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Hey everyone!! I hope you're having a wonderful morning 🤗 I seriously want to introduce void-dreams because she has made the covers for my books and needs more credit!!

P.S. Let's get on with the story 🥵

As I made it through the throng of judgemental eyes, I counted myself lucky that for once the frat was silent.

I was glad to see that Ellie and Kylie weren't anywhere to be found.

Knowing them both, I knew they were probably fucking somebody upstairs. I didn't care anymore.

They were just as guilty.

The next minute, Luke materialized, trying his best to console me. 

"Oh my god, Kristina. I swear I had no idea-"

"It's okay," I cut in, "It's done and over with. If you can take me to the apartment, I'll give you the address."

Luke nodded solemnly. "Of course."

When we had finally started down the street, heading out of town limits, Luke began questioning me about my next plan of action. 

"You going to get revenge on him?" 

My eyes widened at this. He was the last person I thought would want karma. 

"No, Luke. I'm not going to do that. He showed his true colors months ago and I chose to ignore it. Hell, everyone warned me against him. I have no one to blame but myself."

Luke tightened his hands around the steering wheel, strangely reminding me of the way Hero would do that when frustrated. Was everything going to remind me of him?

"Not really," He admitted, "Hero's always been that way. He charms the ladies to get in their pants."

I shut my eyes, feeling a sore in my chest. I remembered his special place on the cliffside, under the stars. I couldn't think of this right now. It was too much. 

"Well, it's over," I stated firmly. "Now I have to find a way to fix things."

"Yeah, I heard that," Luke said, "Do you really not have a place to live?"

I looked down at my lap. "No, not really. I can't stay with him."

Luke glanced over at me. "I know we dated once and we haven't exactly spoken in a while, but I can offer a bed."

I somehow didn't think this was the best idea. If I knew Hero, he would break into the house, whether we were dating or not. 

"Thank you so much, Luke," I began, "But I can't intrude like that. I have options. I have..." I trailed off, remembering that my job was possibly at stake. What if Tawnee decided I was too much of a liability?

"If you change your mind," Luke pressed, "I really wouldn't mind."

I shrunk in my seat. His presumptuous tone was enough to make me want to run. I wasn't wanting to try going out with him again. 

When we reached the apartment, I thanked Luke quickly and exited as fast as I could.

I cursed as I realized that I hadn't locked the door. If I kept doing that, anyone might stumble in.
Focusing on more important matters, I realized I had a small time frame before Hero chased me here.

Rushing to the living room, my brain went crazy, trying to think of how I was going to start packing. Better yet, how I was going to find a place to sleep. 

Yes, I could try phoning Elouise and Charlie, asking if I could crash back home, but they were likely to deny unless I was willing to quit college.

On top of that, They had no idea I was pursuing a career. Better to not open that can of beans.

Tawnee was my last hope. 

Oh, why did I ever agree to sign a lease?

Picking up my phone, I immediately dialed. 

"Kristina?" A female voice answered. I already knew it was her.

"Tawnee, Tawnee!" I shouted, worried we'd lose reception. "I have a problem- I know I haven't started the job but I really-"

"Calm down," Tawnee said, "Take a deep breath. Tell me what the issue is. You are on the employee list, after all."

I sighed after a beat.

"Hero and I broke up, just a few minutes ago. I don't have a place to go..."

"I don't understand," Tawnee replied, "I thought you bought an apartment together."

I shut my eyes, already knowing I'd have to relay our breakup to several people. 

"I know, I just... It's personal stuff. I don't want to get into it now. I was only wondering about the companies housing program..."

It didn't take long for Tawnee to sympathize with me.

"Of course. Let's meet here in a few to discuss and have lunch."

I left my worries about the apartment and Hero far behind me as I drove to an Italian restaurant a few miles away. For the time being, it seemed that my housing worries were resolved. I believed that I had enough strength in me to ignore Hero's antics. 

I was not giving in this time. 

As soon as we ordered drinks and food, Tawnee began outlining my options for housing as I would have to wait for my first paycheck to do much else.

"I normally don't do this, but I have a townhouse in Barber. Or I can place you in a motel."

I knew even if I took the townhouse and received rides from the company, I still wanted to stay in a motel and earn my keep. 

"I'd rather have a motel," I admitted. 

After a minute of silence, I decided that it was time to come clean. 

"Tawnee, there's something I think you should know."

She furrowed her brows. "What's wrong, sweetheart?"

I took a deep breath. "Well... there was a video that surfaced of me today. It was a tape and was taken without my knowledge.."

Tawnee shocked me by placing her hand over mine.

"Dear, say no more. I understand."

I nodded, still wanting to prove my point.

"I'm not sure if the cops will get involved."

Tawnee shook her head. "Whatever happens with you and the law is your business. This video will not affect your job."

I smiled as our drinks arrived. 

Thank heavens.

"Now enough of this negative talk," Tawnee ordered, "Let me tell you how Tahiti really is."

Let's take a moment of silence for the angel that is Tawnee Horan 🥳

How long do you think it will be until Hero comes around??

Thank you for the support.

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