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Sorry this chapter is a short one 💗💗

Thought it was a good cliffhanger though

I wasn't sure whether it had been a good idea to invite Dorinda, though as we drove off, Emma convinced me I had done a good thing.

"Is she ever as bad as her mother?" She'd asked. "Has she ever burned you?" 

When I saw the fierce look in her eyes, I shook my head. 

"No, never. She's just so... prissy sometimes. In her mind, she envisioned someone else to be with her son so she tries to pry, but other times she understands me. I don't know. Just like Hero, she's like some uncontrollable rollercoaster." 

At this, Emma sighed. 

"Well, like you told me; she seems like she's lost her way. Something might be going on with her that we have no idea." 

I smiled.

"Thanks, mom. You always have the right answers. I think I'll try to do an intervention with her and Hero."
Emma raised an eyebrow. "At the wedding?" 

I pursed my lips. "Um, yeah." 

She snorted, tightening her hold on the steering wheel. 

"Good luck." 

As days passed they soon turned into weeks. I hadn't heard from Dorinda since I invited her and wasn't sure if she'd told Hero. 

Now that I thought about it, he'd been acting distant. Way too distant. He and I hadn't gotten into any fights per-se, but everytime I attempted to get a rise out of him, he merely hummed, staying glued to his damn phone. 

A small voice in the back of my mind told me relentlessly that he had to be talking to his grandmother. Most days I wanted to take it out of his hands and smash it against the wall. 

We did still attend therapy together, but it didn't do much to help our conversations.

He remained monotone when I voiced my worries and even spent several minutes talking to Dr. Zenith alone.

She, of course, didn't reveal anything to me when they returned. 

I decided to give him his wishes.

I ignored his petty attitude, spending my time with other people. Brendan and Josephine were more than willing to spend their weekends with me. 

"What's going on?" Josephine asked as she sipped on a majito. 

I sighed, pushing my own drink away. 

"He's being an ass. He won't talk to me and when he does, it's half-assed answers. We were fine only weeks ago." 

Brendan coughed, leaning across the table. 

"Maybe it's not as it seems. Maybe he has other things going on-"

I jumped when I felt the rickety table shake. With a groan, Brendan doubled over. 

"Oh my gosh!" I gasped. "Are you okay?" 

"Yeah," Brendan managed to choke out. "I think I just twisted my.... ankle!"

Before I could console him, Jo clasped her hands in mine tightly. 

"Kristina, he's just in a mood. It's probably nothing."

Later in the week I did my best to take my friends advice though it didn't do much to alleviate my stress. I found myself downing more Ibuprofen than ever. The headaches were unbearable. 

I finished what I had to at work though I wasn't very focused. My wayward thoughts kept drifting to Hero and what he could be up to. 

He didn't want to break up, did he?
No. Stop that. He wouldn't go through all the trouble he does just to leave you.
One afternoon, I had been carrying a few stacks of printer paper when I had run into something. Or someone.

I was about to tell whatever it was to shove off, but when I knelt to pick up the packages, I saw a face I hadn't seen in awhile. 


He fluffed the collar of his jacket, meeting my eyes. 

"K-Kristina," he stuttered, "I'm so sorry I didn't see you there. Let me help." 

As he set the packages in my hands again, he started to turn.
"Excuse me... I have to go-" 

"Wait!" I shouted, hurrying to walk alongside him awkwardly. "I was actually wondering if you'd like to have lunch with me. To just talk." 

Cole froze in the middle of the office, unsure of what to do. 

"Kristina... are you sure that's the best idea?" 

I rolled my eyes. 

"If you're worried about Hero... don't. He isn't even talking to me right now, so he can't say anything." 

After a strong inward battle with himself, Cole gave in. 

"Alright, sure. I bought a few cold cuts. We can sit and talk in your office." 

I smirked as I made my way to the treasurers office. 

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