Part 40

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U wake up and Dereks not there u just scroll through tiktok and insta (kobe already left for playlist)
Derek: idk man I rlly like her and I wanna ask her out
Vallyk: did u see what happened yesterday wit kobe and mike they got mad mad
Derek: Ik but I want her to myself
Vallyk: well u can't do it now
Derek: then maybe like a week before we go to playlist so mike and kobe have her for a while
Vallyk: but Kobe's gonna be gone for a month before that
Derek: so he had her already and it's his fault he lost her
Vallyk: u got a point so ig do it a week before we go
U come downstairs
Y/n: do what a week before u go where
Vallyk: nothing just guy stuff not important
Y/n: um ok
U go in the kitchen and make some eggs and toast then start to eat it on the dinning table
Derek: u couldn't make anyone else some
Y/n: nope
Derek: aii ig I'll go cook
Y/n: NO u gon burn the house down we ain't letting that happen again
Derek: then make me something
Y/n: eat cereal
Derek: no
Y/n: fine come here
U say patting the chair next to u and he sits down and u feed him ur breakfast while still eating some too when ur done u wash ur dish then lay on the couch and derek comes and lays on u and u play with his hair and he falls asleep
Vallyk: u treat him like a baby
Y/n: Ik bc he is a lil baby
Vallyk: so um I gotta question
Y/n: ok
Vallyk: so outta all the boys Derek, Kobe, Mike, jiggy, David and ballo who do u like the most like u would date them right now
Y/n: u can't just ask that I like all of them, but let me just say one person I wouldn't date is kobe
Vallyk: why
Y/n: bc he a little desperate and I dated him already
Vallyk: yeah I get it
Y/n: and why did u ask me that question
Vallyk: which one
Y/n: the one abt all the boys
Vallyk: bc um one of them really really likes u and they want to ask u out but I said they shouldn't at least not right now and they also think that u like the others more than him
Y/n: awww no tell them that I love them the same as the others and they mean the world to me and I just can't be in a relationship right now I don't wanna hurt the others
Vallyk: ok
Y/n: omg I literally forgot abt nia she haven't talked to me in forever bc of her lil mystery bf
Vallyk: who
Y/n: n-
Vallyk: asked bye
Y/n: wow rude
Vallyk leaves and goes into his room and cuddles wit lai and u text nia

U wake up and Dereks not there u just scroll through tiktok and insta (kobe already left for playlist)Derek: idk man I rlly like her and I wanna ask her outVallyk: did u see what happened yesterday wit kobe and mike they got mad madDerek: Ik but I...

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U go on ur phone and a few minutes later you fall asleep an hour later u wake up and Dereks gone and there's a blanket on u, u get up and go to vallyks room but he's not there u just thought he was in lai's room then u went to Anna's room and she wasn't there then u checked everyone else's room and they wasn't there
Y/n: where tf is everyone
U take out ur phone and call derek
The call:
Y/n: where are y'all
Derek: we went to get food
Y/n: oh well y'all couldn't have told me u we're going
Derek: we didn't wanna wake u but we're coming back home
Y/n: k bye
Derek: bye
U hang up then go on ur phone and scroll through ig and tiktok and they come home with Chick-fil-A and u started to tear up bc that was cohens favorite place and u remembered all the times where y'all went to Chick-fil-A and talked and laughed but u held back ur tears
Derek: we got u food
Y/n: I-I'm not hungry
Derek: u haven't eaten since this morning bubs
Y/n: I'm just not hungry ima be in my room
U go upstairs to ur room and lay down
Y/n: I'm trying to be strong for u but I keep seeing things that remind me of u and I-I cant
Derek: u gotta stop worrying abt him bubs
Y/ n: I-Ik but I just can't
Derek: yes u can...u know what cohen is probably next to you right now and follows u everywhere u go right by ur side bc he loves u
Y/n: thank you derek
U go to him and hug him

Ima just end it like that bc it's mad hard to type wit acrylics😭, vote word count: 805 words

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