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When I woke the following morning, I felt the velvet sheets on our bed. I didn't recall having moved here after dinner, yet here I was. 

As I stared around our cluttered room, I saw that Hero was nowhere to be found. Latching my eyes on a shirt of his, I was reminded of our breakup a month ago. 

I hoped to hell we weren't headed in the same direction. I hadn't meant to offend him.

He was just so difficult when it came to his past. It was almost impossible not to push the million of buttons that got on his nerves. 

After willing myself to get out of bed, I checked the entirety of the apartment for any sign of my crazy, but lovable boyfriend. 

After coming up empty, I sipped a newly purchased starbucks coffee. It tasted like caramel and vanilla.

I found it strange that Hero would buy something like this, but I needed something quick. I didn't have long until work.

Oh shoot! Work! 

What was I to do about my ride?

Slamming the glass on the counter, I hurried to my bedside for my phone, immediately dialing Tawnee.

"Kristina! How are you?" 

I giggled. "I'm good. I'm sorry I've been quiet lately but I need a favor. I need a ride to work." 

"Of course!" Tawnee chirped. "I'll send Cole right over!"

As soon as I ended the call, I took a deep breath. Cole. I had a feeling that this wouldn't help things especially if Hero showed up. 

Oh well. I couldn't wait on him.

After taking my time in the shower easing my muscles and running my brush through my tangled hair, I spent ten minutes straightening it. 

When I headed to my drawers for an appropriate outfit, I paused on a few pieces Brendan had lent me. It was a grey crop top that read Miami Beach and a pair of cropped denim shorts.

I was going on a limb dressing this way, but for some unknown reason, I was in the mood to be spontaneous.

When I heard the knock I was anticipating, I gathered my bearings before opening the door. Much to my relief Hero wasn't standing on the other side. 

Cole was wearing his signature patchy jacket with his ebony hair styled perfectly.

At least he wasn't mad at me. 


"I heard you needed a ride?" He asked. 

"Yeah." I smiled. "Thank you so much for coming." 

I caught Cole staring at my questionable attire for a moment.

I bit my lip. "This was a last minute decision. Do I need to change again?" 

Cole's face went blank, until he realized I was waiting for a response.

"I mean... no. You're only an assistant so it shouldn't matter too much. If anyone gives you grief, send them to me."

I nodded. 

When we both made it to his Mustang and started down the empty street, Cole broke the ice.

"Is your boyfriend unavailable?" 

I sighed.

"Yeah... I... actually don't know where he is right now..." 

"Does he do that often?" 

As if sensing he'd hit a soft spot, Cole immediately back tracked. 

"I'm sorry. That was out of line. Your business is your business. I just can't get over the fact that he won you over." 

I raised a brow.


Here we were, crossing the line between employee and boss again.

Cole laughed. "If circumstances were different, would we have worked out?"

As I stared at the way his knuckles whitened on the wheel, I thought about this. If Hero had accepted his fate and went back to Kylie, would I have taken Cole on his offer? 

"I don't think so." I answered honestly. "Even when I thought Hero and I were done... I wasn't prepared for things to end."

"So I see," Cole breathed. "You two seem unable to let go."
I nodded silently. There wasn't much to respond to. 

"What about a license?" He went on. 

"O-oh." I stuttered, surprised by this topic on conversation. "I mean... I've been planning on it." 

Cole chuckled. "It's not that I don't enjoy these rides with you. I would just be happy to see your independence." 

I stared down at my lap nervously.

"Yeah. I've been wanting to take the test and get a car, but my life's been crazy if you can believe it."
Cole swallowed.

"I can- look, how about this: I know a dealership that opens late. For me specifically. If we call out and ace that test, I'll buy you a car on the spot." 

I gasped. 

"I can't accept that! I need to work and I still need to pass my permit-" 

Cole simply laughed. "Put your trust in me. I'm the head of this company and I have connections. If I want you to pass your permit and driving test on the same day, it'll happen. What do you say?"

I contemplated on turning his offer away, but my morals got the best of me.

I couldn't ruin this chance. I needed a car. Badly. 

"Fine." I grinned. "I'll do it."

I watched Cole as he dialed corporate. He was quick, providing the right details about us both and impressed me. 

At times, he was an awkward individual but when it came to his job, he had so much finesse. It was like he was born for something like this. 

When all was said and done, we were able to get decent seats at the DMV. Contrary to what I heard about the entire process, it was much more boring and daunting. 

When we finally made it to the front and Cole made it clear who he was, my papers were issued (and much to my shock they had my documents on file). 

The permit was easy. It was mostly common sense.

When the driving test reared its ugly head, however, I began to have a panic attack. Thoughts of reverse parking and street lights made me think of the worst. 

"Don't worry." Cole had repeated to me. "All that have you do is drive around a block." 

Much to my glee, he'd been right. With ease, I'd maneuvered around the cement building, without any sharp turns. 

Once I had finished and was told that my license would be shipped in a month, I couldn't believe it. I had to pinch myself. 

"How does it feel?" Cole asked as we made our way away from the lot. 

"Liberating." I replied. "I can't wait to drive." 

Cole beamed brightly.

"Off to the dealership we go. By the way, there isn't a price limit. You like what you see, just point it out." 

I leaned against the headboard, slipping my phone out of my pocket. I still hadn't recieved a call or text from Hero. 

The only thought that ran through my mind was:

How is he going to take this? 

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