Part 33

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Skip to a week later u wake up and just watch tiktok and then u get a call from ur mom
Y/m= your mom
The call:
Y/n: hi ma
Y/m: hi baby I was wondering if u and vallyk wanted to come on a trip with me and Bruce (ur step dad) we can have a family trip to Hawaii
Y/n: um...yeah sure ima ask vally but I'm down
Y/m: ok we're leaving tomorrow at 6 and we're gonna be there for 2 weeks
Y/n: what! dang that's a long time ima miss my friends too much
Y/m: Ik but it'll be fun u don't just get to go to Hawaii everyday
Y/n: ok I'll go I'm not sure vallyk will tho
Y/m: yes he will make him but I gtg bye love u
Y/n: bye love u too ma
U hang up then go downstairs and go to vallyks room
Y/n: vally wake up!
Vallyk: I'm up I was just closing my eyes
Y/n: oh ok mom called me and wanted to know if u would like to go to Hawaii with me her and Bruce
Vallyk: sure when
Y/n: we leave tomorrow at 6 and for 2 weeks
Vallyk: what that's so long I can't stay away from my friends that long or my girl- I mean-
Y/n: hold up we're u gonna say girlfriend who is it LAI! OMG! OMG! y'all are dating!
Vallyk: sh sh sh calm down before someone hears u and yes I'll admit it we're dating
Y/n: ahhhh! I'm so happy for y'all when are u gonna tell everyone
Vallyk: idk yet but let's continue talking abt the trip
Y/n: srry I'm just happy for u anyway are u gonna go mom said that she wants us to spend some family time together
Vallyk: sure I'll go
Y/n: ok how are we gonna tell the others
Vallyk: idk but they're not gonna like it
Y/n: Ik but too bad let's go make breakfast
Vallyk: aii
U and vallyk make breakfast then set the table wake up everyone then sit at the table and start eating

Y/n: so guys me and vallyk got sum to tell y'all
Nia: what are y'all not actually siblings and ur dating😧
Y/n: bitch tf no
Nia: oh then what is it
Vallyk: me and y/n are going on to Hawaii with our family
Mike: oh that's cool
Y/n: BUT-
Derek: uh oh
Anna: I'm scared
Kobe: me too
Y/n: omg stfu so I can talk
Anna: ok ok go ahead
Y/n: ok like I was saying but we're leaving tomorrow at 6am and were gonna be there for abt 2 weeks
Derek: WHAT! two weeks!
Kobe: that's so long I can barley even stay away from u for two hours
Y/n: Ik🙄
Derek: come on bubs ima miss u🥺
Y/n: Ik but we never really spend time with our family and Hawaii will be so fun
Lai: but y'all are gonna be gone foreverrrr
Y/n: Ik but we'll be back sooner then u know it
Mike: no it's gonna seem like a year
Y/n: Ik mikey but I'll call one of y'all each day
Mike: I get Monday
Kobe: no I get Monday!
Y/n: stop acting like lil babies mike gets Monday, kobe gets Tuesday, derek gets Wednesday, Thursday I'm not calling anyone I want a day to myself girls u wanna all do Friday
The girls: sure
Y/n: aii so girls Friday, and I'll do Cohen and jiggy on Saturday and Sunday
Mike: ugh fine I'm driving y'all there tho
Lai: I'm coming
Derek: me too
Anna: I'm coming I gotta get every last sec wit my bae y/n
Kobe: I'm coming and she's my soon to be bae just wait
Y/n: first of all keep dreaming breezo and second u can't all come Lai Anna mike and Derek
Kobe: hey no fair
Nia: how are y'all gonna fit still
Y/n: Lai will just sit on vallyks lap
Kobe: ok then u sit on my lap I wanna gooooo😩
Y/n: stop being a cry baby
Kobe: I'm not but obviously Mikes ur favorite bc he gets to drive u and call u first
Y/n: Kobe stop being a baby I'm gonna call u second they asked first u can't just be like nia and just suck it up damn
Anna: ong
Kobe: whatever
Kobe got up and went upstairs to his room
Y/n: so fucking annoying ima go upstairs and call jiggy and cohen
Mike: can I come
Y/n: why
Mike: I wanna cuddle
Y/n: ok come
U and mike go upstairs to ur room and cuddle and u call jiggy
The call:
Y/n: hey jigs
Jiggy: hey y/n wyd
Y/n: nm
Jiggy: dang u cuddling another one of them again
Y/n: yes I can't get rid of them
Mike: hey ur mean
Y/n: shut up
Y/n: anyways I just called u bc I have to tell u something
Jiggy: um ok is everything good
Y/n: yeah I just wanted to tell u I'm going to Hawaii with my family tomorrow
Jiggy: oh that's cool
Y/n: yeah BUT
Jiggy: uh oh
Y/n: why is everyone saying that
Jiggy: bc everything after the word but is bad
Y/n: whatever like I was saying but I'm gonna be there for 2 weeks
Jiggy: two weeks! damn that's long
Y/n: Ik Ik I'll call u the sundays ima be there
Jiggy: aii
Y/n: bye love u
Jiggy: luv ya
U hang up
Mike: what we gonna do abt Kobe
Y/n: wym
Mike: he's all mad now I bet
Y/n: Ik but he'll get over him self he's gonna walk through that door and apologize I just know it bc that's just my kobe
Mike: yeah ig can u play with my hair
Y/n: sure
U play with mikes hair and go on ur phone with the other one a few minutes later Mike puts on a movie and u put down ur phone and watch it halfway through the movie someone opens the door and u think it's Kobe but it was actually Derek
Y/n: oh hi bubs whatchu need
Derek: I want cuddles
Mike: but I have her
Derek: idc it's my turn u had her for like 2 hours and I'm not gonna be able to cuddle with her for two weeks
Mike: fine
Mike gets up and Derek comes next to u and u play with his hair while watching the movie and he falls asleep a half hour(30min) later u hear someone moaning Kobe's name
Y/n: bubs get up for a sec
No response
No response
Derek: yes
Y/n: can u get up for a sec ima go get water and chips
Derek: yeah get me a water too
Y/n: k
Derek gets off u and u get up and go to Kobe's room and decide weather to go in or not and u do and when u open it u see Ashley on top of Kobe riding him

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