Part 58

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(abt 2 weeks later...Anna and mike came back Kobe is back from Kentucky but he's barely ever in the house anyway and vallyk and lai are in LA, you've been kinda not rlly giving attention to derek and talking to him dry bc he's jus been annoying thinking everybody better than him and all that)

U and mike were laying on the couch u went into the kitchen to get water for u and mike and chips and dip Derek came into the kitchen

Derek: hey y/n
Y/n: hi
Derek: u wanna hang today
Y/n: oh uh srry I was gonna hang with mike today
Derek: where y'all going
Y/n: uhh skating...roller skating
Derek: oh cool can I come
Y/n: oh um we were just gonna go by ourselves
Derek: mhm
He grabs water out the fridge then goes upstairs and shuts his door angrily
Anna: well someone's mad
Anna says coming out her room curious of why the door was slammed
Y/n: yea
Anna: what happened
Y/n: it's derek he's mad bc I'm not letting him come roller skate with me and mike and I've kinda been ignoring and not paying attention to him for the past 2 weeks
Anna: oh why did he do something
Y/n: ugh idk he's just been annoying and acting mad jealous and says he's "not good enough for me" and saying I like Kobe and mike better
U say making air quotes with ur fingers when saying "not good enough for me"
Anna: so he feels like he's not good enough and ur making him feel like that more by ignoring him and hanging with mike do u hear ur self y/n
Y/n: well when u put it that way
Anna: exactly so go talk to him
Y/n: fineee
U leave the kitchen going upstairs and knock on dereks door
Derek: what
Y/n: it's y/n
Derek: ok what do u want
Y/n: can we talk pls
Derek: go talk to mike or sum shi
Y/n: derek
Derek opens the door
Derek: what
Y/n: I'm srry I haven't been paying u much attention it's just you've been so jealous of mike and kobe it's been getting annoying
Derek: Ik I have it's just I don't wanna be an option y/n I have feelings too
Y/n: Ik and ur not an option im srry if I made u feel like u are I love all my besties the same and nothing can change that and I'm not telling u to do this to me but if a bitch makes u feel like ur not enough then fuck them u do u and they'll eventually come around but when they do ur already gonna be doing better and have moved on and they'll regret ever losing u
Derek: thank you y/n
He says smiling and hugging u
Derek: I rlly needed fuck u ima do me and find someone better than ur ass
He slams the door in ur face and ur jaw drops in disbelief then he opened it back up a few secs later
Derek: nah I'm jp love ur annoying ass
He laughs and hugs u again
Y/n: don't do that to me u dumb mf
U say hitting his arm (not too hard ofc)
Derek: i had to
Y/n: no u rlly didn't
Derek: whatever just come in
He says sitting on his bed u go in his room and close the door behind u then sit next to him
Y/n: we can go skating later just us
Derek: bet
Y/n: do u even know how to roller skate
Derek: yes I actually do my sister loves it so I go with her a lot
Y/n: well ig I'll have to see ur skills when we go
Derek: ig so
U turn on the tv and while u were watching the show u could feel Derek's eyes on u, you turn ur head to him
Y/n: why ru looking at me
Derek: bc I wanna kiss u
Y/n: oh u do
Derek: yes very much
He says nodding his head and leaning in, u do the same and u start kissing and making out but get interrupted by someone opening the door and u quickly stop
Anna: y/n- oh um I'm srry is this a bad time
Y/n: no whatcha need
Anna: can I talk to u
Y/n: yea sure
U say looking at derek then leaving the room following her downstairs
Anna: bitch weren't u just ignoring him now y'all making out
Y/n: oh shut up
Anna: so are y'all dating or
Y/n: no anna
Anna: y'all would be so cute together thoo
Y/n: whateverr
Anna: I'm being serious tho u needa stop playing around and settle down wit someone y/n
Y/n: shut uppp
U say laughing and playfully shoving anna
Anna: I like u better with derek
Y/n: don't be so mean to mike
Anna: why ru dating mike *gasps* did u cheat on him with derek
Y/n: omg Anna no who tf do u think I am
Anna: I mean u never know with u
Y/n: ur acting like I'm sum typa huge hoe
Anna: u are...nah I'm jp I was just messing with ya
Y/n: ihy
Anna: u love me
Y/n: maybe
Y/n POV:

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