/n: aw thank you guys

anna: ok let y/n eat everyone get out

everyone except derek leaves ur room

derek: happy birthday babe

y/n: thank you my love

y'all kiss

derek: i love you

y/n: i love you more

u kiss again

y/n: all i wanna do is cuddle w my man today

derek: we can do tht for awhile then later we got some stuff to do

y/n: like what

derek: it's a surprise you'll find out ltr

y/n: okkk

u cuddle for awhile then you end up taking a shower and getting ready, u and derek go out and you end up at the nail salon

derek: i'm taking u to get ur nails done

y/n: aww derek thank u bby

u kiss his cheek

derek: your welcome now let's go

anna's pov:

we had derek take y/n out all day until we're all done planning her birthday party

vallyk: okay we have to make this perfect for my lil sis

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