Part 51

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U were the first one to wake up so u made breakfast for everyone and woke them up and most of y'all sat on the table some sat on the couch
Everyone: thank you y/n
Y/n: ur welcome
Y'all finished ur food and everyone left (that didn't live there)
Derek: y/n
U were talking to mike so u didn't hear him
Derek: y/n
Derek: y/n u wanna go to the mall
Derek: bro y/n
Vallyk: Y/N
Y/n: what
Vallyk: derek tryna talk to u
Y/n: oh srry I didn't hear u I was talking to mike what were u saying
Derek: nvm
He got up and went to his room
Y/n: no wait- derekkk
U got up and went up to his room going in
Derek: u not finna knock
Y/n: derek what's the matter why u acting all weird
Derek: nothing
Y/n: I know somethings bothering u what is it
Derek: I like u y/n like a lot and ur always rapped up around Mike he's all u think abt and u don't even acknowledge me
Y/n: I'm srry I didn't mean to let's hang out today just us
Derek: yeah I was trying ask u to go to the mall but u were talking to mike
Y/n: Ik I'm srry just because I hang out with mike more doesn't mean I like u any less
Derek: hmmm
Y/n: what
Derek: hmmmmmm
Y/n: whatttt
Derek: I want sum
Y/n: what
Derek: I'll just show u
He closes his eyes putting his hand on ur cheek kissing u you kiss back and y'all start making out til u hear the door open u pull apart
Lai: oh srry we're abt to go get some food and wanted to see if y'all wanted anything
Y/n: um yea sure
Derek: yeah I'll get something too
Vallyk: k
They close the door
Y/n: ima go take a shower for the mall
Derek: yea me too
U get up and go to ur room taking a shower u change into this:

U were the first one to wake up so u made breakfast for everyone and woke them up and most of y'all sat on the table some sat on the couchEveryone: thank you y/nY/n: ur welcomeY'all finished ur food and everyone left (that didn't live there) Derek...

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U knock on dereks door and he opens it
Y/n: u ready
Derek: yeah
Y'all went downstairs
Mike: where y'all going
Y/n: mall
Mike: can I come
Derek: no
Mike: ok then
Y/n: srry
Mike: it's fine
Y'all left and got in the car going to the mall
Y/n: where u wanna go
Derek: let's get some matching shoes and outfits or sum
Y/n: ok
Y'all went to footlocker and a clothing store and got matching outfits (I'll show them later)
Y/n: ima go get some perfume and some other stuff
Derek: k text me when u done so we can go to the food court
Y/n: ok
U got perfume, lotion, body scrub etc. then texted Derek saying u were done y'all went to the food court and sat down eating and talking making jokes and watching tiktoks together one of mikes tiktoks came on and ur whole facial expression changed from happy so sad and confused

Caption: ❤️😏 @kailahvanessa

@y/nismyidol what abt y/n
@laila_hunt ummm...wha
@vallykpena smh bro🤦🏽‍♂️
@kbreezo L
@mikesclench y/n betta @y/npena
@merekgoalsss ig derek gets y/n💀
@y/nisthebaddest I bet y/n don't gaf she got guys chasing after her left and right
↪️@dereksfood purrr
@theofficial.jale nooo srry y/n bae
@addisontauaii I- but- ok
@imangelrivera bro wtf is u doin😑

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